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1 minute ago, RS said:

Should have put our best team out and won the game in the first 35 minutes. Watch Leicester beat us next week now. 

Something something bedsheets 

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Just now, McDog said:



You really didn't say which of the games you'd have rested players. Which one?

Sheffield Wednesday

Take the lead then change. A third division team has just smashed us. Embarrassing 

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4 minutes ago, RS said:

That result will drop us down the League significantly.  Being beaten by a third division team is a massive hit for morale

Or alternatively, and here me out here, the players use it to spur them on even further, with them not want to taste defeat again anytime soon.


Saying "Morale will be hit an we'll plummit" is a loser mentality. Howe's ethos is you either win or you learn, you never lose.

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5 minutes ago, RS said:

That result will drop us down the League significantly.  Being beaten by a third division team is a massive hit for morale


All it really shows is how bad our reserves are. People were hyping up Elliott Anderson on the back of some attacking intent in a couple of friendlies, but even in those his football lacked polish.

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I think he took a necessary gamble and it didnt pay off. You look at that team before the game and you think it's strong enough to win and you're also happy we're resting key players with how many games we have had and do have. There was more than just today to consider with that selection. 


Hope we're looking at stealing some very promising youngsters and an absolute bargain or two in the Demari Gray mould to fill us out a bit, desperate for squad depth. On top of the need for players to come straight in the first 11.

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Such right fixture congestion this week, playing a full strength yeah 3 times in a row would burn players out but next weekend. I'm alright with dropping out of the FA cup so we can focus on the remaining 2 competitions.


We just don't have the depth in the squad yet to focus on all fronts, and if we get Europe next year this can be shown as an example why we need more quality bodies in. 



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2 minutes ago, RS said:

Take the lead then change. A third division team has just smashed us. Embarrassing 



I'm sure you watched the game. They didn't "smash" us but yes, it was embarrassing somewhat. I do get the idea that you play all the first XI and grab a lead then come on the Murphys. Thing is, you have no idea how long that takes and really you should be able to field a weaker squad and win. It was very unfortunate but I wouldn't lose my mind about it. I am concerned in general about the lack of goals receently.

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1 minute ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

I think he took a necessary gamble and it didnt pay off. You look at that team before the game and you think it's strong enough to win and you're also happy we're resting key players with how many games we have had and do have. There was more than just today to consider with that selection. 


Hope we're looking at stealing some very promising youngsters and an absolute bargain or two in the Demari Gray mould to fill us out a bit, desperate for squad depth. On top of the need for players to come straight in the first 11.

I’ve got to be honest I wasn’t sure it was strong enough. League 1 is a bit misleading, they have championship players and are down there more due to financial stupidity and corruption than lack of talent. They’re also playing well and winning a lot. I wasn’t confident in Murphy, Lewis, Anderson or Ritchie (the latter proved me wrong), and I thought it was bonkers to play dubravka after he rocked up unexpectedly last week. I was also not confident in the decision not to have Wilson on the bench when Isak was coming off and there’s no logical argument in favour of Chris wood.

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Some horrendous over reactions tonight both on here and on Twitter.


we are pushing for the top 4, and have a cup QF in 3 days. We barely have enough quality for the first 11, and we can’t play the same 11 in every game.

Changes needed to be made tonight and let’s be honest, if we had put away chances (Isak header, Anderson chance, Wood howler) then we would have won. The team out there was good enough to beat a league 1 side, whether you agree with the selection or not. 

it’s not Eddie Howes fault that our 25 man squad contains a load of dross, and that will take time to fix. 

I personally think this will be a blessing in disguise, we clearly don’t have the squad depth to be in 3 competitions so let’s focus on the PL and the cup we are into the QF. 

Also our first loss since September so just chill out a bit yeah, we are not Man City yet.

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It's also very naive to think that the rest of the PL (and others) haven't spent the World Cup break doing their homework on us and come up with ways to negate us and limit what we do and how we do it. They've all had weeks to pour through hours of footage of how we set up and how we can be stopped or neutralised. To think the likes of Man U, Chelsea, Liverpool and Spurs have just ignored us and put their feet up is folly. We're now a direct threat to those same clubs and you can bet your bottom dollar they've spent weeks trying to suss us out and how to stop us. 


The second half of the season will be far tougher and we'll need to adapt things and mix it up a bit - 2 up top, 3 at the back etc because once you're predictable you're easier to play against. We need 2 or 3 in before Jan 31st and vary it a bit. Keep cunts off balance

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We fielded the team we need to tonight, given our other commitments and ambitions. Absolutely no issue with Howe's team selection, most of those players would have been (you hope!) banging his door down for game time, and almost all of them disappointed when given the chance. That's on them, not Howe.


Manquillo - Did OK. Nothing spectacular, but he was OK, probably the only "change" player to not blot his copybook tonight

Lewis - Looked shaky as fuck, he was just an accident waiting to happen

Lascelles - Showed why Schar is keeping him out and will continue to do so

Anderson - I have a little sympathy for - He clearly didn't cover himself in any glory but I think Sheff Wed targetted him a bit and always had 2 men closing him down. They probably identified him as the "danger man" from the starting XI after his L1 exploits last season. Still, did nothing.

Wood - If he was a racehorse he'd have been shot at full time and right now would be being turned into a pot of glue

Murphy - Shits the bed when the ball is at his feet, he just never has a plan on what to do with it. He's so pedestrian with the ball and needs 2-3 more touches at all times and is utterly infuriating to watch.

Dubravka - Like Lascelles, shows why he's not number 1 and never will be again

Ritchie - Far from the worst on the pitch, but finished at this level. And tonight that level was L1


Ultimately, you cannot carry that many sub-standard players in a match. That lot wanted their chance, they got it and they blew it. What's important now is how we respond to this as a club. We're currently top 4. It's now abundantly clear that half our squad is L1 quality, and if we get injuries our chances at the top end of the table are done. We need to bring at least 3 competent footballers in to give us that strength in depth so we never have to rely on any of the above players again.

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15 minutes ago, RS said:

Should have put our best team out and won the game in the first 35 minutes. Watch Leicester beat us next week now. 

Why not run them into the ground until we have to play the second string in much more important games while were at it?

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9 minutes ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

I think he took a necessary gamble and it didnt pay off. You look at that team before the game and you think it's strong enough to win and you're also happy we're resting key players with how many games we have had and do have. There was more than just today to consider with that selection. 


Hope we're looking at stealing some very promising youngsters and an absolute bargain or two in the Demari Gray mould to fill us out a bit, desperate for squad depth. On top of the need for players to come straight in the first 11.


Only thing I'd disagree with there is looking at that team and thinking it was strong enough to win. The midfield looked like it lacked energy, and I am always nervous when I see Murphy start. As it turned out, Ritchie was actually better than I thought he might be, but Lewis was worse, and seeing Wood as the sub to be brought on when Isak went off had already set alarm bells ringing. We basically had to be the first ones to score.

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9 minutes ago, Theregulars said:

I’ve got to be honest I wasn’t sure it was strong enough. League 1 is a bit misleading, they have championship players and are down there more due to financial stupidity and corruption than lack of talent. They’re also playing well and winning a lot. I wasn’t confident in Murphy, Lewis, Anderson or Ritchie (the latter proved me wrong), and I thought it was bonkers to play dubravka after he rocked up unexpectedly last week. I was also not confident in the decision not to have Wilson on the bench when Isak was coming off and there’s no logical argument in favour of Chris wood.

Wilson looked absolutely done when he came off against Arsenal to me. He's in no position to play more than once a week, he's struggling to make it every 7 days. Only time this striker issue gets rectified is when Isak is up to full speed.

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Just now, Jonas said:

Why not run them into the ground until we have to play the second string in much more important games while were at it?

35 minutes would have beat them.  Hereford these were not.  Bad decision unless it was to force some spending. 

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Just now, TRon said:


Only thing I'd disagree with there is looking at that team and thinking it was strong enough to win. The midfield looked like it lacked energy, and I am always nervous when I see Murphy start. As it turned out, Ritchie was actually better than I thought he might be, but Lewis was worse, and seeing Wood as the sub to be brought on when Isak went off had already set alarm bells ringing. We basically had to be the first ones to score.


I somewhat defend Wood but holy shite, he looks really bad at times. Nobody can convince me they can't find an improvement this window. It doesn't need to be an 80M striker. Just an upgrade when Wilson or Isak need to come off.

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1 minute ago, Super Duper Branko Strupar said:

Wilson looked absolutely done when he came off against Arsenal to me. He's in no position to play more than once a week, he's struggling to make it every 7 days. Only time this striker issue gets rectified is when Isak is up to full speed.

Fair point, I suppose it comes down to how much you wanted to win. Even if it’s just to play 10 mins, 10 mins of him is better than 100 days of Chris wood

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11 minutes ago, NWMag said:

Some horrendous over reactions tonight both on here and on Twitter.


we are pushing for the top 4, and have a cup QF in 3 days. We barely have enough quality for the first 11, and we can’t play the same 11 in every game.

Changes needed to be made tonight and let’s be honest, if we had put away chances (Isak header, Anderson chance, Wood howler) then we would have won. The team out there was good enough to beat a league 1 side, whether you agree with the selection or not. 

it’s not Eddie Howes fault that our 25 man squad contains a load of dross, and that will take time to fix. 

I personally think this will be a blessing in disguise, we clearly don’t have the squad depth to be in 3 competitions so let’s focus on the PL and the cup we are into the QF. 

Also our first loss since September so just chill out a bit yeah, we are not Man City yet.

They'd be happier tonight to be sitting 10th and out of the league cup just so long as we'd won tonight. Tomorrow and yesterday doesn't matter, just the instant gratification of not feeling bad this instant.


How many days since we restricted the best team in the country to a few half-chances on their own ground.

We only play that team because we've a very important game on Tuesday.

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I genuinely can't believe we're third with the depth this squad has. We have a very decent core 11. The rest is championship tier at best. 


We're very fortunate to have him and people need a reminder we still have players like Hendrick on our pay roll.


Imagine in a few years when even our bench is full of players drilled exactly with how he wants them to play and are levels above the dross we currently have.

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