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The end to the season is turning out to be quite fun :lol:


We're gradually pulling away quite nicely from the relegation zone while Pardew is absolutely bombing at unprecedented levels at WBA :lol:

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They hate him after what, 6 months? We had 4 fucking years of this cunt, I don't think there's much competition. :lol:


So hope he's still their manager when West Brom rock up here, it'll just be glorious to hear 90 minutes of constant abuse. It may break him. I hope it does.

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Best thing to do is just be vocal what we think about him week in week out until the end of the season. We’re going down, let that be on his cv if he won’t resign.


He had 2 weeks to prepare tactically for today and after 10 minutes he changed his formation because it was wrong. I understand the need for a plan b and c but that’s just unacceptable.


I don’t understand what he does all week on the training ground, there has been no change in style of play and we make the same mistakes week in week out. He has no idea what formation to play or which players to play where.


:lol: :lol:

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Well yeah true don't think any set of fans could beat us in hate for him  :lol:


Its the whole scenario playing out again of a whole fanbase wanting him out but being stuck with him...if he's still there next season it could be fun.

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Best thing to do is just be vocal what we think about him week in week out until the end of the season. We’re going down, let that be on his cv if he won’t resign.


He had 2 weeks to prepare tactically for today and after 10 minutes he changed his formation because it was wrong. I understand the need for a plan b and c but that’s just unacceptable.


I don’t understand what he does all week on the training ground, there has been no change in style of play and we make the same mistakes week in week out. He has no idea what formation to play or which players to play where.


:lol: :lol:



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Just been alerted to something that has really wound me up and I cannot let go.. apparently Carver told our fans in the Halford to “shut their gob” when moaned at, not only this but stewards then threatened to remove fans because of this..

this is absolutely disgraceful and I want him and that complete muppet Pardew out of our club as soon as possible. I’ve had a season ticket at this club for eleven years now and it’s hard earned money, not to mention travel, food, drink, programmes etc. The fact that Carver has the nerve to not only answer back (when no personal insults were thrown at him) but threaten them with ejection is actually the most disgraceful thing, considering the complete shambolic performance that was the first half. This club is made by the supporters, every week we turn up and support this complete load of spineless idiots despite the completely inept and disgraceful performances they manage to churn out, if we want to have a moan at two men who are taking our club for a ride and literally only care about their pay checks then we are more than within our rights. This has really infuriated me and I wish to take this further, I’m going to be looking to contact club officials and if anybody involved would like to contribute I’d be more than happy to take this further with the club, it’s absolutely disgusting.



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- Gregorz is our best central midfielder, amazingly he's dropped with no explanation.

- Livermore did what exactly to warrant a recall after a spell out?

- Yacob brought back into the fold recently, why did Pardew drop him about January time?

- Brunt: it doesn't work in the middle, we tried it in successive home games v So'ton and lost 2-3 / 1-2, Leicester a 1-4 spanking etc etc.

- Burke is our best player v Leicester, doesn't play the next 2 why?


Gregorz ~ Ben Arfa

Livermore ~ Gouffran

Yacob ~ Abeid

Brunt ~ Anita

Burke ~ Marveaux

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