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1 hour ago, Tiresias said:

Yeah well what an idiot but i wish the internet didnt make such business on bringing twats you would have never heard about to your attention so we can all get very angry at them. The amount of 'engagement with the platform' generated by outrage at no marks is ludicrous. I'm not saying he shouldnt have lost his job but twitter mobs can be indescriminate and life changing and just unecessary. Aye what a twat no need to pile on.

Pretty sure if you post shit on Twitter you are aware of the risks, fuck him he tried to farm some likes at the expense of others that ended up costing him his job, deserves it tbh.

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27 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

As much as I think his comments are a disgrace, I don't agree with fans bringing it to the attention of his employer.

If he'd posted something racist would you still think that?

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Did you see the story of that lass from the US who was travelling to South Africa? 


Before her flight she tried to make an ironic Tweet about white privilege. The social media mob decided in their collective wisdom that it was racist. During her flight not only did she receive wishes of rape and murder, but the mob informed her employer and demanded her sacking. On her landing, she was binned by her employer via voicemail.


There are horrendous people out there are those that make ill advised comments (sometimes a mixture of both), but mob justice is rarely the way to go about it and I'm very uncomfortable condoning it, whether his sacking was vindicated or not.

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49 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

As much as I think his comments are a disgrace, I don't agree with fans bringing it to the attention of his employer.

The fucking dickhead is being inflammatory to a group of people. Stupid attention seeker, especially in his line of work, deserves it.

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"Greenwood's at the right club with that other rapist Ronaldo" - just as inappropriate thing to post and would have likely resulted in Man Utd fans hounding him instead of Newcastle fans, it's on him not us.

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Jesus fucking christ. Is there now a free speech debate about this? I'll say it again.  A woman has been physically abused, sexually assaulted, and had threats made to her life. She's undoubtedly experiencing a huge amount of trauma, and a bunch of blokes are talking about free speech because a journalist(?) has made a fucking joke about it. This fucking country. Fuck off.



Edited by alijmitchell

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Wouldn’t make it right. If anyone is offended here I don’t think it should be  on behalf of NUFC. It should be on behalf of the lass. But even then I would say “the bite” of the tweet was mainly aimed at Greenwood and our owners. Both are worthy targets for criticism, mockery or insult.

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I'm not offended on behalf of NUFC. I just imagine what it would be like for the girl having your traumatic experience reduced to jokes and talking point between football fans. Anyway, I'm off on one again. I don't mean to have a go at anyone in particular here, but I am just despairing in general.

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Just now, Rafalove said:

Wouldn’t make it right. If anyone is offended here I don’t think it should be  on behalf of NUFC. It should be on behalf of the lass. But even then I would say “the bite” of the tweet was mainly aimed at Greenwood and our owners. Both are worthy targets for criticism, mockery or insult.


Why would anyone link such a terrible crime to anything else?


It doesn’t need to be compared to x, y or z, doesn’t need jokes, doesn’t need people to speculate, doesn’t need people to justify the abhorrent crimes etc. etc.


People are just desperate for clicks and interactions, he’s tried something and it’s backfired terribly.

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Just now, Fantail Breeze said:


Why would anyone link such a terrible crime to anything else?


It doesn’t need to be compared to x, y or z, doesn’t need jokes, doesn’t need people to speculate, doesn’t need people to justify the abhorrent crimes etc. etc.


People are just desperate for clicks and interactions, he’s tried something and it’s backfired terribly.


Well said

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42 minutes ago, gdm said:

He tweeted suggesting newcastle with new owners would be the perfect next club for greenwood 

Thanks mate, just been back and read it.


He must be feeling like shit right now. 

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Bloke just has to own it. He should know the culture climate we’re in is that if you say something akin to what he did on a social media platform - particularly twitter - people will tag or raise it with your employer.


It was crass, it wasn’t funny and I’ve little doubt it was done to get a reaction. It did - just not the one he wanted. Chin up lad, hope you find another way to keep paying your mortgage.

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Its extraordinarily easy not to be -ist/-obic or whatever in a public arena alongside your actual name, face & stated employer. Almost too easy many would say.

I don’t agree he should have been hounded/sacked but given he was working at a fucking marketing, PR and branding publication it is deliciously ironic he has been.

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