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The Relegationometer™ (2023/24)


The Relegationometer™ (2023/24)  

403 members have voted

  1. 1. How likely are we to get relegated this season? 0 = nee chance, 5 = can’t call it, 10 = nailed on marra

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Even more mental than being 3 points off 10th place Leicester who have 3 games in hand, is being 3 points off Palace in 9th who only have 1 game in hand.


And those are our next two fixtures.. :lol:

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We probably could change the thread back to Top10OMeter to be honest. I mean it's still very unlikely given our remaining fixtures, and I don't really care either, 15th / 16th would still do me fine this season, but we are a lot more likely to finish top 10 than go down now.


For the first time, well maybe before Chelsea I thought it was looking good, but now, with even less games to go, I am finally very confident that we will be staying up, and can finally look forward to some sort of future.

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18 minutes ago, Dancing Brave said:

It's done and it was Chris Wood who scored the goal that made us safe.:indi:

Hopefully Weighorst scores the goal that sends everton down everyone's a winner

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