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Yeah, I defend Crims. Given that his trial was due to start and has now been put back to June I imagine his Custody Time Limits have expired or are expiring. There's a bit more info on what they are linked below but in essence its the period of time you can be locked up without trial. These can be extended but this isn't always straightforward. Mendy could also have reapplied for bail regardless of the situation with CTL's but this would have required a change of circumstances, whilst maybe there's been some shift in the evidence that could be considered a change of circumstances it seems most likely to be because the trial has been delayed. 




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I wonder if the rise of ourselves - and the fact clubs like Villa are signing Coutinho - reduces the chance of a Super League, because the PL is going to have so many 'big' teams? 6 already seemed a lot. It'll be harder to just peel a few off like you might do with Barca/Real/Atleti. But also it might worry the big Spanish and Italian teams more, and into some kind of action if they're afraid of the PL dominating. 

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The CIES Football Observatory has NUFC as the worst-off club in the PL for points below expected points.


Expecting (based on shots taken and faced) 0.9 points per game and actually getting 0.58. So we would have nearly 19 points.


Spurs and West Ham are +0.4 per game, by far the biggest points scorers above expectation. 

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