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3 minutes ago, NEEJ said:

He's so bitter. A proper little man-child. It's amazing he's allowed to conduct himself like that in the eyes of the public while supposedly being a journalist at one of the country's biggest newspapers. 

Aye, I thought he’d be have a more articulate take down of proceedings but nah

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1 hour ago, Heron said:

What's the quandary? I'm half cut. :lol:


Nevermind. Fucking enjoy yourself Chris, you more than most deserve it.


Coming back to town tomorrow. Me dad wants up home for this. :lol:



Edited by HaydnNUFC

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Must admit that the whole joy/relief/positivity in feeling is split between 70‰ Ashley going and 30‰ Saudis coming in. It's not all about what's about to happen in the future, it's what we're leaving behind, the complete lack of ambition, the neglect of the foundations of the club, the refusal to invest in the training facilities, the refusal to engage with the fans, the refusal to clean the stadium, the refusal to even consider the views and opinions the fans at they did as they fucking pleased. 


Getting shot of Ashley is miles better than gaining the new owners, they could have been any fuckers tbh. Ashley was the millstone around the neck of this club. Cutting that free was the success

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4 minutes ago, midds said:

Must admit that the whole joy/relief/positivity in feeling is split between 70‰ Ashley going and 30‰ Saudis coming in. It's not all about what's about to happen in the future, it's what we're leaving behind, the complete lack of ambition, the neglect of the foundations of the club, the refusal to invest in the training facilities, the refusal to engage with the fans, the refusal to clean the stadium, the refusal to even consider the views and opinions the fans at they did as they fucking pleased. 


Getting shot of Ashley is miles better than gaining the new owners, they could have been any fuckers tbh. Ashley was the millstone around the neck of this club. Cutting that free was the success


100% this, ive barely thought about the future, its all about getting over and forgetting the past atm.


I did however have a moment last night where I suddenly remembered that European away trips could be returning, the concept almost felt 'foreign' given my increased apathy of the last few years 

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I tell you all what's annoyed me a bit about everything, Today the worlds media has had a field day, it's been all Newcastle. They've lapped it up, giving it the 14yr wait bollox,  none of them have given an ounce of coverage or helped. It's been literally down to the man who is the problem all along who's done the leg work here, although he's a top class cunt, Mike Ashley taking the PL to court has actually been the deciding factor. The press/media haven't given a toss really, well not the big media, BBC, Sky, etc ,they have only really got involved in this last month.


Annoys me a bit, how they talk about 14yrs, but have ignored us until last month.

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Words can't explain what this means to me, as I'd guess the same applies to the majority on here.


No more Ashley man let that sink in.


Fuck the *richest club shite. We're back man fucking back I tell you.


Bring on the hatred, I don't care as I'm guessing 99% of the fanbase don't either, couldn't give a flying fuck. Infact I'll bask in it, bathe in it, and still come out smiling like the joker on acid. 


*obviously that's still nice though :sweetjesus:

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1 minute ago, Yorkie said:

I'm up at six for work so just gonna finish watching the 2002/03 season review dvd real quick. 


Can't wait for the next Laurent Robert at Newcastle. 


Still my favourite ❤️ 


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