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James Maddison (now playing for Tottenham Hotspur)

The Prophet

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If the player didn't want it or Leicester weren't selling we'd have been told to fuck off by now. Brendas half arsed, half informed and with no say in it attempt to warn us off doesn't count. 


Mind, £50m+ and I'd rather go buy goals in Tammy. I'm still not sure we need maddison. 

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7 minutes ago, PlymouthGeordie said:


I haven't seen people berate the club. I've seen people confused by the approach of both low ball and back loading offers for players whose value is obviously going to be in excess of 50m.


Essentially, you're saying people can only have an opinion but only if it's a positive one.


You offer up alternative players as if you know better than the club but others can't ask questions on how we've approached bids?


I've not seen many (if any) outright criticise the club. Most are just trying to understand the logic behind it.




My God man. I've already addressed the nonsense you have claimed regarding my posts about alternative players. I won't be addressing it again.


I'm not telling you what opinion to have so fire away. I do find it ridiculous and hysterical though, and so I am equally free to say so too.


If you enjoy getting worked up about the transfer negotiations when none of us really even know what is actually going on then feel free!



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I think I preferred it when everyone was losing their minds because we weren’t bidding for anyone.


The club have a valuation, Leicester have a valuation. We might find that both parties stick quite stubbornly to those figures but the way this has played out - specifically the fact that Leicester have made it very publicly known there’s a price at which they’ll do business - that there’s a deal to be done.


Ultimately the club have to operate under a very strict set of financial parameters for now. There’s also an effort to completely torpedo the idea that the ‘Newcastle tax’ is a thing. I don’t see any point in critiquing this approach too much until the end of the transfer window when we know where we stand.

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14 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

But as I said earlier I’m basing it off the latest reports saying we won’t go anywhere near Leicesters valuation.  Im not kicking off or having a go at the owners, it’s an opinion based of the latest news. As I said it could be a load of rubbish.


Seems to be a theme on here that if anyone dares raises a question or disagrees with the owners then you are jumped on.




You see for me, it's got nothing to with whether someone questions the owners (even though I find that bizarre), it's more the idea that someone on a football forum has the arrogance to think they know better than a combination of Dan Ashworth, Eddie Howe, Steve Nickson and our whole board.


Now, just to be clear, when you or anyone else was questioning Charnley or Ashley's approach it was entirely justified, because they had a track record of making all kinds of mistakes. Dan Ashworth in particular has a track record of making very good deals and more importantly knowing this game inside and out.


The idea that these people haven't already thought over their strategy or the idea that there's someone on here who could teach them a thing or two is pure horseshit.



Edited by STM

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14 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

But as I said earlier I’m basing it off the latest reports saying we won’t go anywhere near Leicesters valuation.


Why would we tell anyone how high we are willing to go, Jesus Christ.


'Here's our opening bid of £40m but we are willing to go as high as £60m. Maybe we could make a deal at £45m?'


At times I wonder how some of you can actually survive in the real world.



Edited by Pata

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Just now, Pata said:


Why would we tell anyone how high we are willing to go, Jesus Christ.


'Here's our opening bid of £40m but we are willing to go as high as £60m. Maybe we could make a deal at £45m?'


At times I wonder how some of you actually can survive in the real world.

You do know how a football forum works though ? If we didn’t give opinions on media reports the we wouldn’t have a thread. And yet again with the calling out of any press reports that are negative and don’t report what we want them to say. 

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10 minutes ago, SUPERTOON said:

But as I said earlier I’m basing it off the latest reports saying we won’t go anywhere near Leicesters valuation.  Im not kicking off or having a go at the owners, it’s an opinion based of the latest news. As I said it could be a load of rubbish.


Seems to be a theme on here that if anyone dares raises a question or disagrees with the owners then you are jumped on.





No one's jumping on you man. It just all seems a bit hysterical. Especially when folks start saying the club shouldn't put those bids in, and they should just pay the money. I mean come on man ... as if these folks have never been involved in high level negotiations in their lives.


I think it's all a bit silly, but if folks need to vent that way then it's fine. But some people will equally find it a bit much and respond to say so. Just the nature of the forum.

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The impact of formally bidding, however close or far from expected value, of confirming your commitment to purchase a player shouldn’t be underestimated. It can set all sorts of hares running. It also serves all sorts of purposes; some direct/obvious, some more indirect/sneaky; including indirect communication to other targets/clubs. 


Don’t get me wrong, gone are the days of tipping our cap towards a player and then bemoaning the failure with an ‘at least we tried’. I choose to believe, and see no firm evidence to contradict, that they know what they are doing. And that however frustrating and inexact buying players is, we will have our required positions filled by 1st September. I hope it is with Howe’s strongly favoured targets, rather than the he’ll have to do variety. 

However much of an emotional rollercoaster this window has been, we’ll only be able to validly judge the approach taken when it closes. 

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I'm not calling out anything. Just use your common sense on what kind of info we would leak to the press. No one outside the club knows how high we are willing to go on Maddison or what the budget is this summer. 

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1 minute ago, KaKa said:




My God man. I've already addressed the nonsense you have claimed regarding my posts about alternative players. I won't be addressing it again.


I'm not telling you what opinion to have so fire away. I do find it ridiculous and hysterical though, and so I am equally free to say so too.


If you enjoy getting worked up about the transfer negotiations when none of us really even know what is actually going on then feel free!




I'm not worked up, just debating what is being reported in the national news.


I'm sure the club are assured by the fact that you're "comfortable" with them targeting Maddison over Aouar and Brandt though.


It's ironic that you fail to realise that you suggesting the club should target alternative players is any different to others suggesting the club could/should approach negotiations differently.


In fact, it is one and the same. You're pretty much on the same page as those you're ridiculing. People are essentially saying if we can't afford or won't go to the price of Maddison, Diaby etc we should go for other players and you've gone one step further by actually suggesting players the club could/should target.

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*insert Grandpa Simpson gif here*


The last few pages have been dreadful, you've got Leicester fans on social media claiming they're a far bigger club than us and our lot joking about the helicopter crash on Twitter in response. Christ :lol: Am off to the pub. 

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I said when the Takeover happened some of our fans won't let themselves enjoy this process and rebuild... twitter is proving me right with its now or nothing attitude from a good number.



Edited by Gaztoon

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It's clear that both sides are playing propaganda here too by the way.


One side (us) is saying its a 50m bid, probably after numerous add ons and clauses. Where as the other side is saying 40m, which I'm sure is closer to the base offer.


The reality is that Leicester will be looking at the merits of the offer, for example; how likely is it that Maddison plays x games, scores x goals or NUFC win the champions league. :lol:


How the payments are structured is irrelevant for the selling side, because as we have already seen, you can just get a loan in order to have the funds immediately, which is pretty much the way most deals are done now.


Hopefully, we have Leicester at the table.

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The bed-wetting is sensational.


Our owners have had one complete window so far, they strengthened us to 12 wins in 19 under Howe's guidance.


Half way through this window (it only really starts in July) and we have Pope, Botman and Targett bedded in. There is no evidence at all they won't 'do enough'. Sit tight and see the state of play come 1st September. 


Roll on Friday so people have actual football to talk about!


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