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The other games today - 2013/14


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Guest firetotheworks

Man United are so obviously bereft of champions league class players I almost feel for Moyes, obviously excluding van persie. Kagawa perhaps but so clearly short of confidence


I would agree if he hadn't just bought the least Champion's League player of the lot of 27 million.



:lol: And he's off.

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I see your point, maybe should say on form champions league class at this, and Rooney is definitely on his day but not wholly convinced by the talk he is on form at the moment, but they look rubbish today. Carrick too I guess.

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He used to do it a bit, but I don't recall him being anything like that bad with us.


I think it's that he has realised he's a pretty insignificant member of their squad and has to try harder to get noticed. Which he has chosen to do through the medium of cheating.

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"I’ve seen it. The boy tugs him in the box. The referee is two yards away from it and decides to give it.


He’s got a penalty kick for a decision tonight. I don’t know about his reputation, but the referee is there and he gave it.


The referee made decisions all night. He’s the one who saw fit to award a penalty and send a player off. I thought the referee made decisions and that was the referee’s choice."


So much for your anti-diving stance, David.

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Red cafe are laying into Ashley Young. Seen the gif and there's no way the cheating little shit should get away with that.


How stupid is Moyes though? He needs to win the fans over and he sort of half protects Young. Come out all guns blazing and kick him out the club, the fans would love that.

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He has won 12 penalties (and countless FKs) in the PL so far.


One of the worse divers in the league imo, up there with Suarez and 'I fall so I won't get hurt' Bale before he left.


What makes it silly besides the lack of retrospective action by those dinosaurs at the FA is the rule that any contact, even the bare minimal, means the player can't be cautioned for diving.



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It's a "good" dive like, can see why the ref gives it. He leaves his arm trailing so it looks like he's been tugged, and that's why the ref gives it. He's a fucking disgusting little cheat like, but we all knew that.

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