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Fabricio Coloccini (now retired)


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He deserves an international recall but from a NUFC point of view i hope he doesn't get one.  With our lack of numbers at the back,  its more beneficial for him to get his feet up and rest for a week or so than go half way round the world to play for Argentina.

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It is a curious thing that Jonas has remained in the squad after relegation but Colo was dropped. I have looked at the Argentina squad and can't see a reason for him not to be included.


Agree that it is for the best that he rests during International breaks; but, on the other hand, it could give his confidence a further boost and aid his training to playat that level.

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I hope that he does get a recall for Argentina, he deserves it and I think it would be really good for him to get the recognition for the way that he's playing for us.




International call-ups always come with the fear of exhaustion/injury, especially when such distances are involved, but I couldn't begrudge Colo a return to the squad. Amazed it hasn't happened already.

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International call-ups always come with the fear of exhaustion/injury, especially when such distances are involved, but I couldn't begrudge Colo a return to the squad. Amazed it hasn't happened already.


My biggest problem with Bobby was his treatment of Solano when he wanted to play for Peru.  All players should be able to play international football if that is what they want to do.  It's up to the clubs to make sure that they have adequate cover for players who can get injured at any time.


It’s also good for the club that we have players who are seen to be the best players for the country they represent.

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Agree with all of that, although I would surely be saying different if we began noticing blips in player performances after international games or if players started getting injured/needing rests because of them.


No evidence of that recently though with those who have been involved with their national sides, so long may it continue. It's not like we have a particularly crowded schedule these days either, which is one defence I could potentially make for Bobby given we were regularly competing in Europe under him.


Coloccini will hopefully get a chance again, along with the likes of Best who I can't believe is out of the Ireland picture given his form so far this season.

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International call-ups always come with the fear of exhaustion/injury, especially when such distances are involved, but I couldn't begrudge Colo a return to the squad. Amazed it hasn't happened already.


My biggest problem with Bobby was his treatment of Solano when he wanted to play for Peru.  All players should be able to play international football if that is what they want to do.  It's up to the clubs to make sure that they have adequate cover for players who can get injured at any time.


It’s also good for the club that we have players who are seen to be the best players for the country they represent.


Solano didn't have the legs or the lungs to play an extra 5-10 games per season. Not to mention the travel.


Bobby should have made him choose in 2002.



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Solano didn't have the legs or the lungs to play an extra 5-10 games per season. Not to mention the travel.


Bobby should have made him choose in 2002.




The number of games that he played in suggests that he did have the legs and lungs.  His worst season for domestic games from joining Newcastle the first time to leaving the last time was 30 games.  And he played up to 52 domestic games one season which is probably as many as any of our players during that time.

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Argies want to usher in a new generation of defenders allegedly. dunno why they're picking the likes of demichelis ahead of him though.


was just thinking, is there a team in britain where colo wouldn't walk straight into the first XI? Would be a clear starter for man utd, city, arsenal, liverpool, spurs imo.


At Chelsea I think he's now individually better than Terry (who is past his peak) and Luiz (erratic and not yet at his peak) but then Terry is the captain and i'm not sure the universe is ready for Luiz and Colo together...

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I dunno about Man U, I'd probably have Vidic and Jones as definate starters, though Ferdinand is likely to be prefered.


Probably Man City but dunno, their defenders look sometimes great, sometimes laughable. If he was at Arsenal he'd probably restore their title challenge lol

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Argies want to usher in a new generation of defenders allegedly. dunno why they're picking the likes of demichelis ahead of him though.


was just thinking, is there a team in britain where colo wouldn't walk straight into the first XI? Would be a clear starter for man utd, city, arsenal, liverpool, spurs imo.


At Chelsea I think he's now individually better than Terry (who is past his peak) and Luiz (erratic and not yet at his peak) but then Terry is the captain and i'm not sure the universe is ready for Luiz and Colo together...


Let's hope that most clubs share Alan Brazil's opinion when he said on his show the other day that he doesn't rate him.

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I don't, everyone at work laughed at me when I put him in my fantasy football, now I'm the one laughing :D. Also I put in Krul and they (two of them teamed up to build a squad to challenge mine) put in Begovic, only consolation when Sunderland thrashed Stoke!

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I dunno about Man U, I'd probably have Vidic and Jones as definate starters, though Ferdinand is likely to be prefered.


Probably Man City but dunno, their defenders look sometimes great, sometimes laughable. If he was at Arsenal he'd probably restore their title challenge lol


At Man Utd it would be Vidic-Coloccini, at City Kompany-Coloccini. Ferdinand's ravaged by injuries and has lost his pace. Some shocking defending from him, and also Jones vs the swiss. Jones looks an immense talent but he's a few years off maturity and so far looks better in midfield. even Evans has been preferred to Smalling and Jones for the central spot a few times this season.


And no one in the world can tell me Joleon Lescott is a superior defender.


Don't get me wrong Colo has his weaknesses that need to be accounted for but so do all centre-halves, Vidic frequently makes mistakes due to his high risk style of play, for instance.

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Colo getting a call-up would be great news for us tbh. He's still got plenty left in the tank, and i fear he's gonna start wondering whether or not he can make the Argie team again whilst at our club. If he seeks a move for that reason (ie, having overcome the obstacles of being dicked around by owners), it'd be tragic.

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Colo getting a call-up would be great news for us tbh. He's still got plenty left in the tank, and i fear he's gonna start wondering whether or not he can make the Argie team again whilst at our club. If he seeks a move for that reason (ie, having overcome the obstacles of being dicked around by owners), it'd be tragic.


Jonas plays for us and is a regualr squad member though.

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