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Someone walked past SJP last night and noticed all the photographs in the skip and posted photos on twitter.  Looks like the Chronicle has picked up on it.


Even if you ignored what the pictures were of, the actual frames could have been reused. To bin them is a ridiculous waste. Whoever binned them would have known plenty of fans would have happily had them.


Like I said, they could have easily gave them to local charaties or none league football teams to auction off for a couple of quid.  Sigh.

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The only fathomed reason to go to the Spurs match is if you truly support Mike Ashley and agree with how he's running the club. That of course opens you to questions of your mental state but we'll leave that there.


If you're going out of some misguided loyalty to the team your stuck in one way traffic because no loyalty has been shown to us from anyone at the club.


Lastly if you're going because you're a supafan that never misses a game then you deserve all you get, it's pretentious to say the least.

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Nobody should feel forced into doing anything. A large boycott would have a good impact IMO and could be the start of something really meaningful but we shouldn't be arguing amongst ourselves about it. It's just playing into Ashley's hands. Divide and conquer.

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Guest ElCid

Nobody should feel forced into doing anything. A large boycott would have a good impact IMO and could be the start of something really meaningful but we shouldn't be arguing amongst ourselves about it. It's just playing into Ashley's hands. Divide and conquer.


People who go shouldn't be arguing about anything as they deserve all they get in my opinion.

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Nobody should feel forced into doing anything. A large boycott would have a good impact IMO and could be the start of something really meaningful but we shouldn't be arguing amongst ourselves about it. It's just playing into Ashley's hands. Divide and conquer.


I don't want to force anyone into anything but it would be nice if they would just take a minute to think of the long term. It's also infuriating when someone berates Ashley in one breath and then fills his pocket the next. Each to their own but I just cannot fathom the thought process behind it.

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Season ticket holder of 25 years that can't, YET, give up going completely. I've started paying for next season in March and don't want to write a couple of months payments off. This coming year, between now and next renewal period i suppose i'm at a bit of a crossroads, not sure how much more of being treat with contempt i can take. Definitely won't go on Sunday though. It's ONE game and we at least have to send out some sort of message that things aren't good enough.

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Guest ElCid

Season ticket holder of 25 years that can't, YET, give up going completely. I've started paying for next season in March and don't want to write a couple of months payments off. This coming year, between now and next renewal period i suppose i'm at a bit of a crossroads, not sure how much more of being treat with contempt i can take. Definitely won't go on Sunday though. It's ONE game and we at least have to send out some sort of message that things aren't good enough.


I did give up after 40 year but can understand and accept why taking the final plunge maybe currently a bridge too far - you however the realise the importance of making a statement and that missing 1 game is not a issue to make a stance against the corrupt bunch of cretins running this club. If someone who has been a season ticket holder for 25 year can do it then so can everyone else and that's my issue with the people going.

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Division is naturaly created by those knowingly damaging a protest and potential landmark period under Ashley. We cannot strong arm anyone into doing anything, but if the majority are unwilling to come together and miss this game our fanbase is truly fucked.


Then the only hope left is if Lowes is in between meals and mistakes Ashley for a suckling pig.

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A few more days to get this into full swing. The city needs to get infested withe the #boycottspurs hype as much as possible. It especially needs to be relayed to fans who aren't active with social media and just turn up to matches just for the sake of it.

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Remember it's down to everyone to ensure this is a success. I've managed to convince 2 season ticket holders from work who were planning on attending to boycott Spurs (it took some doing for one of them!) and I'm still working on another one who reckons he's still going. I'm going to show him that TF video on my phone later. If that doesn't work I'll have to threaten him.

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Been reading some discusions on FB.


Honestly man, its like wild animals that have been held captive, the cage is open to be released back into the wild and they refuse to leave the cage.



Disgusting tbh.

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The thing I don't get is that even if you're in two minds about whether a boycott will do anything surely nobody can be happy about what's going on on and off the pitch currently. Therefore given its one game, make something of a stand. It's not saying you can never return to St James.


I just worry about the blind faith brigade or the day trippers who have a few pints, stuff a pie in and go meet the wife after just because it's what they always do.

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The thing is though we've had some pretty poor cup crowds recently (15k v Plymouth, 20k v Spurs ironically, and loads of others in the mid 20k's and a lot of those crowds were made up of kids who can't afford to go to the league games so there's probably only 10-12k max who literally can't miss a NUFC home game for whatever reason.


I fear that come the day there'll be a lot of selfish bastards who will think well I've paid for my ticket so I'm going regardless. These aren't true fans in my opinion.

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