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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. That last paragraph.... The only mistake they can make at this point is leaving Carver in charge any longer than is needed, ffs.
  2. Sounds about right. Sounds perfect for Ashley and I haven't a problem with this philosophy if it brings a modicum of success with it. Good managers can build good teams with good players, even if some of those good players are sold and others brought in. Pardew just used it as an excuse.
  3. I thought this too, it was a balanced piece that rightly brought up inadequacies but felt like it was holding back too much, didn't get everything he deserved but it's refreshing to see an article that doesn't look like it's taken it's facts from wiki.
  4. Imagine if El Tel or Carver got it after all this man? It'd be like fucking Bullseye "Lets have a look at what you could have won.... A Remi Garde!!" (I realise I'm showing my age here). Just fuck off and get him in.
  5. f*** that man, just get Garde in. Exactly, why is this even a question? He's obviously interested, just turning up for an interview should be enough to secure his position ffs.
  6. Practically a done deal according to my imagination
  7. I hope he wins his next couple so his ego is at an all time high, then you can cut the strings fate and we can watch him plummet to earth with a sickening crunch. Let the fan hit full speed before the shit gets launched, maximum effect. Then he will fade into obscurity and the world will be set right again.
  8. That's a load of bollocks, most of the lads I went to games with under Keegan and Bobby stopped going under Ashley and I include myself in that. It wasn't the older ones asking Pardew to give them a wave. I don't believe that for a second either, I can't see any actual supporter who has witnessed the Keegan and to a lesser extent Sir Bobby eras first hand putting up with the drivel we've been served. The younger generation that has grown up with the likes of Fat Sam think everything is/was rosy. The older ones that are left are day trippers who go for the drink with the lads and somewhere to park their arses away from the spouse on a Saturday afternoon. They should be made to read some literature and sit in front of some extended season reviews before they can ask the likes of Pardew for a wave. But hey he's gone! And we finally have a chance to make the right appointment with Carr in the driving seat and prove we've been served a whole load of horse shit for neigh on 4 years.
  9. So jealous! Though I think it would be hard to watch him play for another team.
  10. Looks like one of the Nasty Boyz. You must have balls of steel to have attempted that reference. Knobbs' face with Saggs' hair innit. From here on in he will now be referred to as Knobb Sagg.
  11. It's a killer though, great times to have witnessed first hand, glorious days. But it makes current circumstances all that more unbearable. You can see why some of the young ones aren't as affected as us.
  12. http://www.dailystar.co.uk/sport/football/418959/Alan-Pardew-discusses-Yannick-Bolasie-s-future After the last line he deliberately looks at the camera and smiles. Bloody chairman selling the best players behind Pardew's back ffs. http://i.imgur.com/54ky7Ch.gif Looks like a fucking no lipped stroke victim! So glad he's out of our club!
  13. http://www.shoot.co.uk/category/news/premier-league/garde-best-for-both-parties/ Decent read.
  14. s*** would be unbearable for a while but as long as we don't sack the bloke we should be ok. Like with Spurs when everytime they lose Redknapp gets brought up Redknapp is their most successful manager in PL history tbf Pardew is our most successful manager in the last 4 years don't ya know?
  15. Mattoon

    John Carver

    Maybe the holdup with Pardew was negotiating an exit strategy for his back room staff once a new manager was appointed? After all we couldn't let them all go and have no one to run the club could we? /wishful thinking
  16. Totally agree, the words Pardew and years should never be put together in a sentence like that unless it is about a custodial sentence! I'm trying not to be too excited because I know how Ashley likes to pull the proverbial rug and Remi Garde is a relative unknown, but fuck it, we deserve it!!
  17. It's always nerve-wracking getting a new manager, but out of the possible disaster appointments I'd say we've basically won the lottery. Agree with Ian here. Completely agree with you, I'd much rather take a leap of faith than take on another "established" clogger. It's just made more nerve wracking by the fact he's relative unknown and if the Pardew experience has taught me anything it's to believe my eyes and not the opinion of Tom, dick or Harry (not Redknap). Potentially this could be amazing and I'm happy with that!
  18. One fans opinion shouldn't sway an argument, however regarding the feedback we're hearing from media sources, aren't these the same ones that say Pardew did a magnificent job under difficult circumstances? If this is to be more than a rumour I'd like to go through some old footage of Lyons under Garde to decipher if he is the French Pardew as suggested by that poster or that is he is in fact the decent coach depicted by the media. I live in hope it's the latter, but after a lifetime of Pardew, I don't want a continental Pardew ffs.
  19. Mattoon

    John Carver

    Only 40%?! Probably has an interest level currently of 40%
  20. This cunt gone yet? ..... Oh yeah he has!!!!
  21. They're gonna get mullered by Southampton!
  22. expect something on Febuary 3rd right after Sissoko is sold at 10pm deadline day the night before This. We don't want any new managers getting any crazy ideas like strengthening a shocking back 4. We could do a Leeds you know?
  23. After the initial joy and dancing round like I kid I feel like I'm slowly plummeting back to earth, I'm tentatively waiting on the next appointment before I feel I can relax as there's always the worry the next guy will be another Pardy line, hoop licking yes man coming out of retirement to breed further mediocrity. I hate Pardew, irrationally, for what he's done, I rue the day I gave him the benefit of the doubt, he should never have had the chance here. He's ruined the club, not just on the playing side of things but with the harmony between fans, driven a wedge down the middle and caused a lot of infighting. We need a good manager to come in and prove what a charlatan he was, to put paid to the arguments and reunite not just a team but an entire club/fanbase. I just wish Sunderland were the ones that came in for him and he dragged them down into obscurity, but I'll settle for Palace disappearing off the map under his tenure.
  24. All we have to go off regarding his "attitude problems" is the club that admitted its penchant to the odd lie or two in the Keegan fiasco. You believe anything that comes from the propaganda machine then you're truly the "deluded Jawdees". I have no doubt in my mind his attitude will have digressed the more he saw the likes of Oberwang play ahead of him, that would seriously affect my mental state towards my job if some, fresh off the dole chav for example was getting all the hours and plaudits at work for peregrinating whilst I was actually achieving things for the business. I defy anyone to say any different. HBA time here will be fondly remembered and greatly missed as one of the actual footballers we owned at one time. No amount of club propaganda and history revisionism will change the memories I have through the power of sight. He tailed off at the end of his career due to the fact he was given 10 minute cameos in a downtrodden team devoid of ideas and bereft of stamina. Which brings me to my final point, remember a certain Mr Gullit bringing on Shearer against the SMB's and then blaming him for the loss? How is that any different? The fact that Shearer butted heads consistently with Gullit, does that make him a trouble maker that needed shifting out or just make him an astute player who can spot a bullshitting sub-standard manager? "Sexy football" my arse, "front foot football" my arse. Viva la Ben Arfa!
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