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Steve Brute


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Steve, if you're reading this - well done on learning to read, now fuck off


He's computer illiterate. He previously boasted about not knowing how to send an email, as if that made him a more proper manager than these flash cunts with modems and tactics.

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He's on course to keep us up, he's done nothing to be sacked for under Ashley's NUFC.


Depends on whether you look at the points, or whether you factor in form and chance creation. No way do we stop up if he sees the season out, today has proven there aren't 3 worse teams than us.


I think we're more likely to stay up than go down. There's an 8 point gap between us and 18th and we've shown earlier in the season that we can get wins. I'm not saying we're not utter shite, we are, but think they'll stick with Bruce and we'll probably stay up, and they'll be happy.


And I wouldn't be confident they would attract a manager that will increase our chance of staying up.

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He knows he’s utter wank at this level. Just waiting for his pay off. This may well be his last PL job.


He doesn’t give a rats arse about this club, or any other club he’s managed. He thought he’d go out and earn his stripes and the Man Utd job would come calling.


It never did and he’s not really given a shit about his work ever since.


Football management is such a weird industry where blatant goons can earn such large sums of money. Entertainment (music, movies) is the only other gig to rival it.

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Is he going to be allowed to cause further damage,because thats all he,s acheiving,call it improvement if you like bruce bacause at this point your making yourself look like a fukin imbecile.get to fook out

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