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Newcastle United Supporters Trust (NUST)

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https://www.ft.com/content/cca67e3a-619a-11ea-b3f3-fe4680ea68b5 Yeah

A Conservative supporter even before December’s election landslide, he wants the government to bring in measures including business rates exemption to boost activity in struggling town centres like Blyth. He pointed out that most Phoenix customers are on low incomes and unable to afford a car, but shrunken bus services and the decline of town centres have left them reliant on scattered supermarkets. He is keen to see the income tax personal allowance continue to rise, to help those earning least. Mr Hurst also supports investment in infrastructure.

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6 hours ago, nbthree3 said:

https://www.ft.com/content/cca67e3a-619a-11ea-b3f3-fe4680ea68b5 Yeah

A Conservative supporter even before December’s election landslide, he wants the government to bring in measures including business rates exemption to boost activity in struggling town centres like Blyth. He pointed out that most Phoenix customers are on low incomes and unable to afford a car, but shrunken bus services and the decline of town centres have left them reliant on scattered supermarkets. He is keen to see the income tax personal allowance continue to rise, to help those earning least. Mr Hurst also supports investment in infrastructure.


Can't see the article but jeez. Embarrassed to say I thought he seemed alright until recently. Unsubbed from anything True Faith related recently as I'm sick of hearing/seeing him, Widdrington & worst of all that Franhci fella. 

Appreciate this is an NUST thread but them and True Faith go hand in hand. 



Edited by rickyprickles

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I'll post a more detailed response later - busy at work. Alex is highly effective and having him back involved will make the Trust stronger and more effective. He's only rejoined until the next election which was his original term from when he was elected in 2019 - if he wants to carry on beyond that he will have to stand for election.

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@Greg Did he resign or take a leave of absence? Were the trust members informed of either? I cant remember getting an email.


What does the trusts board and election policies say about a person leaving, and what do they say about that person coming back after leaving?


Appreciate if you can respond in your longer post

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1 minute ago, Rafalove said:

Is being a Tory  really that bad, given our new overlords, who we’re all really  excited about?




Given that we as individual fans can't control who owns us but can control whether we support a political party that has shat on the region for generations, I'd say aye it is that bad.

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I got a quite detailed response this morning on the e-mail I sent last night from the vice chair. I don't feel comfortable sharing the response without consent, but can ask if he is ok with me sharing it.


If not, it actually do seem like e-mailing them directly instead of communicating via social media will get you a better explanation than what you get in 2-3 short lines via twitter, so would advise you to do so.


That being said, it doesn't seem like they are entertaining the idea to change the decision to co-opt Alex and they are acting within the NUST rules (ref. rule 63) https://nufctrust.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/NUST-Rules.pdf 

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7 minutes ago, Conjo said:

I got a quite detailed response this morning on the e-mail I sent last night from the vice chair. I don't feel comfortable sharing the response without consent, but can ask if he is ok with me sharing it.


If not, it actually do seem like e-mailing them directly instead of communicating via social media will get you a better explanation than what you get in 2-3 short lines via twitter, so would advise you to do so.


That being said, it doesn't seem like they are entertaining the idea to change the decision to co-opt Alex and they are acting within the NUST rules (ref. rule 63) https://nufctrust.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/NUST-Rules.pdf 


Is there a rule about how members of the board should act? Does it include guidance on alienating sections of the membership or attacking female fans on social media?

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4 minutes ago, Conjo said:

I got a quite detailed response this morning on the e-mail I sent last night from the vice chair. I don't feel comfortable sharing the response without consent, but can ask if he is ok with me sharing it.


If not, it actually do seem like e-mailing them directly instead of communicating via social media will get you a better explanation than what you get in 2-3 short lines via twitter, so would advise you to do so.


That being said, it doesn't seem like they are entertaining the idea to change the decision to co-opt Alex and they are acting within the NUST rules (ref. rule 63) https://nufctrust.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/NUST-Rules.pdf 


That states his arrival was within the rules, not neccesarily his leaving. If he was still a member, and he following the 'leaving the board policies' then yes - its seems to be above board by the looks of it.


Ive literally done zero work since last week and cant be arsed to read all the NUST rules.

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16 minutes ago, NEEJ said:

Given that we as individual fans can't control who owns us but can control whether we support a political party that has shat on the region for generations, I'd say aye it is that bad.

If we had the choice we’d definitely choose PIF though wouldn’t we? It’s not like we weren’t sending letters to the premier league or launching a CAT case alongside the club, Keith etc.



I’m quite sure if we had kicked a fuss about them trying to buy the club, they wouldn’t have done so.



Edited by Rafalove

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1 hour ago, Greg said:

I'll post a more detailed response later - busy at work. Alex is highly effective and having him back involved will make the Trust stronger and more effective. He's only rejoined until the next election which was his original term from when he was elected in 2019 - if he wants to carry on beyond that he will have to stand for election.

Know nowt about him but he's clearly got a bit of influence & media presence which can only be beneficial to getting any Trust message out there. Let wu leave the infighting behind us. 

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So you can just walk back in after quitting, seems logical. Would the same leeway be given to @Heron?


Again it seems like Alex calls the shots within NUST.


Now the takeover is complete whats happening with the pledge, its surely redundant now?

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It’s definitely not a boys club though.


Although the current Chair was a previous co-opted (handpicked) member by the previous Board, and Chair, who is now a co-opted member.


These same jokers will keep getting voted in or voting themselves back in and will continue to achieve nothing.


I like how they keep saying Alex has done a good job. :lol: The Trust has failed for years and achieved nothing. Alex’s grand plan has also flopped, as everyone expected and will shortly be wound down.


Treat the supporters with the same disdain as Ashley did. Referring to the fucking rules of a Supporters Group to justify their ridiculous decision. “Well we’ve not broken any rules”. It’s not about that. It’s about allowing someone who has taken the piss out of other fans waltz straight back into the fold because he wants his five minutes of fame now a takeover has happened.


A Supporters Group ‘for the fans”:

- Want to recruit your mate back onto the Board? No need to ask the fans.

- Want to set up a ridiculous scheme? No need to ask the fans.

- Want to start selling crap to earn a commission? No need to ask the fans.

A pointless survey every week will keep them engaged. As long as they all tell one another they’re doing a great job though.

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2 minutes ago, Fantail Breeze said:

It’s definitely not a boys club though.


Although the current Chair was a previous co-opted (handpicked) member by the previous Board, and Chair, who is now a co-opted member.


These same jokers will keep getting voted in or voting themselves back in and will continue to achieve nothing.


I like how they keep saying Alex has done a good job. :lol: The Trust has failed for years and achieved nothing. Alex’s grand plan has also flopped, as everyone expected and will shortly be wound down.


Treat the supporters with the same disdain as Ashley did. Referring to the fucking rules of a Supporters Group to justify their ridiculous decision. “Well we’ve not broken any rules”. It’s not about that. It’s about allowing someone who has taken the piss out of other fans waltz straight back into the fold because he wants his five minutes of fame now a takeover has happened.


A Supporters Group ‘for the fans”:

- Want to recruit your mate back onto the Board? No need to ask the fans.

- Want to set up a ridiculous scheme? No need to ask the fans.

- Want to start selling crap to earn a commission? No need to ask the fans.

A pointless survey every week will keep them engaged. As long as they all tell one another they’re doing a great job though.

Hope your post passed their risk assessment.



Edited by Numbers

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2 minutes ago, r0cafella said:

Let’s lay off the attacks on Greg. 

He’s done a lot for the club and this place. I’ve got no doubts he is doing the best he can with the resources he has. 

Greg is fucking sound and we wouldn’t be where we are now (takeover etc.) without the likes of him, anyone slagging him can fuck off, he speaks well on all our behalf and has put in some shifts on behalf of us fans regarding various protests and with the NUST.

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