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The "delighted Ashley has gone, but uncomfortable with Saudi ownership" thread


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Very much hope you're right. PIF's $2Bn "investment" in Jared Kushner smells even worse today than it already did, but hopefully NUFC at least can just stay well clear of the muck. Just want to be able to enjoy the football now that there's finally so many good things happening.

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1 hour ago, Skjaere9 said:

As an American Toon supporter watching the increasingly absurd news roll in from Florida tonight, I have to say I'm starting to have a bad bad feeling that NUFC is somehow going to get caught up in Trump's downfall.


One of the more plausible seeming explanations for what's going on might be that Trump did some light treason with our nuclear secrets and laundered the payments via... the Saudi PIF? Which presumably would reopen the whole awkward "is the PIF separate from the Saudi state" question again in a way that could easily end very badly for us? 


Hoping I'm very wrong but if Donald Fucking Trump somehow manages to destroy this football club, just when we finally have something to be hopeful for, after already destroying most of whatever good was left of my country... :angry:

The west is currently begging SA for more oil, so I'd say the chances for any form of sanctions are zero. 



Edited by Jagten

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PIF isn’t separate from the KSA state - it was always about piracy.  Dodgy deals with Trump, however unpleasant, won’t be enough to cause issues.


Besides, the PL claim to have had legal ‘proof’ of separation, so they’d need a solid case to go back on that.


The only worry you should have re Trump is that somehow he’s still got a decent chance of winning in 2024 …

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I must admit I struggle to see how anyone can listen to trump for more than a minute and not see he's a grifter.


Possibly shows just how disenfranchised some Americans must be if he is their saviour, which is sad 

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Guest HTT II
4 minutes ago, Groundhog63 said:

Who,  seemingly, hates Mexicans ?

And that’s one of the many reasons why I hate the bloated orange faced, wig wearing cunt!

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6 hours ago, Hovagod said:


Honestly, this is, in my own mind, becoming harder and harder to justify. We are owned by scum. 

It’s horrific, and they are the scum of the Earth, I’m afraid.  MBS and ‘his excellency’ our chairman are all party to this evil.  It is why fawning statements from ‘our’ supporters trust were vomit-inducing.  There’s fuck all we can do about who owns the club - see also Mike Ashley - and ultimately it’s still ‘our’ club (it still exists within and represents my home town).  Doesn’t mean we should sit comfortably with it, of course. 


There was a sorry tale here in Sydney a few weeks ago re two sisters who’d fled KSA due to their sexuality.  I can’t even imagine what it is like to live under a regime like that.  Evil fuckers.



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Indeed we are (80%) owned by the investment fund of a horrible regime. We can’t do anything about our owners, but I can’t also deny we did by and large all want and celebrated the takeover.

Saying that, perhaps what all our critics on social media who suddenly took an interest in sportswashing in 2021 don’t realise though, is this is the result of being owned 14 years by Ashley. At least other crap owners have the decency to accept other takeover bids that don’t involve a sovereign wealth fund. 

Detestable owners are sadly part of football, but I don’t want to start saying we have “the worst owners imaginable” as I don’t know if anyone particularly evil has much of a connection to the club anyway, given it’s the investment fund that owns us and I don’t know how much they’re involved in our daily decision making. MBS as the PIF chair is noted of course. Also most clubs don’t love and support their owners, so we shouldn’t either just because they have money. Luckily the fan connection is with Staveley and co and they seem pretty likeable people overall - despite the occasional Saudi apologist on Twitter you don’t see much public adoration for the PIF from our fanbase. 

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One thing I would like to stop is this craven ‘how dare you criticise the owners?’ line of thinking. Whatever their transfer policy and however they enact it, they are not doing it because they fell in love with Newcastle United. It is a business model that will be being used for their own purposes, whatever they are. I feel fully entitled to question their decisions and feel no particular loyalty nor affinity to a bunch of tories or the arseholes complicit in (if not outright responsible for) the imprisonment of some young lass for liking and retweeting a few social media posts. Fuck them, frankly. 



Edited by Hovagod

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8 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

One thing I would like to stop is this craven ‘how dare you criticise the owners?’ line of thinking. Whatever their transfer policy and however they enact it, they are not doing it because they fell in love with Newcastle United. It is a business model that will be being used for their own purposes, whatever they are. I feel fully entitled to question their decisions and feel no particular loyalty nor affinity to a bunch of tories nor to the arseholes complicit in the imprisonment of some young lass for liking and retweeting a few social media posts. Fuck them, frankly. 


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54 minutes ago, Hovagod said:

One thing I would like to stop is this craven ‘how dare you criticise the owners?’ line of thinking. Whatever their transfer policy and however they enact it, they are not doing it because they fell in love with Newcastle United. It is a business model that will be being used for their own purposes, whatever they are. I feel fully entitled to question their decisions and feel no particular loyalty nor affinity to a bunch of tories or the arseholes complicit in (if not outright responsible for) the imprisonment of some young lass for liking and retweeting a few social media posts. Fuck them, frankly. 





For me, you need to separate the owners from the operation if the club.


Everyone is entitled to their own position, but I'm not particularly comfortable with our majority owners. Unfortunately, as a fan there's very little I can do about it. Obviously the lines can be blurred, as with Ashley, but that was largely because he was using the club to support his business interests.


As for the club operations, I think it's perfectly fair to criticise when mistakes are made, but what we're seeing at the moment is conjecture. We're fed snippets by the media without any kind of context. That's why I'll judge the window on the end rather than the means. 


I also find it strange that people are getting frustrated that we're trying to negotiate, when it's perfectly normal and occurs for a large majority of transfers. I agree the Maddison offers seem quite odd (without context), but I have no problem with us haggling over Pedro.


Obviously in an ideal world we'd have our business done by now. The club may have been a naive in assuming Ekitike was done and dusted, but they're obviously still grafting to get more players in.

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We're in a Country which has just made it illegal to protest. Shame we're (generally) not as concerned about our own liberty & freedom as we are with others. Give it another decade and we'll be more like them than they are like us (the west - which was everyone's hope)


Seems governments across the globe are now free to do what they want to their citizens, and even those who aren't. Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Afgan & KSA are standout players, but the West have been doing diluted versions of this for decades, and seem to be getting more upfront about it as time goes on. I think at this stage we're all oppressed, just different levels and what we consider tolerant. It'll never get better either.




Edited by Dokko

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3 hours ago, Hovagod said:

One thing I would like to stop is this craven ‘how dare you criticise the owners?’ line of thinking. Whatever their transfer policy and however they enact it, they are not doing it because they fell in love with Newcastle United. It is a business model that will be being used for their own purposes, whatever they are. I feel fully entitled to question their decisions and feel no particular loyalty nor affinity to a bunch of tories or the arseholes complicit in (if not outright responsible for) the imprisonment of some young lass for liking and retweeting a few social media posts. Fuck them, frankly. 





So when you say fuck them, does that mean just fuck them as a regime, or that you will also stop supporting NUFC because they are now owners?



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3 minutes ago, triggs said:

What's this in reference to? Apologies for my ignorance

The UK.  The Tories bringing in legislation which restricts rights to strike and to protest.


Deeply unpleasant stuff, more than a little disturbing - but I can’t get on board with the moral relativism compared to a dictatorship like KSA.  Being locked up for three and a half decades for sharing some Twitter posts is not comparable. 

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7 hours ago, Hovagod said:

One thing I would like to stop is this craven ‘how dare you criticise the owners?’ line of thinking. Whatever their transfer policy and however they enact it, they are not doing it because they fell in love with Newcastle United. It is a business model that will be being used for their own purposes, whatever they are. I feel fully entitled to question their decisions and feel no particular loyalty nor affinity to a bunch of tories or the arseholes complicit in (if not outright responsible for) the imprisonment of some young lass for liking and retweeting a few social media posts. Fuck them, frankly. 




Here, here.

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