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Big River

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The business model they have whilst in theory being "sustainable" smacks of the Ossie Ardiles period when the idea was to play kids (cheap) and then sell them on for a profit.


The problem with the whole approach is how to progress from the first stage to being able to keep the youngster and gain promotion. Sunderland are losing the players and manager before they have managed to make much forward progress. Are they in that much of a financial hole.... are there loans to repay????



Edited by OverThere

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Dreyfus clearly isn't that arsed about them or he would've bought out the remaining shareholders either that or he doesn't have the money available to do so. I can't see what benefit Donald/Sartori still being around has.

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17 hours ago, danny said:


Already done, got deleted straight away hahaha

Aye cos it doesn’t fit the stinking tramps narrative. And anything resembling the truth just confuses the thick cunts. No doubt the same boring fuckers will continue regurgitating the same shite.

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Plenty of us had to do the same with Howe, mind, and it increasingly appears to be true.


I reckon as long as the fanbase is realistic in its expectations (to put it another way, don't think they're going straight up two years in a row the way they went down) he's a safe pair of hands to get them consolidated

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Decent appointment for them, he is a steady manager and although his style is outdated it will be suitable for the Champo.  Given the extraordinarily high expectations that Sun'lun fans seem to have and their bizarre opinion of the place Sunderland hold in the football hierarchy I would recon they are all feeling quite deflated about it but, give it a day or two and it will be the best thing that could have happened to them, better than Eddie Howe and the man to inspire them to their rightful place at the pinnacle of English, no, World football.  

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