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Thinking about how improved our twitter account has been recently reminded me that it used to be a SportsDirect advert vehicle posting shit like the tweet below on a daily basis




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Louise's Championship preview in the Guardian describes Nigel Pearson as "in many people's eyes, the real architect of Leicester City's title win"


The woman is barking mad.


:lol: Yet no one will say Pardew is the reason we're in this mess.

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Louise's Championship preview in the Guardian describes Nigel Pearson as "in many people's eyes, the real architect of Leicester City's title win"


The woman is barking mad.


Are you seriously suggesting a non-British PFM was responsible for Leicester City's teamwork winning the league last season, Wullie?


Have a word.

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Louise's Championship preview in the Guardian describes Nigel Pearson as "in many people's eyes, the real architect of Leicester City's title win"


The woman is barking mad.


She doesn't have a clue :lol: I still laugh at her comment about our defence in the Man City game last year :lol:

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Few observers had expected Benítez to stick around at St James’ Park once Newcastle were relegated but the former Liverpool, Chelsea and Real Madrid manager had fallen in love with the club and the city and is already plotting Tyneside’s eventual return to European competition.


No one is plotting that :lol:

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Just got round to watching this, love videos like this. Makes everyone in our squad seem really likeable (even Colback and Shelvey don't seem too bad), hope Mbabu isn't a perma-crock seems a funny lad.


Special mention to Mitro, Mbemba and Jesus :aww:

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Louise's Championship preview in the Guardian describes Nigel Pearson as "in many people's eyes, the real architect of Leicester City's title win"


The woman is barking mad.


Jesus Lord. Imagine actually publishing that.

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