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Positive Optimism - Saudi Takeover Edition

Jinky Jim

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9 minutes ago, nufcjb said:

Was she ITK about something happening that day? Maybe not but......

Interesting take, it’s quite plausible she knew about this in advance, and if she knew then her Middle East contacts did too. Whether they used the info to any advantage or not is another thing.

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14 hours ago, Holmesy said:

This could just as easily work against us. The 'big 6' have just flexed their muscles and everyone shat themselves - there was lost of posturing about the leagues holding all the power but it didn't look like that. It was player and fan revolts that drove the clubs to withdraw, not any threats of legal action.

There's no doubt they're coming back with other powerplay - first they wanted a bigger share of the Sky money, then the European SL came along, next?

The PL will be shitting themselves and there's a chance it'll strengthen their resolve to not let our takeover through.

I didn't read any reasons at all there why this would be negative to the potential takeover.  Only a conclusion at the end, but again without any reason.  In your opinion what reason is there for this to negatively effect our potential takeover?


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Can't see the Super League fiasco being good for our takeover.

Looking from the outside as a fan of any of the other 14 or any club in the lower leagues, I would see our takeover as more of the same, a sign that the the PL had not learned its lesson, and that it would be the "big seven" that would soon break away.  I'd be 100% against it. I think that fans all around England will revolt if this is approved any time soon.

On the other hand, if the Saudis are just looking at this as a PR exercise--if their primary goal is sports washing, they could really screw over the Greedy Six.  Endorse and push for reform, salary caps, revenue sharing, fan control/partial-ownership, etc.  They would win a lot of support from  the people of England and genuinely fuck over the Glazers, FSG, etc.

 (I know, that's a bunch of BS, but what else do I have to fantasize about at this point?)



Edited by gazza ladra

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21 minutes ago, duo said:

This is an absolutely amazing quote:

"Of course, it would be better if Newcastle were owned by a wealthy British businessman, who runs the club within the parameters of sensible financial controls. Except Newcastle is owned by a wealthy British businessman, who runs the club within the parameters of sensible financial controls, Mike Ashley, and everyone hates him."

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24 minutes ago, gazza ladra said:

Can't see the Super League fiasco being good for our takeover.

Looking from the outside as a fan of any of the other 14 or any club in the lower leagues, I would see our takeover as more of the same, a sign that the the PL had not learned its lesson, and that it would be the "big seven" that would soon break away.  I'd be 100% against it. I think that fans all around England will revolt if this is approved any time soon.

On the other hand, if the Saudis are just looking at this as a PR exercise--if their primary goal is sports washing, they could really screw over the Greedy Six.  Endorse and push for reform, salary caps, revenue sharing, fan control/partial-ownership, etc.  They would win a lot of support from  the people of England and genuinely fuck over the Glazers, FSG, etc.

 (I know, that's a bunch of BS, but what else do I have to fantasize about at this point?)

They surely just need to tweak the rules to ensure it cant happen again or anybody new coming in must commit to not doing that. 

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Just now, Kaizero said:

This is an absolutely amazing quote:

"Of course, it would be better if Newcastle were owned by a wealthy British businessman, who runs the club within the parameters of sensible financial controls. Except Newcastle is owned by a wealthy British businessman, who runs the club within the parameters of sensible financial controls, Mike Ashley, and everyone hates him."

Clubs propagandist in chief that c**t.  I wouldn't say its sensible to needlessly risk relegation on a permanent loop. Our relegations get brushed under the carpet quicker than an attempted breakaway league

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8 minutes ago, Wolfcastle said:

Clubs propagandist in chief that c**t.  I wouldn't say its sensible to needlessly risk relegation on a permanent loop. Our relegations get brushed under the carpet quicker than an attempted breakaway league

He's actually defending the Saudis buying us by saying it's not actually great to have a British businessman who runs the club within the parameters of sensible financial controls, at least that's how I read that quote.

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6 hours ago, Wolfcastle said:

They surely just need to tweak the rules to ensure it cant happen again or anybody new coming in must commit to not doing that. 

This is all they will do, there is no way clubs valued in the billons will transfer to majority fan ownership. The tories welcome foreign investment and that’s not changing. Would Leicester for example want rid of their owners, course they wouldn’t. This is about bad owners not foreign ownership. 

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7 minutes ago, Tsunami said:

I worry massively that the Gov review on ownership will scupper any hope for us and will only secure the status quo for the foreseeable future. 


so you think the government is going to force the existing owners to sell/handover 51% of their assets to fans?   How is that even going to work, who do they hand the assets over to?   Are the owners going to get paid for losing 51%.  For Example Man U are meant to be worth £3B, so is the Government going to pay £1.6B out of tax payers money to hand over to some fan organisation?   Then repeat that for all the clubs in the Premier League.  It aint going to happen!

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53 minutes ago, Awaymag said:

so you think the government is going to force the existing owners to sell/handover 51% of their assets to fans?   How is that even going to work, who do they hand the assets over to?   Are the owners going to get paid for losing 51%.  For Example Man U are meant to be worth £3B, so is the Government going to pay £1.6B out of tax payers money to hand over to some fan organisation?   Then repeat that for all the clubs in the Premier League.  It aint going to happen!

No, I don’t think this for one second but I suspect the Big 6 will look to influence change to protect their current status. There’s no chance that present owners will be subjected to any new tests but our proposed takeover could very easily be an immediate and high profile example of preventing all powerful ownership. It’s very arguable that it would be a decision in the interests of the game and the fans to stop this.

Whatever the Govt review looks like, the Big 6 will see how they can make it work for them. In many ways it might have better if they’d left for it to fall apart after a couple of years when they’d be in far less position to call the shots.

As it is nothing really truly changes. 



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Surely shutting the doors on powerful investment now just plays into the Super League plans in keeping the cream at the top and preventing any more money filtering down?


This would only rubber stamp the monopoly and prevent any playing field being levelled, surely the antithesis of what they're trying to do.


If we were to be made an example while the big fix get what they want it would just make an even bigger farce of the whole situation.

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2 hours ago, Awaymag said:

so you think the government is going to force the existing owners to sell/handover 51% of their assets to fans?   How is that even going to work, who do they hand the assets over to?   Are the owners going to get paid for losing 51%.  For Example Man U are meant to be worth £3B, so is the Government going to pay £1.6B out of tax payers money to hand over to some fan organisation?   Then repeat that for all the clubs in the Premier League.  It aint going to happen!

The government don't have to pay anything.  They're British companies so a act of parliament can force them to hand over 51% control to a fan group if that's what's decided.


I don't think it will be, it's far to much of a far left labour style idea to fly with conservatives.  But it's certainly possible to do if the will was there.



Edited by Teasy

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4 minutes ago, Teasy said:

The government don't have to pay anything.  They're British companies so a act of parliament can force them to hand over 51% control to a fan group if that's what's decided.

They can, but they are unlikely to because of the knock-on impact on confidence in investing in British companies due to lack of respect for "property rights".

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39 minutes ago, Rosenrot said:

They can, but they are unlikely to because of the knock-on impact on confidence in investing in British companies due to lack of respect for "property rights".

Every team without 51pc fan ownership starts the season on -50 points. No need to force share sales or nationalise. No threat to other non sport sectors.

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8 minutes ago, morpeth mag said:

Every team without 51pc fan ownership starts the season on -50 points. No need to force share sales or nationalise. No threat to other non sport sectors.

So either every club gets together and agrees to start each season on -50 points - i.e. nothing changes or it's a forced sale (at a distressed price no doubt) in all but name.

Personally I think the ship has sailed on the 50+1 idea for the premier league, commercially it's too big now. The answer (if there is one) will lie in the overall Premier League framework and regulation. If you can get independent representation in the league then you can get regulation in that doesn't just serve the self interest of the status quo

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But what if that powerful ownership's business plan is to invest the clubs infrastructure first rather than throwing money around on players?  What if the plan is to develop young players?  What if the plan includes investment in the local area?  

Big money ownership does not have to mean bloated wage bills and rosters.



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