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Crystal Palace 0-0 Newcastle United (21/01/2023)


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2 minutes ago, IzzyIsak said:

What a fucking save from Pope that was, brilliant.

I'm starting to calm down, it's not a terrible result tbh.

When interviewed I wish he’d play it down and just say “aah they’re my bread and butter” just for shits and giggles

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2 minutes ago, Andy84 said:

Frustrating but can’t be arsed with any negativity.  Since the restart we’ve blew Leicester away twice, beaten one of the form sides in the country and got a clean sheet away to the champions elect.  Leeds game and tonight we’re annoying but we’re 3rd and we have a manager who will analyse the shit out of this to improve us.  Nice little break from the league now let’s just get to wembo 

Agreed with everything except the use of the word ‘Wembo’ :) 

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A decent point, but a total non-event of a football match.


It felt we were comfortable without being our clinical best. It taught us nothing we already didn't know. When the game is open we're absolutely lethal, but we struggle to break down a well organised low block. Being able to do more consistently will be the next stage on our development.

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20 minutes ago, Ronaldo said:

Need to rethink the front 3. Not working for a while now due to lack of creativity and Wilson looking like a nonentity up there.


I'd be tempted to go with Isak for Wilson next game and Maxi on the right for Almiron. Teams are on to him and are starting to restrict him by showing him inside where there's another defender or two waiting for it. Freshen it up a little bit for a couple of games, give teams something fresh to worry about. 


Could even put Almiron in the Longstaff role so we've still got him cutting in on his left and having a shot from a more central position in our locker with Maxi running at defenders on the outside and still having Trippier's crossing as an outlet.



Edited by Optimistic Nut

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20 minutes ago, Big Geordie said:

I know some folk will be unhappy, but it's a point away from home and another clean sheet. :thup:


Our clean sheet record is outrageous tbh. All lesser teams can do is shithouse boring draws against us. 

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It's simply another case of us having to deal with a new problem. 


Keep keeping clean sheets and we will keep picking up points.


Tradionally, the end of the season has been happy hunting for us. Games will start opening up.


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First sentence from palace coach we aimed first to nullify their threats. A lot of teams below us will  do this when they see Leeds and palace and so on getting a point from these games.



Edited by Gawalls

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1 minute ago, Sima said:

He’s right though. We are in a bit of a false position and that’s all credit to the job Howe has done.

JFH is also correct - we need to find way past these games by having better finishing.

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12 minutes ago, Holmesy said:

With no ASM in the starting lineup and Miggy’s purple patch coming to an end we just look a bit toothless around the box. Time to make some changes and some signings, Eddie


Don't think it's Miggy necessarily coming to the end of a purple patch, more that he wasn't getting as much support from Trippier who had to keep Zaha quiet. Which tbf he did.

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