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I don't know if I'll explain this very well but here goes . The so called big 6 have still used this absolute to farce to establish themselves as "the big 6". Beforehand you ask people who the biggest clubs in this country are you wouldn't necessarily have got uniform answers regardless of the individual asked. We're still a massive club and would have been classed as part of a big 6 in the last 20 years, as would Leeds, Everton and Villa in the not too distant past. If perception is reality (don't know who came up with that originally ...might have been Vince McMahon) this is how these clubs will be perceived both historically and going forwards and perhaps in future TV/League deals.

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Just now, ToonArmy1892 said:

Surely the other 14 are fuming and will be pushing for severe punishment.

If it was the other way round and it was the 14 trying and failing to break away from those 6 you could guarantee punishment would be dished out and it would be severe. 

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The apologies will be accepted and they'll say it was just a mistake and probably brushed under the carpet.

Maybe get a minor fine or something but can't see the FA or anyone else having the balls to punish them

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1 minute ago, Keggy_Keagal said:

I don't know if I'll explain this very well but here goes . The so called big 6 have still used this absolute to farce to establish themselves as "the big 6". Beforehand you ask people who the biggest clubs in this country are you wouldn't necessarily have got uniform answers regardless of the individual asked. We're still a massive club and would have been classed as part of a big 6 in the last 20 years, as would Leeds, Everton and Villa in the not too distant past. If perception is reality (don't know who came up with that originally ...might have been Vince McMahon) this is how these clubs will be perceived both historically and going forwards and perhaps in future TV/League deals.

Not sure about that, you have just as many people saying how ridiculous it is that Arsenal and Spurs were invited. Obviously the general point is right that the idea of any kind of big 6 is fundamentally stupid.

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Agnelli is definitely the worst of the lot of them. You can understand it from the Americans, sheiks and oligarchs. You can even understand Perez as an industrialist and relative latecomer in life to football ownership. Agnelli is from a long family dynasty of running Juventus - it's absolutely scandalous that he is such a driving figure.

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6 minutes ago, triggs said:

The new CL announced is so bad. Arsenal and Spurs would have qualified for the CL under it this season

Think this has gone under the radar a bit-

Its the same kind of thing wrapped up differently. 

this will happen in some way though unfortunately 

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To show how these things ('big 4/5/6') are a 'moment in time' thing, look at the member list of that G-14 European superclubs thing which they introduced at the turn of the century.

Doesn't include Man City or Chelsea or Spurs. Originally didn't include Arsenal.

Includes Ajax, PSV, Marseille, Porto.

Oh, and included the modern day goliath that is Bayer Leverkusen.

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I would not be surprised that the lack of punishment towards the big 6 from the PL is because the other 14 are just grateful that they came back and they're still in a league with the cunts.

Watch us throw our safety away and get relegated and Fat Mike will then cry foul because the big 6 had no points deduction.



Edited by nufcjb

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There is a difference of opinion among the group of 14 Premier League clubs about whether there should be sanctions against the 'big six', now that they have abandoned their plans for a European Super League, Sky Sports News has been told.

One senior club official has told Sky Sports News that they want to pursue the possibility of punishments, because they feel there is a clear breach of Premier League rules, and a precedent must be set to act as a deterrent to possible future breakaways.

Rule L9 says any member club needs prior written approval by the Premier League Board to enter a new competition, and this official says that rule has “patently been broken” by the rebels signing an agreement to join the Super League.

An executive at another Premier League club has told Sky Sports News that any sanction imposed on the 'big six', such as points deductions or fines would hurt the wrong people - the players, managers and, crucially, the fans of those clubs. 

Instead, they advocate the Premier League rules being tightened for the future, but they say the 'big six' should be welcomed back into the Premier League fold quickly, because “there has to be a measure of realism” here, with those six so crucial to the “overall commercial and sporting success” of the league.

There is likely to be another meeting of the 14 Premier League clubs - possibly even later today - to discuss what should happen next.



Edited by ToonArmy1892

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