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someone pull up KI's post about strangling him and watching the life drain from his face :lol:


EDIT: Was about some poor random lass on facebook, must have been re-used about Pardew.


I'd love to strangle her to death, watching the life drain from her face.

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Guest Howaythetoon

You can't be serious.


Of course I am, regardless of how much I disagree with or am frustrated by someone, allowing basic levels of respect to go out of the window shows only your weakness and not theirs.


No wonder Ashley has us by the balls :lol:


You realise you can disagree with someone whilst still showing basic respect & courtesy aye?


f*** me I'm out, I can't believe 5/6 posts in a row either advocate wanting someone assaulted, disrespected or even dead because of a game of football. Absolutely awful tbh.


You obviously weren't here in the Pardew days. :lol:


Not on here no. But I find anyone who wishes to attack or abuse someone because of a game (as much as we all love it) absolutely pathetic if I'm honest. Most of them given the chance wouldn't have the bollocks to speak their mind anyway, you just know it. Same with politics and Trump, I disagree with him on just about every level but would never wish a second of harm on the guy, it's just a weird way to behave. Then following on from the Gold video, Haydn saying he would happily see Ashley die is just vile, rotten crack of a weak individual in my eyes, particularly someone who has had a scare himself lately with his father I believe. Awful lack of basic compassion. Really basic stuff, but of course I'm a snowflake for speaking up against people advocating the wishing of harm on others over a game  :aww:


But fair enough, crack on if that's what's cool here...


And just when I thought the snow was fucking off...

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Gold, Sullivan and Brady have basically killed West Ham United like. Having a s*** team is one thing, that's a temporary issue that can be put right, but what they've done in moving them and knocking down Upton Park was a f***ing crime. That club was really unique in its location and now it's gone.


The reason given for moving to new stadia is always about extra money for the team and how they can't compete without it. Of the current top six, miles ahead of everyone else, Man Utd, Liverpool and Chelsea are in the same place they've always been, Spurs are in the process of moving so we'll have to wait and see (though at least the new stadium is yards from the old one) and Arsenal's demise can be pinpointed almost exactly to the moment they moved house into a bland bowl. Man City entered a cheat code and don't really count.


Meanwhile the arse end of the Premier League and the Championship is riddled with clubs who bulldozed their homes, moved into a shiny new stadium next door to a Frankie and Benny's five miles out of town and now not only have they got a crap team, they've sold their identity down the river for 10,000 extra seats which hardly even matter since the TV money went through the roof.


I hope we never move.


Bang on and extra seats that are often empty anyway. West Ham fans have a right to be p*ssed, they may as well be called London FC. Unrecognisable club.


Yes and no. Of course they've been fucked over because, well, it's Gold, Sullivan and Brady. However, a significant number of West Ham fans were happy to make the move to Stratford, genuinely believing that it could prove a springboard to them challenging for the CL etc etc. They felt like they had put one over on us in particular:






Most heinously, they completely shat on Leyton Orient. Sure, a lot of West Ham fans disagreed, but I suspect an awful lot more simply went along with it in the end thinking that it was a great chance to bridge the gap between them and the top six (or more). A lot of people now feel betrayed by the owners, but again, it's Gold, Sullivan, and Brady. What the fuck did they expect? In addition, Levy had already pointed out the problems with the stadium and the process - it's not like people could plead ignorance on that score either.


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What an utter, utter, utter delusional bell :lol:



Oh dear. What a torrent of absolute s**** from Jenas.


Aye this was the thing from this weekend which made me miss this place the most. Was sat shouting at the fuckin telly, had no-where to release.  :crazy2:

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What happens to West Ham, and their swanky new ground should they get relegated?


Went over to a West Ham forum yesterday to try and find an answer, and was left amazed at how much a basket case that club really is. Nobody seems to rate or even like any of the players, most of them despise Moyes, let alone the owners. All of football is in agreement their ground is shit. 

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What happens to West Ham, and their swanky new ground should they get relegated?


Went over to a West Ham forum yesterday to try and find an answer, and was left amazed at how much a basket case that club really is. Nobody seems to rate or even like any of the players, most of them despise Moyes, let alone the owners. All of football is in agreement their ground is s***.


Feel a bit sorry for the genuine West Ham fans with all this, I've met a lot of them over the years - even in the bad old days of the 80s, I  always had positive experiences with their fans. They've been shit on majorly with this ground move IMHO- everyone knew that the ground wasn't really a football arena, but the payoff was going to more money spent on the team. And moyes is the very definition of a busted flush.

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What happens to West Ham, and their swanky new ground should they get relegated?


Went over to a West Ham forum yesterday to try and find an answer, and was left amazed at how much a basket case that club really is. Nobody seems to rate or even like any of the players, most of them despise Moyes, let alone the owners. All of football is in agreement their ground is s***.


Feel a bit sorry for the genuine West Ham fans with all this, I've met a lot of them over the years - even in the bad old days of the 80s, I  always had positive experiences with their fans. They've been shit on majorly with this ground move IMHO- everyone knew that the ground wasn't really a football arena, but the payoff was going to more money spent on the team. And moyes is the very definition of a busted flush.

Aye, as much as they have a cunt element amongst their support, theirs plenty of dedicated loyal fans in there. Those fans have been sold down the river, the dildo bothers have ripped the heart out of the club, and I honestly believe they would change the name of the club to 'London FC' or 'London United' if they thought that they wouldn't be lynched. Not only have they been sold down the river with the stadium, but also the club badge, and most importantly the team.


I think it's only a matter of time before the stadium go tits up altogether, think some sort of inquiry over it once the owners leave would result in them being kicked out and all of a sudden West Ham will have nowhere to play. If anyone is to buy the club then in the long term they are facing the prospect of building a new stadium, London land prices (available land in a suitable area) etc is going to make that a costly and difficult process.

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Not too clued up about their stadium move at all tbh, but surely the biggest pay-off from moving from Upton Park has been the return from knocking the place down? Also the fact that they won't have to fork out any stadium development at all forever, of which surely would have been needed should they have stayed. So from a business point of view, moving to a bigger brand new stadium on the free is going to be a no-brainer. In justify the move to the fans, of couse Gold, Sullivan, Brady are going try their best to package up the move with whatever propaganda they want the fans to believe.


Read on their forum that somebody said match day revenues, over the course of a season are only expected to be up by £9M - they equated it to two thirds of a Jose Fonte. Pretty unsubstantial when you consider the tale-spin it's put the club in when you look at it now. 


Part of me though, does feel that blaming the stadium on the sides plight has become an easy stance to fall back on. Nothing changes the fact that under Bilic, and now under Moyes they've been pretty ordinary at actually playing football. Easy to say I guess, but if all parties involved in the principle of winning games, started performing to their abilities, or dare say above them and started scoring a few more goals and winning games these problems wouldn't be quite so prominent with fans.


Their FA cup game against Shrewsbury, every player was utterly dreadful, and every time I've watched them since Moyes has been their they've played awful football. That's nothing to do with playing in an Atheltics stadium. 

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If that was one of our lot to Ashley I'd be embarrassed tbh. No need for it. As much as we as football fans get emotional when losing, you're a idiot if you put that emotion before the basic respect for another human being. Yes they're footballers, billionaire owners etc, but they're f***ing people first and deserve to be treat like it.

I admire your values, IC. Good point.


Here's a random and peripherally relevant 'knowledge-bomb': even in the most extreme conflict you can (most people, not accurately) imagine, you don't have to turn all psychopathic and disrespectful. Studies of killing in war reckon most of the small arms kills come from a very small percentage of the front line soldiers (WWII, 70% kills from 2%). Mostly infantrymen were posturing and firing wildly and ineffectively, many trotting-out hate-fuelled rhetoric. 1% of the effective killers were psychopaths, i.e. callous and generally malevolent, didn't care about anybody but themselves. The other 1%, were decent moral men. Who cared about their 'people' (brothers in arms, family, town/city, country etc) enough to overcome the p*ss your pants terror and fundamental wrongness of taking life. The point?  You wouldn't want to damage/threaten something precious to, or generally f*** with with,  the latter group (or the psychos) but they would be more likely to maintain respect for you, even if they were willing to end you. The chest beaters and shouters, well it is just (often self-defeating) noise.


If Ashley is the enemy, personally I would rather not let his actions lead me to behave in a way which doesn't fit my values. Which drags me down to his level. Doesn't mean that I wouldn't kick the living s*** out of him, but I would have to be given due cause to exert 'reasonable force' (honest officer). 




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If that was one of our lot to Ashley I'd be embarrassed tbh. No need for it. As much as we as football fans get emotional when losing, you're a idiot if you put that emotion before the basic respect for another human being. Yes they're footballers, billionaire owners etc, but they're f***ing people first and deserve to be treat like it.

I admire your values, IC. Good point.


Here's a random and peripherally relevant 'knowledge-bomb': even in the most extreme conflict you can (most people, not accurately) imagine, you don't have to turn all psychopathic and disrespectful. Studies of killing in war reckon most of the small arms kills come from a very small percentage of the front line soldiers (WWII, 70% kills from 2%). Mostly infantrymen were posturing and firing wildly and ineffectively, many trotting-out hate-fuelled rhetoric. 1% of the effective killers were psychopaths, i.e. callous and generally malevolent, didn't care about anybody but themselves. The other 1%, were decent moral men. Who cared about their 'people' (brothers in arms, family, town/city, country etc) enough to overcome the p*ss your pants terror and fundamental wrongness of taking life. The point?  You wouldn't want to damage/threaten something precious to, or generally f*** with with,  the latter group (or the psychos) but they would be more likely to maintain respect for you, even if they were willing to end you. The chest beaters and shouters, well it is just (often self-defeating) noise.


If Ashley is the enemy, personally I would rather not let his actions lead me to behave in a way which doesn't fit my values. Which drags me down to his level. Doesn't mean that I wouldn't kick the living s*** out of him, but I would have to be given due cause to exert 'reasonable force' (honest officer).

This is some post for 6 o clock in the morning [emoji38]
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Jenas is such a shithead. That really riled me up this weekend. He was always an average player. I don't understand why Jake Humphrey even asked the question. Also, he kept going on about how Newcastle were holding him back, but he spent the majority of his career at Spurs. Never mentioned that.

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Jenas is such a shithead. That really riled me up this weekend. He was always an average player. I don't understand why Jake Humphrey even asked the question. Also, he kept going on about how Newcastle were holding him back, but he spent the majority of his career at Spurs. Never mentioned that.


Don’t know, why you don’t ask the people in the best pundit/journalist thread..?


You could also ask them why Gary Lineker once asked Pardew, sincerely it looked, if he felt unlucky for not being considered for the ‘top jobs’.


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Guest Howaythetoon

I watched it and the first bit he was talking about was fair enough, how it was hard for him to break into that team with the competition etc. And NUFC not doing so well after Sir Bobby left, but the second part he was talking complete bull shit how he was miles ahead of everyone after coming from England training. And on that point, you might be training with better players, but the training isn’t as intense with England as at club level, it’s mainly light work, tactical stuff and massages and stretching etc.

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Jenas is such a shithead. That really riled me up this weekend. He was always an average player. I don't understand why Jake Humphrey even asked the question. Also, he kept going on about how Newcastle were holding him back, but he spent the majority of his career at Spurs. Never mentioned that.


Don’t know, why you don’t ask the people in the best pundit/journalist thread..?


You could also ask them why Gary Lineker once asked Pardew, sincerely it looked, if he felt unlucky for not being considered for the ‘top jobs’.


Do you think Lineker is a bad pundit/ presenter?


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Fiorentina are honouring a four year contract that Davide Astori was about to sign before he died and are giving the money to his family. Unbelievable that




Not sure they are actually. Someone at the club jumped the gun apparently. So now the club is in an awkward PR position.

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