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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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What gets me is if they block the takeover, how does that really help the prisoners, The grieving girlfriend(#qatari spy allegedly) and any other f***er with a grievance.


The Saudis will continue investing and purchasing around the world, but hey we stopped them buying NUFC.


Surely if they were leaking  letters to the press re arms sales, it would gain just as much attention ?


Maybe that’s the problem here this sale is bigger news than shipping jets, guns, tanks and missiles.


They won't knock it back on the human rights issue. Not only is it not part of the D&O test, but the Premier League's own government is directly trading with the Saudi state and encouraging investment. The announcements this week by the UK government were more than coincidence


I agree they can’t block on this it would put them at odds with own government.


However, they have been asking them questions on human rights apparently, whether that’s just a tick box exercise who knows.


I’m sure masters would love to get a few prisoners released aswell though, he’d be an even bigger hero who cares if it takes a year to secure it, there’s no f***ing deadline anyway.


Never seen or heard about that mind, everything which has been reported about the questions being asked is the piracy


Can’t remember if it was Caulkin or Douglas but one of them did mention they’d been asked questions on human rights.


Definitely not Caulkin and can't remember seeing anything from Douglass either. Why would they ask when it is not part of the D&O test. There is a reason Masters sent those polite fob off letters to the the fiance


Just edited post above with link.

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Guest godzilla

What gets me is if they block the takeover, how does that really help the prisoners, The grieving girlfriend(#qatari spy allegedly) and any other f***er with a grievance.


The Saudis will continue investing and purchasing around the world, but hey we stopped them buying NUFC.


Surely if they were leaking  letters to the press re arms sales, it would gain just as much attention ?


Maybe that’s the problem here this sale is bigger news than shipping jets, guns, tanks and missiles.


They won't knock it back on the human rights issue. Not only is it not part of the D&O test, but the Premier League's own government is directly trading with the Saudi state and encouraging investment. The announcements this week by the UK government were more than coincidence


I agree they can’t block on this it would put them at odds with own government.


However, they have been asking them questions on human rights apparently, whether that’s just a tick box exercise who knows.


I’m sure masters would love to get a few prisoners released aswell though, he’d be an even bigger hero who cares if it takes a year to secure it, there’s no f***ing deadline anyway.


Never seen or heard about that mind, everything which has been reported about the questions being asked is the piracy


Can’t remember if it was Caulkin or Douglas but one of them did mention they’d been asked questions on human rights.


Edit he mentions it in here.




He is saying reports that there have been questions, not that he has directly heard. Edit: he said suggested also

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I'm still where I was 6 weeks ago - they've had months to say 'no' and they haven't. I think they're just waiting until it's safe enough to say 'yes'.


By safe enough I mean there's enough evidence to suggest things have been done or put in place by SA to stop or limit the piracy issues. I think once the season ends and football finishes for the rest of the summer they'll pass it. Again, no facts to base this on, it's just a hunch.


This is the crux of it for me. It's been too long for them to outright reject it, they're clearly just going the long way around approving it.

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Guest reefatoon

Might jump in on the letter sending. I’m sick of Whickham being a 20mph zone, it’s ridiculous. I don’t think the takeover should go through unless the speed limit goes back to 30. Come on folks, get your letters in now with any grievances while the premier league have turned into the worlds saviours.

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What gets me is if they block the takeover, how does that really help the prisoners, The grieving girlfriend(#qatari spy allegedly) and any other f***er with a grievance.


The Saudis will continue investing and purchasing around the world, but hey we stopped them buying NUFC.


Surely if they were leaking  letters to the press re arms sales, it would gain just as much attention ?


Maybe that’s the problem here this sale is bigger news than shipping jets, guns, tanks and missiles.


They won't knock it back on the human rights issue. Not only is it not part of the D&O test, but the Premier League's own government is directly trading with the Saudi state and encouraging investment. The announcements this week by the UK government were more than coincidence


I agree they can’t block on this it would put them at odds with own government.


However, they have been asking them questions on human rights apparently, whether that’s just a tick box exercise who knows.


I’m sure masters would love to get a few prisoners released aswell though, he’d be an even bigger hero who cares if it takes a year to secure it, there’s no f***ing deadline anyway.


Never seen or heard about that mind, everything which has been reported about the questions being asked is the piracy


Can’t remember if it was Caulkin or Douglas but one of them did mention they’d been asked questions on human rights.


Edit he mentions it in here.




He is saying reports that there have not that he has directly heard. Edit: he said suggested also


Who knows but possibility is that they have been, it would seem to be outside the remit of the test, but let’s face it they appear to be stretching the test beyond its own rules as it is.

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Guest godzilla

What gets me is if they block the takeover, how does that really help the prisoners, The grieving girlfriend(#qatari spy allegedly) and any other f***er with a grievance.


The Saudis will continue investing and purchasing around the world, but hey we stopped them buying NUFC.


Surely if they were leaking  letters to the press re arms sales, it would gain just as much attention ?


Maybe that’s the problem here this sale is bigger news than shipping jets, guns, tanks and missiles.


They won't knock it back on the human rights issue. Not only is it not part of the D&O test, but the Premier League's own government is directly trading with the Saudi state and encouraging investment. The announcements this week by the UK government were more than coincidence


I agree they can’t block on this it would put them at odds with own government.


However, they have been asking them questions on human rights apparently, whether that’s just a tick box exercise who knows.


I’m sure masters would love to get a few prisoners released aswell though, he’d be an even bigger hero who cares if it takes a year to secure it, there’s no f***ing deadline anyway.


Never seen or heard about that mind, everything which has been reported about the questions being asked is the piracy


Can’t remember if it was Caulkin or Douglas but one of them did mention they’d been asked questions on human rights.


Edit he mentions it in here.




He is saying reports that there have not that he has directly heard. Edit: he said suggested also


Who knows but possibility is that they have been, it would seem to be outside the remit of the test, but let’s face it they appear to be stretching the test beyond its own rules as it is.


As you said yourself a page or so back it's all about lining the ducks in a row. The announcements made this last week are a sure sign of that.

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What gets me is if they block the takeover, how does that really help the prisoners, The grieving girlfriend(#qatari spy allegedly) and any other f***er with a grievance.


The Saudis will continue investing and purchasing around the world, but hey we stopped them buying NUFC.


Surely if they were leaking  letters to the press re arms sales, it would gain just as much attention ?


Maybe that’s the problem here this sale is bigger news than shipping jets, guns, tanks and missiles.


They won't knock it back on the human rights issue. Not only is it not part of the D&O test, but the Premier League's own government is directly trading with the Saudi state and encouraging investment. The announcements this week by the UK government were more than coincidence


I agree they can’t block on this it would put them at odds with own government.


However, they have been asking them questions on human rights apparently, whether that’s just a tick box exercise who knows.


I’m sure masters would love to get a few prisoners released aswell though, he’d be an even bigger hero who cares if it takes a year to secure it, there’s no f***ing deadline anyway.


Never seen or heard about that mind, everything which has been reported about the questions being asked is the piracy


Can’t remember if it was Caulkin or Douglas but one of them did mention they’d been asked questions on human rights.


Edit he mentions it in here.




He is saying reports that there have not that he has directly heard. Edit: he said suggested also


Who knows but possibility is that they have been, it would seem to be outside the remit of the test, but let’s face it they appear to be stretching the test beyond its own rules as it is.


As you said yourself a page or so back it's all about lining the ducks in a row. The announcements made this last week are a sure sign of that.


Yeah I’m still positive think the biggest thing masters said the other week was ‘where looking for a positive reaction from Saudi Arabia re piracy’.


Think where seeing that now, let’s hope the decision comes soon.

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Does anybody remember a gameshow called Takeover Bid?

Me neither, just stumbled across it now by chance. But it says "the series where contestants play Fact or Fib, Crazy Cryptics and Star Spin in the hope that one of them will win tonight's star prize"

and if that's not enough Brucie is the host.

What if this is all just one giant game of that? A bit like the Never Ending Story - which this also happens to be.



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Even the bipolar journalist thinks we’ll have new owners soon. He’ll probably change that later to I didn’t necessarily mean the Saudis though.



To me, he's clearly just saying shit in the hope that people pick apart his tweet looking for a hidden meaning, in the same way Caulkins get pulled apart. The desperate cunt. Literally hoping that people message him with 'ooooo what do you know Luke?'.



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We'll hear news within the next two weeks imo, nothing to do with anything really, I'm not itk. I know Aramco have been in talks to buy my workplace for over 9 months,  things have gone silent which is usually a good sign in any business deal. To put it into context if they buy my workplace they've just saved 300+ jobs, the share price also rose +40% on Friday.


I think its already done both my workplace & the club its just waiting for the appropriate time to announce it. 


I've also had a bottle of red wine and a few beers so (as you already will) take this with the biggest pinch of salt ever.


Edit: The share price didn't go +40% on Friday, but the forecast did. I know this as I'm waiting to sell my stake.

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When this takeover gets announced (and im confident that it will) Ive been thinking about what reactions we will get from various places.


Opposing fans singing about chopping off heads?

Domestic press talking about the loss of the game due to money without a hint of irony?

Foreign press talking about how the UK isnt even trying to hide the fact its in bed with a human rights abuser?

HTT with a mahoosive essay on why steve bruce had to go?


Or have a already missed all that?

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Something has to give this week!

Its been almost 2 weeks since Masters comments and PIF have been lining their ducks up with the piracy issue


I have a good feeling about this week!


Unfortunately that's not the case at all, this could still be going next month easily

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