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Papiss Cissé

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As long as Evans gets just the same I'm not that arsed. I understand that gobbing on someone isn't going to do any physical harm but it can't really be compared to a bad tackle, it's a repugnant act regardless of context and he was always going to be made an example of. They had to go way ott because they can't afford to see spitting creeping into their cash-cow league.


If Evans gets away with it though....:lol:

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Evans will get off, 100%.


Evans has been charged too, they would only charge if they feel he has done something


Can't believe he had the stones to say he didn't do it when it's been caught on camera, the silly shit

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They had to charge him as he's blatantly hockling on Cisse in the footage. I wouldn;t be suprised if they go with his bullshit that he 'didn't mean to' though. Nice lad, doesn't do that sort of thing, he was meant to tell Cisse to get up and accidentally starting spitting all over him or something.

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They fucked up by caving in and reducing Matic's ban, players get sent off for retaliating often and every time that will be brought up. I doubt we'll see them do it again, it's like it was a one-off special gift to Mourinho.

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It's a weird one. I'm completely opposed to the idea of banning players tbh, I think it's pointless in most circumstances.


Pointless? It's a punishment.

I suppose what I'm saying is it's a shit form of punishment, in most case anyway.


Would you advocate getting rid of suspensions altogether, in favour of (presumably) bigger fines?

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