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Rafael Benitez

Jesse Pinkman

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It sounds quite simple, but basically we need to win one more game than Norwich and Sunderland between now and the end of the season. Those two are equally as bad as us, and considering how awful we were under McClaren and the fact they couldn't pull away, gives us a massive chance under Benitez, especially considering we play them back to back after the Leicester game.


Yeah for all the doom and gloom its basically a case of beating Sunderland and Norwich and matching their results.

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Has anyone seen Sunderlands and Norwich's fixture list?


I would say that we have a better set of fixtures, though obviously our games against both of them are key.


That's it in a nutshell, beat them two when we play them, then pick up a couple of other wins. My worry is how gutless our players can be, we need a win asap to get confidence into the numpties.

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Norwich managed to grind out a point against city. they may be shit but there's a semblance of effort there.


Hit the cross bar too. At this stage of the season there's always clubs near the bottom that snap out of it, like wise clubs at the top that fade away. It's not going to be as straight forward as many might think, but we have a good chance to be one of the clubs that snaps out of it now.

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Coloccini will be fit man. Funny how these miracles happen.


Taylor and Colo for the run in and we have a chance, provided Benitez can make them a unit. Left back is a massive concern.


Taylor man, bloke's a liability.


Aye, much rather see Lascelles get the nod, he's done well in a couple of games.


Lascelles tends to look good for most of the game then throw in the odd rick which can be dangerous. Taylor's even worse though, so I suppose it's a case of picking one and hoping he can get through 90 mins without presenting Leicester with too many chances.

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So much negativity in pundits over this appointment - don't get that at all.  Shows how clueless some of these folk are - how can they not see Rafa having a +ve effect.  :idiot2:

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Says more about how little of a shit City have given since Guardiola was confirmed for next season imo.


And we've still got a game to come against them, so hopefully they keep not giving a shit.

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I refuse to listen to the so called experts on the matter, it's like our new Liverpool friends have come on here and said, he's never been well liked in the media circuit because he suffers no fools.


After the shitfest Pardew, Carver the McClaren have served up you'd have to have some severe learning difficulties to think an established Manager like Benitez won't do better just by being there.


Plus this is little old Newcastle, too far from London to be any kind of significant. Let them spout the shit they want to spout, don't let them spoil your party.

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there would have been shrugs and sighs of indifference when being told pardew or mcclaren was be your new coach.


can you imagine the actual buzz of having rafa walk out in front of you on the training ground.


their performance levels by inspiration alone should improve drastically, and that's even before the training/tactics set in.

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So much negativity in pundits over this appointment - don't get that at all.  Shows how clueless some of these folk are - how can they not see Rafa having a +ve effect.  :idiot2:


There are some pundits who are genuine football fans, there was a decent one on the Sunday Supplement this morning who was really positive, although I don't know his name. Henry Winter is another one. These are people who, like Rafa, appreciate clubs which are historically football cities. Then there are others who probably resent the fact that a huge name like Rafa was prepared to come to Newcastle because it goes against their agenda that we are an irrelevant club with deluded fans.

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The media were happy to make a song and dance about it for week and then all day on Friday when it was announced. Now that the 'shock' of it happening has worn off there is no need for them to carry on with their love in of us or Benitez.


We won't be allowed to have Benitez from the media, even if he keeps us up they will start with speculation over the Spain job in the summer, then if he's still here (especially if he's doing reasonably well for us) there will be constant speculation about him going elsewhere, it will be like how when we had Owen, Ba, Cabaye, etc.

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The media were happy to make a song and dance about it for week and then all day on Friday when it was announced. Now that the 'shock' of it happening has worn off there is no need for them to carry on with their love in of us or Benitez.


We won't be allowed to have Benitez from the media, even if he keeps us up they will start with speculation over the Spain job in the summer, then if he's still here (especially if he's doing reasonably well for us) there will be constant speculation about him going elsewhere, it will be like how when we had Owen, Ba, Cabaye, etc.


Don't worry, savvywoman says he is not going anywhere

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