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Dogawful Officiating: PL to keep VAR next season (official)


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There's always going to be some subjectivity on decisions on a football pitch, and there's nothing to say that the opinion of a panel meeting a few days afterwards is necesarily going to be more valid than that of a PL official. But there needs to be a tipping point where a referee is told to sit out a couple of weeks, and doing it when you've had a decision or multiple decisions overturned seems as reasonable as any.


I mean fuck me, those two red card decisions were so bad, the Bednarek one in particular, that it seems common sense that you'd pull him out of this week's action.


Not to condone the idiotic behaviour, but I'm genuinely surprised that this is the first time Dean has received any threats. Not because he's any worse than other referees, but because he conducts himself like a complete wanker.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Referee’s want to help themselves before they ask for anyone else to support them.

It doesn’t help that they constantly allow players to talk to them like shit, especially players at certain clubs.

Nor does it help when they show bias in other areas.


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Start booking and sending players off for dissent would, of course, be the right course of action. If a club does it more than x times they get fined. If you get fined x then further sanctions.




Do it at the start of a season, across the continent, and stick with it. It'll be carnage for 3 or 4 weeks then it would just stop. Players would shut the fuck up. The refs need to just be firm and not crumble once City or Liverpool go down to 8 players on consecutive weekends or something like that.

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Start booking and sending players off for dissent would, of course, be the right course of action. If a club does it more than x times they get fined. If you get fined x then further sanctions.


They had that thing where they moved a free kick forward for dissent but got rid of it.

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The way the Saints players crowded the ref at the end of the first half should just not be allowed.

Lets not forget that VAR showed their played dived for a penalty, the penalty was overturned but no yellow for the dive.

Missed that. VAR loves a dive. If you can dive so there's 'contact' that's even better. More penalties = moar goals = Excitement!

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  • 1 month later...

I'm really not sure how this is supposed to work, but did anyone see the tackle on Fernandes last night the same time we scored? At the very least a yellow card. Nothing given. Do fouls not count if they happen in the same phase of play as a goal? 

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Blatant fucking pen. What's the fucking point in VAR if they won't overule a ref, or even have the fucking cunt go look at the screen. Unable to to implement the relatively simple concept of video assisted refereeing, what fucking hope have you got?

May as well let the fat, bald fucking cunt officiate the game as he sees fit.

Respect the ref blah blah blah, the PL is refereed by absolute useless, brain dead cunts beyond any sort of help. 

The sooner they get a robot on the pitch to do it, as opposed to these pricks, the better.

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A former Premier League match official tells The Independent referees dislike VAR as much as players and fans, following another weekend of confusion and controversy



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The whole thing's just too confusing and adds nothing to the game.

That Man Utd disallowed goal yesterday... is accidentally touching the face of an opponent with your hand, once you're already past them, even a foul? If so, what rule was VAR looking at and how did they decide? They should be telling fans like they do on American football (for example)... "player X committed rule breach Y, therefore we're doing Z".

Part of the problem Is VAR and part of it is football itself. It's a strange sport which is more governed by unspoken conventions than the actual rules. Most fans, pundits, managers and players probably don't even know what the rules say about a given thing. When TV pundits analyse what's happening, there's a good chance they don't have a clue what the basis for a decision should be.

If we're keeping it, offside and handball would be the biggest things to fix. For offside you could maybe do 'on-field decision' if it's very close, or even change the rule so it's just based on the position of the feet. Something like that anyway. 

For handball, the only fair way is the old 'was it deliberate' question IMO, and I'm not sure a slow motion replay really helps with that. 



Edited by AyeDubbleYoo

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