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Various: N-O has lost the plot over potential end of Mike Ashley's tenure

Jinky Jim

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Keys is an attention seeker. He's said this as he knows it'll get him loads of attention. Ignore him.


It's impossible for our fans to do so apparently. They're as obsessed with him as he is with us. As soon as he tweets something, someone has to let us know about it.


Very weird.

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Never known anything football related to be so stone cold silent regardless of any NDAs....someone always leaks as people can't help themselves.


What's been heard over last few months..Masters saying things will take as long as they take, and various parties objecting in pure self interest??


So a few possibilities....

1) All parties have become massively professional and are adhering perfectly to the NDA

  1.1 - If true then no journalist or self promoter GC and SW know anything at all and their tidbits every now and then are to generate interest

  1.2 - Too much interest in this from all involved (us included) for a decision either way not to be announced by someone


2) The PL has suddenly developed a conscience* (as we all know, that's about as likely as Hell freezing over)

  2.1 The PL wants the money but doesn't want to look bad

  2.2 The PL wants the money, but still wants to look like it's tough on piracy (in order to get more money)


3) Nothing is actually happening at present

    3.1 Possible given that Staveley is currently being hauled over the coals/insulted by Barclays in court

    3.2  This is a tiny investment for PIF and more than likely not one of their priorities

    3.3 PL have more pressing issues to deal with (long shot, but they do still have finite resources, and can only deal with so much at a time)


4) Waiting on Lawyers and Law firms

    4.1 Seems feasible. Ever tried buying a house through a solicitor? Never understood how it can take a month to write a 4 line letter, but they manage

  it, and charge thousands for the privilege even when there's no complex investigation


5) PL don't want this to happen

    5.1 Can see why most PL teams would object

    5.2 PL are so invested with keeping status quo the same to protect immediate revenue. A successful Newcastle might take a couple of years to

        generate they income they currently get from the 'big' clubs, and they don't want to see a hit in the accounts that might occur until kids from

        abroad want to wear a Newcastle shirt rather than a Liverpool one






So you say it's either/or, then?


Probably done by next week...?


It's on until someone who actually knows says it's not....and they aren't talking

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He's a not writer or journalist.


Well he is, because that's literally from his own website. :lol:


Irrespective, as a functioning adult who is promulgating information to the masses, the very least he should do is have a basic grasp of grammar. Unless he's comfortable with his slapstick writing detracting from the credibility (ha!) of his words.

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Would be rather ironic if this Tory Government force this through, allowing 100s of £millions worth of investment into Newcastle and the wider North East area.


Yeah Jezza and co would have blocked this without doubt. For once the north East may benefit from a Tory government.



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Would be rather ironic if this Tory Government force this through, allowing 100s of £millions worth of investment into Newcastle and the wider North East area.


Northern Powerhouse, levelling up, etc.


A Northumberland based Conservative MP did say the local Labour MPs should be hoping the takeover goes through purely for the investment it will bring to the area. It's a difficult political tightrope to walk as an MP having morals about where money comes from which will improve the lives and local area you serve.

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Would be rather ironic if this Tory Government force this through, allowing 100s of £millions worth of investment into Newcastle and the wider North East area.


Northern Powerhouse, levelling up, etc.


A Northumberland based Conservative MP did say the local Labour MPs should be hoping the takeover goes through purely for the investment it will bring to the area. It's a difficult political tightrope to walk as an MP having morals about where money comes from which will improve the lives and local area you serve.


MPs don't have morals where money is concerned...Labour/Tory whoever....if makes them look ok the money could come from Satan himself

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He's a not writer or journalist.


Well he is, because that's literally from his own website. :lol:


Irrespective, as a functioning adult who is promulgating information to the masses, the very least he should do is have a basic grasp of grammar. Unless he's comfortable with his slapstick writing detracting from the credibility (ha!) of his words.


He's not though - he's a sports presenter. He's a talking head who writes nonsense in a blog.

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Guest godzilla

He's a not writer or journalist.


Well he is, because that's literally from his own website. :lol:


Irrespective, as a functioning adult who is promulgating information to the masses, the very least he should do is have a basic grasp of grammar. Unless he's comfortable with his slapstick writing detracting from the credibility (ha!) of his words.


He's not though - he's a sports presenter. He's a talking head who writes nonsense in a blog.


Mind you can say that for a lot of journalists also as we well know

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Hes a gobshite when hes slagging us off. He doesnt suddenly become someone worth listening to because he says something potentially positive.


Hes guessing.

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Guest godzilla

Hes a gobshite when hes slagging us off. He doesnt suddenly become someone worth listening to because he says something potentially positive.


Hes guessing.


Well we will soon find out anyway

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He's a not writer or journalist.


Well he is, because that's literally from his own website. :lol:


Irrespective, as a functioning adult who is promulgating information to the masses, the very least he should do is have a basic grasp of grammar. Unless he's comfortable with his slapstick writing detracting from the credibility (ha!) of his words.


He's not though - he's a sports presenter. He's a talking head who writes nonsense in a blog.


Mind you can say that for a lot of journalists also as we well know


Many of these journalists and writers are aboslute helmets themselves but Keys is a fucking tub of vomit who can barely string a sentence together.

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Guest godzilla

He's a not writer or journalist.


Well he is, because that's literally from his own website. :lol:


Irrespective, as a functioning adult who is promulgating information to the masses, the very least he should do is have a basic grasp of grammar. Unless he's comfortable with his slapstick writing detracting from the credibility (ha!) of his words.


He's not though - he's a sports presenter. He's a talking head who writes nonsense in a blog.


Mind you can say that for a lot of journalists also as we well know


Many of these journalists and writers are aboslute helmets themselves but Keys is a f***ing tub of vomit who can barely string a sentence together.


As I said above we will find out on Friday anyway, not saying he is right either

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Things I am not going to miss when this is finally approved or turned down:


1. "Cans" :anguish:

2. Every journo who honest to fuck knows next to little or practically fuck all teasing everyone like they know shit

3. That Geordie fucking Dentist who's credible only because he lives in the Middle East somehow

4. Kashogi's bird

5. All the cringe Saudi/UK Twitter love-in

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