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Eddie Howe


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I've probably never respected him more for saying this tbh:



"I understand questions have to be asked, I have no problem with that. But my specialist subject is football. As soon as I deviate from that into an area I don’t feel qualified to have an opinion I get into dangerous ground. I'm best sticking to a preparing a team for Everton."


The same public figures who rightly bemoan the lack of respect we give to experts in society are still more than happy to weigh in and push their opinions on really heavy subjects they aren't just not experts on, but actually know very little about. Someone essentially saying they don't know enough about something so shouldn't comment on it publically is music to my ears tbh. 



Edited by Kid Icarus

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I don't really buy his pleading ignorance but I think he's answered that as well as he could do really.


Everyone connected to the club - fan or employee - can take one of two positions: A, we're basically business as usual, it's a football club and I'll treat it as such. Or B, it's a football club but it has been fundamentally tarnished by it's connection to an abhorrent regime and I don't want to be associated with it for that reason. 


Howe, like the vast majority of supporters from what I can see, has taken option A. 

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2 minutes ago, WarrenBartonCentrePartin said:


I'm left wing, but I'd rather read The Times than the Guardian.


I still subscribe to the Times only through habit, but I barely read any of the main stories. I flick through the sports section and the culture part, the rest is a waste of time. I couldn't read the Guardian either.

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Quite amazing in this day and age where everyone has an opinion on everything that someone actually says that they are not qualified to give an answer on something because they are not an expert on the subject, i think its a class answer and the best possible one he could give.

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3 minutes ago, TRon said:


I still subscribe to the Times only through habit, but I barely read any of the main stories. I flick through the sports section and the culture part, the rest is a waste of time. I couldn't read the Guardian either.

The Times Quiz is great

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1 minute ago, 1892er said:

Handled difficult questions really well. I could only imagine if it was cabbage answering the same questions. 

What do mean that they don't eat bacon?? They need to just run harder, roll up their sleeves and try it

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19 minutes ago, madras said:

Times reader eh ? I've lost a little respect for him.







Would have been New Labour at the time he was playing. I'll let him off, he wouldn't have been the first or last to have had the wool pulled over his eyes with them. 

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Guest HTT II

He’s fucking lovey isn’t he, I love that we are managed by Eddie Howe, an articulate, intelligent, considered, passionate, hard working decent human being and a great manager and coach.

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9 minutes ago, 54 said:

Seemed to have missed this, but what did Neville and Carragher say? And why is there now a sudden clamoring for Howe to have to say something?


A little bit of the Chelsea fallout, a bit of Howe not acknowledging anything but the football side.


He's gave an honest answer there, the same kind of answer I give tbh. Afaic the media just want a slip up, they couldn't give two fucks about his honest opinion. They just want a slam dunk of a quote.


Can he be appalled by stories from Saudi, yes. Will/should he give up his job, no.


Should he be sympathetic and acknowledge the questions, of course.


I'd say the majority of people will live their lives like that, as unfortunate as it is.

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8 minutes ago, TRon said:


I still subscribe to the Times only through habit, but I barely read any of the main stories. I flick through the sports section and the culture part, the rest is a waste of time. I couldn't read the Guardian either.

I have gotten tired of the Guardian and their "anonymous source" "Close Acquaintance" etc...etc.. ie. we are making this up and twisting opinion.

I imagine most of the papers do this but the guardian is the worst culprit.

Generally read the times and Independant for a contrasted view...

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