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Guest tollemache

Search for: "loan"

By user: "trollemache"


Choose from 4 posts.  Much less arduous than the tedious debate itself, it was practically a party in comparison.


yeah and you came up with a post in which I say a loan is an ok last resort


not one in which I praise Ashley to the heavens for bringing in lots of delicious loans, which you would've thought from your post there


Again, can we stick to things I actually say

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Guest tollemache

It has to be, because it appears I have to repeat every simple point 4 times before people start engaging with it and not something else they imagine I've said

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Guest tollemache

Dude, that probably means your turd at explaining yourself.


Yeah the problem is definitely one of comprehension. Look at the example above. People have just flat-out invented something I'm supposed to have said. Look at bimpy earlier, saying it didn't matter what I'd actually said because he could "read between the lines" and tell what my real opinion was. That's what I'm up against. People are determined that I'm going to be some Ashley-fellating quisling so they're arguing against the idea of that, not the actual words I'm writing. Yesterday I dared to say that 8th wouldn't be considered a failure by the press - pretty innocuous statement - and people went MENTAL because I had failed to condemn Pardew, or because they decided to believe I'd said we should only ever look to finish 8th.

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Guest tollemache

Two can play at that game - you used about six too many there for example.


The more people twist what you're saying, the more carefully you have to go back and explain, and that takes more words. Sad but true. Before you quote my last post to Interpolic, that was deliberate.

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Guest tollemache

Been quite busy haven't I... set up a few meetings, did a few emails, did a bit of writing and read.... 45 pages of this book.


Probably a problem with my coffee intake or something. It's a brilliant book btw. "S" by JJ Abrams and Doug Dorst

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Two can play at that game - you used about six too many there for example.


The more people twist what you're saying, the more carefully you have to go back and explain, and that takes more words. Sad but true. Before you quote my last post to Interpolic, that was deliberate.


You alter your own posts though after making them, then accuse people of doing what you are doing  :lol:

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Guest tollemache

I've never altered the meaning of a post - I've often gone straight back in after posting to add to them though, if I think I can explain myself better. Why would I post then immediately change what I'm trying to say?

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Guest tollemache

Also your post makes no sense unless you're saying that I twist other people's words. But then me editing my own posts would be irrelevant.

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I've never altered the meaning of a post - I've often gone straight back in after posting to add to them though, if I think I can explain myself better. Why would I post then immediately change what I'm trying to say?


Leave what you said out there man otherwise you`ll end up in endless circles of arguments. Oh wait...

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Guest bimpy474

It has to be, because it appears I have to repeat every simple point 4 times before people start engaging with it and not something else they imagine I've said


That might be because people interpret your post in different ways, because they are different people ?



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Guest bimpy474

This is still going on?  :lol:


Not really, be easier if he just said he's superior to us all really. We dont understand him as we're all wrong and he's right. I'm going to flog myself immediately.

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Guest tollemache

It has to be, because it appears I have to repeat every simple point 4 times before people start engaging with it and not something else they imagine I've said


That might be because people interpret your post in different ways, because they are different people ?


If I say "I don't think 8th will be viewed by the media as failure" then that is what I mean. There's no room for interpretation. You'd think.

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It has to be, because it appears I have to repeat every simple point 4 times before people start engaging with it and not something else they imagine I've said


That might be because people interpret your post in different ways, because they are different people ?


If I say "I don't think 8th will be viewed by the media as failure" then that is what I mean. There's no room for interpretation. You'd think.

8th what? Which media? What determines failure in these circumstances?
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Guest tollemache

I don't know what constitutes a failure - not finishing as high as you should, I suppose. It came up in a discussion - someone said they thought the media would get on Pardew's back for finishing 8th or 9th, and that it'd be painted as a failure. I disagreed, citing the fact that we are objectively about the 8th best team in the league, and promptly got a right seeing to

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