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If Colo leaves who would you make captain?

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Hba as captain is just a bad choice if not worse than Taylor.



Cabaye is the only answer.




He has no leadership qualities, he is inconsistent and needs to concentrate on his own game, doesn't have the greatest injury record, no previous experience, isn't vocal, is quite selfish, tactically unaware and needs to be running around looking for space not checking on others, their game, their positioning and telling them what to do.


Lead by example captains are only used when there isn't a suitable leader, there is one in Cabaye.

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I don't think any of them are captain material.


Cabaye definitely is, was captain at Lille for long periods and would apparently be captain of France if he wasn't injured.


Ok he's a bit temperamental now and again but Colo is too, Cabaye is a leader and has a lot of influence in the club who constantly tries to sell the club to his frenchie friends.


He seems perfect to me, but i really hope Colo stays  :'(

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