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2 minutes ago, Yorkie said:

I can't wait to find out where it all went wrong. It's clearly been a botch job from the word go. The whole reveal on Sunday just felt extremely rushed; I mean look at that website ffs. Yeah, I know, incompetence, but not this incompetent.

Feels like whatever plan they had got forcibly thrown out the window for some reason, meaning they were forced into an early reveal on Sunday, and so couldn't get their PR ducks in a row, and it's been easily trashed. 

Pete Donaldson describing the logo as adopting the "Tango ice blast Cineworld life" was inspired.

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Why on earth when there are plenty of clubs going bust and struggling up and down every league below the top ones should these 6 get a big loan to sort out their apparent financial dire straights. The only, ONLY reason any club with the massive fanbase and earnings of all these clubs are struggling is pure financial mismanagement, and that they want more and plea that they need it is because they aren't willing to admit it and stop living beyond their means. 

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Just now, POOT 2.0 said:

Not one of the statements has any sincerity, whatsoever. 

Arsenal's "we made a mistake" is more like a teenager saying "I made a mistake, oooookay!".

Fuck them all. And fuck the FA. Fuck the PL and fuck UEFA. 

Also, talking about the football pyramid in the context of a closed league! FUCK. OFF. 

The Spurs one is the best one.

Levy genuinely said this: "“We regret the anxiety and upset caused by the ESL proposal. We felt it was important that our club participated in the development of a possible new structure that sought to better ensure financial fair play and financial sustainability whilst delivering significantly increased support for the wider football pyramid."

That conceit alone tells me that this can not end here. 

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5 minutes ago, Disco said:

It’s the amateurishness that annoys me as much as anything. Genuinely think I could devise better rigged super league myself that would at least not be overtly shit and destroyed within 48 hours and if it was I’d at least front it out. Honestly man.

That and it being different levels of shit of course. Not that the current alternative is in anyway good or well run from a sporting perspective.

Aye, it's been said a fair amount of times in the last 48 hours, but nothing about this has been any good whatsoever. 

The announcement was a shambles, from talking about a women's version (that was clearly never happening for a number of reasons) to blaming covid as well as trying to come across as the saviours of football. 

The league itself would have been utter shite. The arrogance thinking that 5 teams would have just been happy to join for a season before getting chucked out, the utter shite diversity of the teams that signed up and the no risk, no rewards structure would have destined it to fail even without the ethical and moral implications for the rest of football. 

They were planning on this to happen within four months, and they had no partners lined up (except for the backing/loan of JP Morgan), only 12 out of 20 teams cleared as well. It seems like it was thought of on a long lunch with a few too many beers and then hastily announced. 

Like you said Disco, any of us could have done a better job of thinking up a super league. 

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1 minute ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:

As Spurs announce they're pulling out, I'm glad their former co-owner is more concerned with goings on daan the Square :lol:

Fucking muppet.


Woah! Are you suggesting Sugar doesn't really like football?

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1 minute ago, Nobody said:

Aye, it's been said a fair amount of times in the last 48 hours, but nothing about this has been any good whatsoever. 

The announcement was a shambles, from talking about a women's version (that was clearly never happening for a number of reasons) to blaming covid as well as trying to come across as the saviours of football. 

The league itself would have been utter shite. The arrogance thinking that 5 teams would have just been happy to join for a season before getting chucked out, the utter shite diversity of the teams that signed up and the no risk, no rewards structure would have destined it to fail even without the ethical and moral implications for the rest of football. 

They were planning on this to happen within four months, and they had no partners lined up (except for the backing/loan of JP Morgan), only 12 out of 20 teams cleared as well. It seems like it was thought of on a long lunch with a few too many beers and then hastily announced. 

Like you said Disco, any of us could have done a better job of thinking up a super league. 

Makes you wonder if they ever intended for it to happen. I'm leaning towards it being a cock up but if they get better deals in thy CL or whatever, was this the plan all along? Probably not. Just can't get over the abysmal delivery of the whole thing. 

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11 minutes ago, andyc35i said:

The Tottenham statement is laughable, if you don’t have the money, then don’t spend it. Don’t pretend this is anything but trying to clear your debts;

We felt it was important that our club participated in the development of a possible new structure that sought to better ensure financial fair play and financial sustainability whilst delivering significantly increased support for the wider football pyramid’.


This "but it was going to benefit the whole pyramid" bullshit can fuck itself, too. What you mean is keep the rest of the pyramid under your thumb and sucking from your teat.



Edited by B-more Mag

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Literally went forward with it without a TV deal in place and not even a full league :lol: It was a farce from the beginning and it's no surprise considering some of the people involved are operating a few of the worst run clubs in Europe.

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6 minutes ago, Tiresias said:

Why on earth when there are plenty of clubs going bust and struggling up and down every league below the top ones should these 6 get a big loan to sort out their apparent financial dire straights. The only, ONLY reason any club with the massive fanbase and earnings of all these clubs are struggling is pure financial mismanagement, and that they want more and plea that they need it is because they aren't willing to admit it and stop living beyond their means. 

So basically they have been bribed to change their mind, absoltely fucking disgusting.

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Just now, Ameritoon said:

Literally went forward with it without a TV deal in place and not even a full league :lol: It was a farce from the beginning and it's no surprise considering some of the people involved are operating a few of the worst run clubs in Europe.

forget full league they didn't even have a full list of fucking founders with Bayern, PSG and Dortmund being very obvious absences 

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