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José Enrique


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What a f***ing s*** time to sell, they either know more than we're letting on re Pieters or they're f***ing mentally ill


Maybe they will use the money to try and buy Pieters rather than let Jose leave for nothing in 12 months and have no money to buy a replacement next season.


They can use the money once the fee's agreed without having to wait till we see Jose being paraded about in red though. At the same time as Jose is in Liverpool we could have Erik on Tyyneside


If we could cut out all negotiations with his club and just bring Pieters over without their permission then yes we could do that.


You know what I mean. Liverpool have wanted him for f***ing ages. There is no justification for doing this deal without running the Pieters on parallel


How do you know that's not happening? Do both deals have to be synchronised by stopwatch?


I don't. But it would be nice to have a LB at the club for the first game of the season. Looking pretty unlikely atm

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I can't help but feel Jose has messed us about. First it was "I'll wait until we're safe" then it was "I'll wait to see who we bring in." Quite frankly I couldn't give the slightest s*** about Jose Enrique, only theclub really matters and we're in danger if being left in the lurch. Yes the management system is a mess but for Jose, this was more about moving to a bigger club for a hefty pay hike. His excuses for not signing were just a smoke screen.


I'll certainly not be one of the sycophants clapping him when he trots out at SJP in a red shirt. I will say though that neither will I jeer him.



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Be interesting to see what kind of reception he gets. I'm hoping at SJP that Carroll gets an absolutely horrendous one, emphasized by a decent one for jose


I wouldn't give either of them the time of day. They are now scouse scum as far as I'm concerned and both can get buggered up the arse for all I care.

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Just removed him from my favorite athletes list on Facebook. I'm going to need to replace him jersey as well.  I can't believe it's come to this.


You have the sad music playing, I hope.

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I can't help but feel Jose has messed us about. First it was "I'll wait until we're safe" then it was "I'll wait to see who we bring in." Quite frankly I couldn't give the slightest shit about Jose Enrique, only theclub really matters and we're in danger if being left in the lurch. Yes the management system is a mess but for Jose, this was more about moving to a bigger club for a hefty pay hike. His excuses for not signing were just a smoke screen.


I'll certainly not be one of the sycophants clapping him when he trots out at SJP in a red shirt. I will say though that neither will I jeer him.


That's what i've been saying for long enough.

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robbieelliott3 robbie elliott

Looks like another great bit of business by the toon!! Wouldn't be surprised if we sell a few more during the warm up on sat!!!!!!






Wish these idiots would just keep out of it.


I wish people would shut the fuck up about us selling all of our players, because it clearly isn't happening. There isn't anything that could've been done to keep Enrique IMO. It's like people need something to panic about.,

We could have turned down the £6m offer and told him he's seeing out his contract like.


Because forcing players to stay when they're unhappy would work so well.


There's a reason Arsenal are selling Fabregas.

After forcing him to stay for the past 2-3 seasons?


I'm pretty sure Jose would have gotten on with the job at hand and not been in a perma-sulk for 12 month, we would only be making him play at our club, not keeping him shackles and keeping him on bread and rice.


If we have no one coming in I would agree. If the money is going to be used to get Pieters in then it was the right decision to get him out of our club.

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Guest BooBoo

Jose basically spouted a lot of convenient excuses last season to keep him cushy with the fans. Irrespective of Ashley, Hughton, Pardew, Carroll he never had any real intention of re-signing.

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Jose basically spouted a lot of convenient excuses last season to keep him cushy with the fans. Irrespective of Ashley, Hughton, Pardew, Carroll he never had any real intention of re-signing.


And had little reason to...

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robbieelliott3 robbie elliott

Looks like another great bit of business by the toon!! Wouldn't be surprised if we sell a few more during the warm up on sat!!!!!!






Wish these idiots would just keep out of it.


I wish people would shut the fuck up about us selling all of our players, because it clearly isn't happening. There isn't anything that could've been done to keep Enrique IMO. It's like people need something to panic about.,

We could have turned down the £6m offer and told him he's seeing out his contract like.


Because forcing players to stay when they're unhappy would work so well.


There's a reason Arsenal are selling Fabregas.

After forcing him to stay for the past 2-3 seasons?


I'm pretty sure Jose would have gotten on with the job at hand and not been in a perma-sulk for 12 month, we would only be making him play at our club, not keeping him shackles and keeping him on bread and rice.


If we have no one coming in I would agree. If the money is going to be used to get Pieters in then it was the right decision to get him out of our club.

In a way, yeah, I know little about Pieters though so if it was the right decision or not i'll have to see.


I'm not exactly against the sale of Enrique this season btw, I just don't agree with the notion that we HAD to accept £6m. Last season of his contract of not I think it's not enough, and we could possibly claw back half of that anyway with him in the side next season through better league finishes alone.

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I reckon he loves us as fans, he just loves his career more. Struggle to believe that Liverpool are the best offer available though.


And next week he will "love" Liverpools fans.


They'll be a massive club

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