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How highly do you rate... Robert Pires?


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Going a bit more domestic, how about this guy as a player? Who is he better than?  Who is he worse than?




Frightening player to come up against.

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Going a bit more domestic, how about this guy as a player? Who is he better than?  Who is he worse than?




Frightening player to come up against.

He's the best central midfielder in Premier League history.

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Going a bit more domestic, how about this guy as a player? Who is he better than?  Who is he worse than?




Frightening player to come up against.

He's the best central midfielder in Premier League history.


Catts for me like.

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As a technical player he was relatively limited, as a leader of men with the ability to drag his team through a game on sheer determination there have been few like him. Ultimately that mental intensity and exceptionally high standards he demands out everyone around him has hindered him to some extent, not at man u (though it did get him the boot out of there in the end) but more playing for Ireland (the Saipan incident before world cup 02 being case in point) and its also held him back in his management career as he can't seem to be able to work well with players now who aren't as good as he and who he played with were.



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Going a bit more domestic, how about this guy as a player? Who is he better than?  Who is he worse than?




Frightening player to come up against.

He's the best central midfielder in Premier League history.

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It's extremely hard to choose between Paul Scholes and Roy Keane. Keane was incredibly influential for us and back on to the debate of single handedly carrying teams, Keane done it for us on many occasions, most notably against Juventus in the 99 Champions League. The fact he was booked and suspended from the final and still went on to have his best ever performance for us is a testament to his box to box ability and phenomenal mental strength.


It he wasn't a cunt with terrible temperament, a lot more people would consider him the best midfielder the Premiership has ever seen. For me, it's Scholes.


Also, whoever it was putting prime Lampard in the same bracket as prime Kaka is batshit crazy. Lampard has arguably had a better career, but Kaka 2004-2006 was inhuman. I've never seen my team be so helpless against one man over not just one game, but two (including Ronaldos hat trick at OT) . He was literally unstoppable and it was a painful joy to watch. Lampard has never been that level.


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That goal Kaka scored where he heads the ball between two of your defenders who then clatter into each other before coolly slotting home is absolutely ridiculous.


Aww man it was a ridiculous goal. Nodded it off Fletcher I think and then ridiculed Rio and Heinze. He made us look disturbingly bad that year. Even though we won that game we knew we were in for it in the return leg.

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The Kaka who played for Milan was one of my favorite players to watch, what a treat. His style of play was so smooth and he just glided around the pitch. And those 2 goals at Old Trafford....wow.


Keane, hate the fucker, but used to always wish we had his fiery personality in our sides at times. His leadership and mentality made up for areas he was weaker at, and that to me makes the man.

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Strangely enough, Keane has a bit of - probably unfair - bad rep over here. He's usually dismissed as the "prototypical British football thug", and a lot of people would put Scholes, Gerrard, Lampard... above him.


I personally enjoyed seeing him play, he certainly was one of a kind. The fire he brought to a side in his prime was almost infectious.

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