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  1. Past hour
  2. That’s what they mean when they say their best players cost a packet
  3. Gawalls

    Alexander Isak

    It’s like the day today 😀
  4. They don’t - every single fucking day for 17 years at work I had people saying to me “howay man” as a good morning.
  5. Aye it used to be where the Barr's factory is now on Benfield Road just beside Crosslings.
  6. Wasn’t he the mole when Bruce was in charge?
  7. Holloway

    Alexander Isak

    Jock pisshead in the Alan Brazil stamp
  8. Chris_R

    Alexander Isak

    So the ready-made replacement for Isak is the man who Isak was bought to replace? Fucking genius. Who's his ready-made replacement for Bruno, Sean Longstaff? Seems pointless buying players really when you already have players.
  9. Conjo

    Alexander Isak

    I hereby put Liverpool on notice to accept any offers for Allison because Kelleher will provide a ready-made replacement for him.
  10. SiLvOR

    Alexander Isak

    Who the fuck is Frank Mcwhatever when he's at home. Fuck off.
  11. Thought the factory was where Crosslings is on the Coast Road?
  12. Numbers

    Alexander Isak

    Is Wankie Frankie Wilsons agent?
  13. If it's any consolation I only caught on 2 days ago
  14. Greggs? Peters the Cathedral bakers.
  15. I've just realised who you are, sorry
  16. Aye well I was fond of him when he was playing.
  17. Scoot

    Alexander Isak

    Imagine being in the same room as him when he said this? You'd basically just be pointing at him and laughing.
  18. We’ve been “told” by Frank McAvennie to accept offers for Isak… because Wilson is a “ready made replacement”. Seriously, when the IQ is this low you have to consider likely cognitive decline affecting the hippocampus and cerebral cortex, and you should be weighing up assisted living options. Harsh but this is a really really stupid opinion.
  19. Menace

    Alexander Isak

    Football Insider AKA The Lad Bible
  20. gbandit

    Alexander Isak

    can we get some more articles that feature Frank McAvennie? Searing analysis that cuts through the bullshit
  21. Today
  22. TheHoob

    Alexander Isak

    he got paid for those words
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