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Crystal Palace manager


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I think he'll walk away from here with his head high and his reputation relatively unharmed. He'll claim it's an impossible club to manage, he couldn't buy his own players, the supporters expectations are unrealistic, he might even stick the knife in Ashley a bit. The southern press will lap it up and as soon as the sacking season begins he'll be at Palace, or West Ham etc even maybe England.


It sounds unbelievable with what we know, but I'm afraid it wouldn't surprise me at all.

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The longer he hangs on the less chance there is of a stupid club like QPR giving him the job on big money.


The idiot could have walked away and gotten a job in the PL before this summer. He's dug himself into a career hole he'll never get out of - maybe thats why he's trying to cling on to the last payoff.

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I wanted Martinez 18 months ago and hearing his patter about the Europa League just now makes me resent Pardew even more!


This is it like, everyone hates Ashley but I don't know how dim you'd have to be to genuinely believe that the football wouldn't improve with a boss who has a perma-positive attitude to the game, there'll be plenty out there waiting for their chance.


Another point I'd make is Stuart Pearce at Forest is suddenly doing a fantastic job. Wouldn't have wanted him here but sometimes a manager is just perfect for a particular club. Pardew couldn't possibly be less of a fit for NUFC.

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“This situation at the moment is almost like mass hysteria,” he said. “It’s really gone to a level which makes it really difficult for players to perform in. I am hoping we can turn that around.


“I still think I’m the right person to do that, but I don’t think our fans agree with that. They did a poll [in the Newcastle Chronicle on Thursday and 98 per cent of them don’t want me. That’s up seven per cent from the last one.


“I have been hurt this week. For me, it really is about, what can I do then? Well, I’m under contract at this football club and therefore I have to make sure I do the best possible job I can do under the circumstances.


“It has been suggested that I don’t care about this position, and that I’ve got this long contract and that I’m going through the motions - nothing could be further from the truth.”


Hysteria! Cheeky fucking cunt.

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