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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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The thread on this on redcafe has descended into a debate on Islam with quotes from the Quran being posted and everything. At least we haven't got to that level. Yet. :lol:

Admins there are policing it now. It went way the fuck off the rails.
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Saudi regime and potential regeneration of SJP & Newcastle.


‘Architecture and Morality’, two subjects I’m sure we could discuss all night. Indeed, the lines are open if you want to call, make a comment on either architecture or morality, two equally hot but differently shaped potatoes. Chips, and… crinkle-cut chips.


Fucking hell, man. I've only just wasted my life reading through the past five pages. Don't kick it all off again.


I just thought it was an OMD reference :lol:

Ah. Their third studio album. Souvenir being a particular favourite.


Glad someone got it :lol:

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This thread is aids. No offence to anyone who has aids.

Aids isn't bad now, this thread is more like parkinsons.  No offence to anyone who has parkinsons.


Surely more like dementia forever repeating around and around.

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The thing is, you have to constantly point a water pistol at his mam, dad, aunties and uncles, his siblings and his cousins.

But only the ones who aren't knackers.











That's because it's very important always to aim for good Wraith relations.



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This Wraith guy is an absolute weapon. King of the knuckle-dragging morons.


You’ve met him?




Just seemed like you knew him well :lol:


:lol: nah I just pass judgment from my couch on the other side of the world.


He's on Twitter, which makes him an absolute twat. IMO.

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It boils down to people looking out for and defending their material interests. That's not a judgement, it's reality, we all do it. All I'm saying is that it worries me that because those material interests will be met by the Saudis, they'll be defended. That's it, that's the entire point and there's historical precedent for it everywhere. Just ask the 40% of converted Tories whether being able buy their council house in the '80s factored into their conversion to something they were previously against, or if it was just a coincidence. Everything else that you got angry about, were just presumptions you invented for yourself.




Yeah but, no but....



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I am struggling to understand the “if it’s not the Saudis I’m done” argument? Liverpool are owned by Americans and they’ve done pretty fucking well. What if the American bidders were to invest in the team, the infrastructure, and build us towards a team challenging the top 6? You wouldn’t want that? And we get that without any of the baggage associated with the PCP bid? That attitude seems crazy to me. There are people writing them off as terrible owners and we don’t even know who they are? Seems bizarre to me. Stifler was writing about them aiming for 17th and keeping Bruce, based on essentially nothing.


Two reasons. Firstly, people are emotionally spent when it comes to this takeover bullshit and are not prepared to invest a shred more of energy on hoping for Ashley to go, hence why people will walk away from NUFC and football altogether if this deal collapses. Especially when there is absolutely no logical or legal reason for this to collapse anyway. If it does collapse it's due to corruption in the echelons of the English game. If we hadnt gone through the last 5 years or so of takeover fiascos then maybe people would still have the will to hold out for another group coming along, but we HAVE had the last 5 years of that and we can take no more of this crap.


Secondly, it all comes down to hunch/gut feeling. This deal and these owners just feel right. You have Staveley, who has business acumen and first hand experience of the execution of a multi-million pound football takeover. Then you have the Reubens, who already are aquainted with developing this city and therefore have already shown their committment to it. And finally you have the Saudis, who have gargantuan wealth and are looking to diversify and make their country more diverse by engaging with the West on a deeper level.

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Saudi regime and potential regeneration of SJP & Newcastle.


‘Architecture and Morality’, two subjects I’m sure we could discuss all night. Indeed, the lines are open if you want to call, make a comment on either architecture or morality, two equally hot but differently shaped potatoes. Chips, and… crinkle-cut chips.


Fucking hell, man. I've only just wasted my life reading through the past five pages. Don't kick it all off again.


I just thought it was an OMD reference :lol:

Ah. Their third studio album. Souvenir being a particular favourite.


Glad someone got it :lol:


:lol: I'm obviously not cultured enough.

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It boils down to people looking out for and defending their material interests. That's not a judgement, it's reality, we all do it. All I'm saying is that it worries me that because those material interests will be met by the Saudis, they'll be defended. That's it, that's the entire point and there's historical precedent for it everywhere. Just ask the 40% of converted Tories whether being able buy their council house in the '80s factored into their conversion to something they were previously against, or if it was just a coincidence. Everything else that you got angry about, were just presumptions you invented for yourself.




Yeah but, no but....


Oof. ?


Well, I tried to explain. :lol: Enjoy your Sunday night. :thup:

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