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I don't even see the quality of the football as being higher (I know you said in theory). IMO it's markedly worse than it was 10-15 years ago. Even the games between the top teams are usually a bore-off.


The whole Premier League experience seems more 'Emperor's New Clothes' every year to me, although obviously not to everyone else since the public continue to throw money at Sky for it.

oh I do agree on the whole and the ability of premier league clubs over the last 5 years or so to not only be getting and spending much more money than ever and somehow seem to get worse every season is remarkable. Theres also the trend for the stockpiling of talented players at these top teams, chelsea have what 24 players out on loan? how the fuck is that even allowed? So its no surprise general quality is going down since any player who shows even the remotest bit of talent and ability the media are selling to liverpool man utd etc.

The more I think about it the more I almost welcome relegation just on the basis of fuck the premier league for a while

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I can't really answer this question. A part of me does, but it's also built in to me to hurt at the idea. I envisage anger and disillusion eithe away. While there'd be an amount of satisfaction, my feelings for the regime would really come to a head at a higher level if it happened, I'd be raging.

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I'm really not sure. Get relegated and people will start lapping up to Ashley again about how he stopped us doing a Leeds again, we'll owe him even more money...still think we're more likely to get respectable new owners if we're a Premier League club.

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Guest chopey

The worst three teams over the season will go down but ultimately for the good of the competition it will be better if we go down if even just to prevent other teams following our un-ambitious model

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No, can see no real benefit going down. It will not get rid of Ashley as he has too much money invested in the club. Plus cannot see us coming back up. I am old enough to remember season after season in the old second division, when a big signing  was people like mick Martin and John Trewick from West Brom reserves. so no real wish to go back to those days.

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It wouldn't be horrible like. We just wouldn't be in the top league and it might further show up Ashley for what he is. I agree it'd probably mean he wouldn't sell, but the premier league tv exposure is clearly a big deal and likely one of the few reasons he bothers.

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It would show up him, his cronies and their clueless ideas about football. His 'I'll do things my way' attitude has got us in this situation and relegation would be the ultimate confirmation of its failure. He isn't used to failure. To say he wouldn't be bothered is preposterous.

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Not in the slightest. Why should we suffer because of Ashley's penny pinching? I'd rather Sunderland went down, just as I'm sure their fans would be delighted if we dropped.

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It would show up him, his cronies and their clueless ideas about football. His 'I'll do things my way' attitude has got us in this situation and relegation would be the ultimate confirmation of its failure. He isn't used to failure. To say he wouldn't be bothered is preposterous.


We are already deep into the realms of the preposterous, though, Dave. My instinct says "f**k it, let's see what he does if we go down". But another voice says he will do absolutely nothing, at least not for the three years we'd receive parachute payments.

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It would show up him, his cronies and their clueless ideas about football. His 'I'll do things my way' attitude has got us in this situation and relegation would be the ultimate confirmation of its failure. He isn't used to failure. To say he wouldn't be bothered is preposterous.


He didn't seem to learn much the last time though.

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Staying up is guaranteeing more of the same. Relegation might change something. Let's get relegated and see. I probably don't want us to get relegated but i'm not hoping we stay up either. Apathy. I don't care either way. One is bad, one is worse. I'm not sure which is which.


In fact.. scrap that. I'm sure staying up is worse. But being in the Champo is no fun all the same.

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