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Coronavirus in football


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Then the year after they'll sell the naming rights to the highest bidder, same thing they did with their shirt sponsorship,


Yep. Exactly what will happen.

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Didn't they say social distancing would last all year in the briefing today?

That's watching matches fucked


Well, they more or less said it stays in place (to varying degrees) until there’s a vaccine sorted, which they estimated at a year+. Having said that, you’ve basically got every lab rat in the world working on it, so you’d hope it would be sooner.

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It was a comment from the medical guy rather than a decision of any kind.


That’s true. Although they do constantly claim to be being “guided by the science”. That’s until they decide it’s costing too much presumably.

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Bundesliga to return on May 9th

Good stuff. Hopefully once one major league has done it, the rest will follow....

When each individual country is ready. We are so far behind Germany it would be laughable if not so serious.
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