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Other games (2021/22)


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It was so painstakingly obvious that var wouldn't work or be enjoyable. It is so obvious that it needs to just end. It is such an obviously easy fix to go with their 'most exciting league in the world' branding and end it in the epl. The players hate it, the managers hate it, the broadcasters are bored of it, the fans hate it. Yet for some unknown reason it seems to be ingrained that it must stay. Honestly blows my mind.

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VAR is a good idea in theory. I can live with the risk of muted celebrations if major errors are overturned because ultimately people want to see good decisions. I think the average team/fans aren’t going to be too distraught that they conceded a goal to a player whose hand was offside. No method completely works, but daylight would be sufficient to determine ‘clear and obvious’ while maintaining the linesman’s influence. Even the 10cm rule should eradicate a lot of these stupidly close calls.


Just personally glad I play hockey and don’t have to deal with any kind of offside rule...

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It was always going to be this way. You would have had a couple of thousand away fans there having travelled hours on a weeknight, celebrating a last minute equaliser  only to have some soulless creep play about drawing lines for a few minutes and rule it out. Absolutely desperate to remove emotion from the sport.

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I weirdly enjoy Var :lol:


Mainly because the absolute top players and managers know how easy it was to gain an unfair advantage here and there, and it has completely fucked them over.


I do agree it is a bit of a piss take at times, but there's been loads of fair decisions that have helped sides not lose unnecessary points.

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They've got to bring in some kind of margin of error into things. Very similar to umpire's call where if it's that fucking tight then the original decision stands. How this happens is up for debate but taking 3 minutes to decide someone was offside by 2mm is just ridiculous, it's killing things

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All joy being removed from the game. And there were fans begging for this to be implemented. Tragic.

Nowt wrong with VAR.  Loads wrong with the rules and how it is implemented by the officials.

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If we didnt let a few twat managers of certain clubs dictate the rules of the game with their endless fucking whining about pissy little things we wouldnt be in this situation. We're all aware marginal decisions before VAR were equally shared amongst teams and would even out over the course of a season and weren't really anything to get so het up about. But no, we pander to the idiot, angry, woe is us victims and end up with this ridiculous extreme. All this madness with fucking lines being drawn from someone's armpit. All it needs is the referee to go to the monitor and check the footage and make a call. If it's not visibly offside to the naked eye in a simple slow mo, it's not fucking offside.

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I feel like offsides should be quick and straight forward using technology. Watching a line get dragged around by a man with a mouse doesn’t inspire confidence.


The problem is this absolutely ludicrous idea that offsides were ever a black/white thing in the same way goal line technology is. They're not. Trying to measure armpits and toenails across multiple players on a TV camera from an obtuse angle is not only flawed and inaccurate, it's completely against the entire spirit of why the offside rule was introduced and has existed for over 150 years - to stop goalhanging.


If a player is broadly level - he's on. Leave it at that and leave it to the human officials on the pitch. It retains the spirit of the rule and protects the pace of the game which is what has made it so globally successful. The can of worms that has been opened up with VAR in trying to scientifically measure an intrinsically subjective game is absolutely ruining everything that is great about football.

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What I've also noticed they never do is also freezeframe the moment the ball leaves the players foot to gain the same degree of accuracy at that point. The margin for error in accurately measuring this exact moment (it is surely not possible with the frames available) renders the entire nonsense of then trying to draw a ruler across the pitch even more ridiculous.


In fact it's not even ever something that can really be measured precisely, because it's a fluid motion in the same way the player making the run at the other end is. Offsides are a subjective assessment of whether or not a player is gaining an advantage by being beyond the defender at the moment a pass is played. It honestly amazes me that this kind of rubbish has been brought in across the board without nobody at the top of the world game realizing that it simply won't ever work in a sport as fluid as football - not without changing the game for the worse anyway.

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What I've also noticed they never do is also freezeframe the moment the ball leaves the players foot to gain the same degree of accuracy at that point. The margin for error in accurately measuring this exact moment (it is surely not possible with the frames available) renders the entire nonsense of then trying to draw a ruler across the pitch even more ridiculous.


In fact it's not even ever something that can really be measured precisely, because it's a fluid motion in the same way the player making the run at the other end is. Offsides are a subjective assessment of whether or not a player is gaining an advantage by being beyond the defender at the moment a pass is played. It honestly amazes me that this kind of rubbish has been brought in across the board without nobody at the top of the world game realizing that it simply won't ever work in a sport as fluid as football - not without changing the game for the worse anyway.


As if anybody at the top end has given a thought abut it. I reckon VAR was the result of a comic relief episode of the apprentice.

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I’m a bit bored of pundits, dinosaur managers and Jordan Henderson types calling for VAR to be scrapped mind. I think people have rose tinted glasses of how it was before. I’ve got no interest at all of going back to getting royally fucked over by blatantly wrong decisions. I’ve seen the “it evens itself out over the season” phrase rolled out a couple of times recently. It didn’t. It favoured certain clubs at certain points. The offside rule needs amending to be up to date with the tech and refs should be making decisions via the screens. Removing it seems like a massive backward step to me.

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People go to football for escapism. Caulkin wrote about recently, that feeling of losing yourself in the crowd and the moment. No one goes for memories of 'ooh yes i'm glad the computer told me what happened there'. No amount of tinkering can overcome var's fundamental interference with the moment and so it has to go. I think it can be done in a really positive re-imaging of 'respect the ref', which would be better for kids. EPL needs to go rogue and do it, would be great pr after their big 6 debacle.

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I get that, playing Devil’s advocate though, how about on the other hand walking out of a game against Man City with a 1-0 win because VAR disallowed Aguero’s goal?

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What’s going on with West Ham by the way? Looked really good since we woke them up on the opening day.


Not sure about looking good - think they are average like a lot of teams in the league tbh - only 3 points ahead of us?


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