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Alan '48 points' Pardew

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I now hope we beat City so we can stop spending money and time by Christmas, just like last year.


It was quite novel in the last few games of last season, willing us to lose in the hope he'd get sacked.  Felt like there was a point to it all.

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The man is a grade A cunt of the highest order.


How fucking stupid can you be?!  The question that was posed to him is a complete no brainer....the interviewer was basically setting him up "finished top half last season, this season we're looking at breaking into to 8 at least"  or something like that.  The fanny cannae even get that bit right.  Wank!

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Just watched the Skysports video again - the answer in full is:


"Well, the average for this club over the last 10 years in the Premiership is 48 points and if we get that - or anything above that - will be a good season for us. But, you know, at this stage of the season, like all clubs, our dreams are higher than that. We'll have to see where we go. We've got another window to get through in the winter, which caused us damage last time and, um, we conduct our business well in that window, and strengthen again and if we can, we can have a great season."


Only this genius would bring up just trying to get through the January window as part of an answer about the season expectations in August.



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The January window will be as follows:


If by January 15th we are:


12th or above - we will actively look to sell anyone we can get a good fee for and won't sign anyone unless there's some stupendous value (there never is)

13th-15th - we'll not do anything, unless there's a Carroll-esque offer

16th or below - we'll sign three or four players, with a transfer outlay not topping £10m for the lot, in order to get ourselves safe

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The January window will be as follows:


If by January 15th we are:


12th or above - we will actively look to sell anyone we can get a good fee for and won't sign anyone unless there's some stupendous value (there never is)

13th-15th - we'll not do anything, unless there's a Carroll-esque offer

16th or below - we'll sign three or four players, with a transfer outlay not topping £10m for the lot, in order to get ourselves safe


I honetsly dont think there will be any need to worry about relegation this season, I think QPR, Burnley and Leicester City will be for the drop.  So we will only be looking to sell, not sure who tho.  maybe Tiote if he is still here.

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The January window will be as follows:


If by January 15th we are:


12th or above - we will actively look to sell anyone we can get a good fee for and won't sign anyone unless there's some stupendous value (there never is)

13th-15th - we'll not do anything, unless there's a Carroll-esque offer

16th or below - we'll sign three or four players, with a transfer outlay not topping £10m for the lot, in order to get ourselves safe

I don't think even Pardew could get this team relegated with all the shit that's in the league


I honetsly dont think there will be any need to worry about relegation this season, I think QPR, Burnley and Leicester City will be for the drop.  So we will only be looking to sell, not sure who tho.  maybe Tiote if he is still here.

I don't think even Pardew could get this team relegated with all the shit that's in the league

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A total mediocrity.


When I watch Keegan's 'I'd love it' clip on YouKnowWhere it makes me want to cry.


That was a manager who players would run through brick walls for, who would never give up and would make the opposition worry about us.


Pardew is the antithesis of all of that.


Depressing :(

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I'm in Newcastle every few weeks to see family and living in Manchester there's 6 clubs easily within driving distance for away fixtures. I used to travel up for the games even when we were in the Championship. It's very difficult to stay away but I do it.

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Giving up my ST was hard to do but it gets easier by the game due to how bad they are. I can say with the benefit of hindsight I'd have spent well over £1,000 and countless hours doing something I'd not have enjoyed in the slightest. This season will be no different and we've been told as much just today.

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Guest firetotheworks

If the manager was a deciding factor in match attendance I would barely have been to St James'.

It's not as simple or as shallow as that and you know it like.

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The c*** is also basically saying now the usual s*** he spawns, of "we may go for another player if it's right and the finance is there" - so basically no more signings people. So that again means not a penny invested apart from what has already came in through selling, despite the sky money, the wonga sponsorship and now the new puma deal (even though both are a utter embarrassment). I thank my lucky stars that I refused to invest one more penny into this club until these brand of frauds have gone. With glaring weaknesses in centre of defence, centre of midfield, no proven 15 - 20 goal striker and this c***s total s*** standard of football and management - 48 points is the pinnacle of what will happen this season at best.

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If the manager was a deciding factor in match attendance I would barely have been to St James'.

It's not as simple or as shallow as that and you know it like.


Oh absolutely, the club is rotten from top to bottom and anyone not returning is fully justified. Just read those 48 points comments. Jesus :anguish:

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Guest firetotheworks

From some dick head on Twitter...


@Itsmillertime87 allardyce is awful.. you have it easy with pardew hes a great manager back him and youll see results



'Backed him' for 4 years and the result is that he's the antichrist.

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