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Everything posted by maybe_next_year

  1. :lol: Guess that natural catchment area of the north sea is finally starting to pay off!! really annoys me that they have their 'friendship'. I mean all we have is that time we beat them 3-2 to progress to the next stage of the champions league
  2. still find it ridiculous that a player like that is currently playing for Leicester
  3. shows just how bad MOTD pundits are that he cant look brilliant on it. Figueroa the best for me.
  4. just turned on MOTD to see that stoke goal, talk about timing
  5. Same here, Newcastle Brown Ale and McEwans Lager yes, but a bloody loan shark, that's a great example to the kids like http://i.imgur.com/lQeAPxN.jpg
  6. "he's not the messiah, he's a very decent prospect who's enjoying an exceptional season"
  7. anybody know when the full accounts will be available to read?
  8. The only thing that has surprised me about the rangers situation is that, Ashley has found a way to fuck them up for his own benefit in a way that's even more obvious than it is with us.
  9. What will it have inside? One of those giant sports direct mugs is my guess.
  10. Bloody hell, these cunts can't even release account info without trying to pull the wool over peoples eyes.
  11. grim. looks familiar, sure I've had a pre match pint with him before an away game before
  12. Santon wasn't really injured though for all that time.
  13. yes its that time of year again, where 3000 lucky Geordies get to travel the 11 miles to be greeted by the worlds classiest fans(FTM), who will show them the wonders of their utopian city, such as the national glass centre and, erm, the metro back to Newcastle? All while enthralling them with tales of how Paolo 'Fasict' De Canio was just misunderstood and how they can't see anything wrong with the crime Adam Johnson has been accused of, after all, as they said to their sister/mother "if there's grass on the wicket, lets play cricket". All while knowing that non of us will ever live down the shame of that 9-1 defeat we all remember so vividly. 1-1 draw, all round crime against football. last on MOTD.
  14. The worst thing about that picture is that i'm more surprised that Messi looks quite normal given his suit choices at every Ballon D'or than how the rest are dressed
  15. https://instagram.com/p/0nQY9iiTI3/ can't help but love the guy
  16. So often I thought Sammy/cabella/Perez seemed to have a Good few touches, look forward and there was just nothing there for them, you could put this down to Cisse being out but it's more than that, there's a lack of willingness to attack in numbers at this club, even at corners there was a few times arsenal had every man back in their own box (as unfortunatly seems to be the norm these days) and we still had 4 players standing outside far enough back to be ready to defend. Sissoko seemed to be the only player willing to gamble on a run inside the box, even then only rarely. Bit rediculous how often the person in our front three with the ball is the furthest player forward. Also what is the point in Gouffran, barely even noticed he was playing.
  17. Colo miss the Mackems? Probably the only thing close to being important about this match.
  18. I'm leaving the house now and not having to watch any more of this
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