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14 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

Sam is bang on that the way a minority carry on is rancid, particularly on social media. But he's taken the behaviour of the minority and applied it to the entire fanbase, when in reality there's a broad church of opinions on the matter.

Yep, a handful of internet goons don’t represent all of us.


Though again, I’m struggling to take lectures in morality from a hack employed by *checks notes* a Russian oligarch and a Saudi Sultan.  

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On 18/02/2023 at 10:04, The Prophet said:



I find it hard to believe they are actual Newcastle fans tbh. If they were they would deliver the letter to Staveley or someone else in the hierarchy, no fan would pick Howe as the target for playing politics.

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A brother of a man set to be executed got in touch with Newcastle supporters to hand deliver a letter to Eddie Howe who then went to the papers with their plans? As if.


Nope, it’s a tweet put out so that some slimy reporter can ask the question about it in Eddie’s next press conference.

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6 minutes ago, Wild Geese said:

Fuck me dead, it's hard to keep quite, it boils my piss it really does................What the fuck do they want Eddie Howe to do eh!


It's a Cup Final week and these dopy bollocks want to deliver a letter to the Manager of Newcastle United.


The World's going to hell in a handcart, every fucker seems to have gone gay (they can fuck off anarl) big business is ripping the arse out of people, with charges and costs that seemingly are unavoidable because of Russian fucking gas!


Howay people wake the fuck up tell the woke fucking do gooders to get to fuck


Tin hat again

You can be annoyed at people dropping a letter like that on cup final week and/or the media creating this story to stir things up.


Homophobia is bang out of order though.

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4 hours ago, huss9 said:

why the fuck they still having a go at our club.

go for the royal family and the government, man.

once they ostracise the Saudi's, we can start.

fuck sake man.

lay off the fans and the club.

It comes with the territory, I'm afraid.

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Probably not be popular but I don’t think people who are either genuinely or performatively anti-Saudi are being unduly harsh on the club, those employed by the club or in a lot of cases the fans.

Someone trying to hand Howe a letter bothers me much less than some of the shit our owners are into.

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