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1 hour ago, Groundhog63 said:

I'm assuming it's her promo company that's booked and set the dates? 

They're 2 different kind of acts but, considering Fender's is already sold out, won't matter one jot. 

I've never been to the SOL for a gig, or St. James for that matter, but I've never heard one person who has been to the former say it's anything other than horrific 



Does seem weird that the Pink management team / promoter would think that it makes sense to hold her shows on the same weekend that there's 100,000 punters who've already got tickets for a gig up the road.

Different kind of acts but some crossover in demographic, it's not like it's Steps vs Slipknot.


Am surprised the bizzies have given the thumbs up to policing four stadium gigs on the same weekend.


Am sure all the MLF's who refuse to go to Fender will go and see Pink, just to prove a point. Cut nose off to spite face is the mantra round there.



Edited by bobbydazzla

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50 minutes ago, Wandy said:


The ones that I know, and at work, are quiet as a mouse too. You can tell they are quietly seething though when the office is chirpy with all of the NUFC positivity. They are gagging for something to go wrong for us too, hence when we had the blip against Bournemouth a few weeks ago I had some texts from one of them regarding Howe "getting sacked hahaha". I have actually been easy on him for the last 5 years of their laughable existence but quickly shut him up.


It's unimaginable how bad they would have been if the two clubs' fortunes had been reversed over the last 5 years. The mouth on them would have been off the scale. 


I honestly don't know how I'd have coped and that's the truth! From that perspective I can understand the scale of the meltdown on Wearside and the fact that they've picked out human rights as their comfort blanket tbh. They've got nothing really. A middle of the road 2nd tier team, who, without wanting to sound arrogant here, are probably never going to get near us, the club that they set their benchmark against, in many of their lifetimes.


It must be completely soul destroying.

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57 minutes ago, Wandy said:


 I have actually been easy on him for the last 5 years of their laughable existence but quickly shut him up.


It's unimaginable how bad they would have been if the two clubs' fortunes had been reversed over the last 5 years. The mouth on them would have been off the scale. 


My experience is such. Wasn't interested enough to rub it in during the utter dominances of the 90s and Sir Bobby-Ashley era. Just seemed redundant. Like now would recognise a couple players at best.

Title challenges, entertainers, champions league, cup finals, beating Barcelona/Juventus, world transfer record broken felt like nothing compared to their finishing a couple points ahead of us in midtable playing rancid football in terms of gloating.

I kinda regretted not hammering them with weaponary 10x anything they'll ever have but am making the same mistake all over again.

They're lucky they so quickly become insignificant and that being in the second tier is generally seen as par for the course and not notworthy.

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42 minutes ago, Wallsendmag said:


I honestly don't know how I'd have coped and that's the truth! From that perspective I can understand the scale of the meltdown on Wearside and the fact that they've picked out human rights as their comfort blanket tbh. They've got nothing really. A middle of the road 2nd tier team, who, without wanting to sound arrogant here, are probably never going to get near us, the club that they set their benchmark against, in many of their lifetimes.


It must be completely soul destroying.


Yeah if it had been them hitting the jackpot and us in the shit then I would have been mortified. And it was pretty terrifying when it looked like they were going to be rich with the Dell takeover. So for that reason I don't blame them for losing interest or even thinking of walking away from football if we become an elite club.


What I cannot stand about them though is the OTT personal stuff....scum, vermin, murderers, horse punchers etc. And using a few individual idiots in our fanbase to fit their warped narrative. Like you say though, it's just a comfort blanket.

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15 hours ago, Wolfcastle said:


My experience is such. Wasn't interested enough to rub it in during the utter dominances of the 90s and Sir Bobby-Ashley era. Just seemed redundant. Like now would recognise a couple players at best.

Title challenges, entertainers, champions league, cup finals, beating Barcelona/Juventus, world transfer record broken felt like nothing compared to their finishing a couple points ahead of us in midtable playing rancid football in terms of gloating.

I kinda regretted not hammering them with weaponary 10x anything they'll ever have but am making the same mistake all over again.

They're lucky they so quickly become insignificant and that being in the second tier is generally seen as par for the course and not notworthy.


Same here. I let them off with so much shit in the 90s and then kind of wished I'd given them more grief when they were doing well under Reidy and giving it the whole "2-1 FTM Top Dogs" shit of the early 2000s. But they again turned to shit, we soared again under Bobby and yet I still couldn't be bothered to grief them. Then we had the Ashley years and the six-in-a-row, the relegation in 2016 and once again they milked it for all it was worth. Now we have seen them be an utter shambles for the last 6 seasons and we've now shaken off Ashley, with a dazzling future possibly in store, with them going nowhere....and I still cant be arsed to properly take the piss. It's easy to see why though. Going excessively out of the way to mock them would just make us small time, like them.


So it really is best to just ignore them. And, ironically, that actually gets them wound up a lot more than any pisstaking ever could. It's much better to be hated than ignored.





Edited by Wandy

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55 minutes ago, Wandy said:

Now we have seen them be an utter shambles for the last 6 seasons and we've now shaken off Ashley, with a dazzling future possibly in store, with them going nowhere....


Funny thing is, they still turn this into a positive for them and a negative for us, at least in their own heads anyway. 


I used to read comments from them feel inclined to reply with genuine facts, sensible arguments, now it doesn't cross my mind.  It's now just, 'ahh they're comforting themselves again'. 



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3 hours ago, Whitley mag said:

When’s the anniversary of the SunDELLand takeover, you know the one they we’re all wanking themselves silly about having the richest owner in football ?


Argh aye his cronies offered them a high interest loan instead ?

That was magnificent. Someone on there whose name escapes me had them all excited. They were drawing graphs up to show how rich Michael Dell was compared to everyone else (something they’ve criticised us for) and then as you say, it turned out to be a loan. Amazing.

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3 hours ago, Danh1 said:

That was magnificent. Someone on there whose name escapes me had them all excited. They were drawing graphs up to show how rich Michael Dell was compared to everyone else (something they’ve criticised us for) and then as you say, it turned out to be a loan. Amazing.

Would love an appropriate page number and link for this particular thread if anybody feels such way inclined 

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Again first look for ages on our thread. The fewm goes on and on. Clear as day exile has made up that Newcastle twitter account, the sad knackers they really are . Give it up you fannies, you have years of this , why waste ya life worrying about us ???

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13 minutes ago, GWN said:

Again first look for ages on our thread. The fewm goes on and on. Clear as day exile has made up that Newcastle twitter account, the sad knackers they really are . Give it up you fannies, you have years of this , why waste ya life worrying about us ???

And the knackers expect Eddie Howe to come out and criticise his employers on national tv, just like any other employee of a Saudi/Chinese/etc etc company would of course. They really are lacking in brain cell quantity. It’s just the same old crap every day. The ones that make me laugh the most are all the ones that type FTM at the end of any shit point they attempt to make ? even better are the ones with FTM in their user name. 

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10 hours ago, Danh1 said:

That was magnificent. Someone on there whose name escapes me had them all excited. They were drawing graphs up to show how rich Michael Dell was compared to everyone else (something they’ve criticised us for) and then as you say, it turned out to be a loan. Amazing.

It's happened a few times, they thought Wijnaldum was going there and Cisse. Then you can actually see the moments of realisation as the dreams turn to shit within the space of 1 page.

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17 minutes ago, madras said:

It's happened a few times, they thought Wijnaldum was going there and Cisse. Then you can actually see the moments of realisation as the dreams turn to shit within the space of 1 page.


That Wijnaldum 1 was great as they were delighted he looked like signing for them and was the greatest midfielder of all time but then it came about he was actually coming to us and you can actually pinpoint the moment on there when they realise he's coming to us. Over the course of a couple of pages, he went from the greatest midfielder ever, to absolute shite. It was brilliant viewing.


Matt Ritchie being another. When we were first linked with him they were laughing at us for thinking we were signing him. I remember the quote on there. It went " The mags think Ritchie is signing for them, I shit you not [emoji38] ". Then as it became clear he actually was, he was fucking shite and obviously just going for money as he was dropping from the Premier league to the championship".



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28 minutes ago, Scoot said:


That Wijnaldum 1 was great as they were delighted he looked like signing for them and was the greatest midfielder of all time but then it came about he was actually coming to us and you can actually pinpoint the moment on there when they realise he's coming to us. Over the course of a couple of pages, he went from the greatest midfielder ever, to absolute shite. It was brilliant viewing.


Matt Ritchie being another. When we were first linked with him they were laughing at us for thinking we were signing him. I remember the quote on there. It went " The mags think Ritchie is signing for them, I shit you not [emoji38] ". Then as it became clear he actually was, he was fucking shite and obviously just going for money as he was dropping from the Premier league to the championship".



Yeah, I’m going to need links.

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My favourite was some of them on there claiming that £12m for Trippier was a bad deal for us. I'd hate to be a Mackem on there with common sense, it must be a constant battle. 



Edited by Kid Icarus

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2 minutes ago, Kid Icarus said:

My favourite was some of them on there claiming that £12m for Trippier was a bad deal for us. I'd hate to be a Mackem on there with common sense, it must be a constant battle. 





They paid more than that for Ndong. Imagine having him as a record transfer man. I know we had Owen for yonks as ours but that's a different level.

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