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Still not worthy of a thread


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The top 4 race - as in the story/narrative (cos that's what people mean when they talk about the 'top 4 race') - has been boring as fuck because there's only three characters in it and the story has been butchered by a tedious sub-plot about how rubbish Man Utd are. 

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“when I put to him that we were all responding at the start of the pandemic to images from Bergamo of hospitals overwhelmed by gasping, dying patients, he replies: “Some of those were actors, by the way.” Really?


According to him, ventilators caused harm to patients; PCR tests were entirely responsible for elevating a flu bug into a pandemic; masks a sign not of precaution but of weak compliance. “If you think otherwise, you haven’t really done your research without wishing to sound rude,” he says. He claims to have read many scientific papers, including those which were “suppressed”.


“PCR tests were the biggest fraud ever perpetrated on mankind,” Le Tissier adds. And he is only just getting started.”


Oh dear, the line between significant mental health issues and deep conspiracist thinking is incredibly thin. He’s evidencing some major paranoia there and it’s only getting worse. Once these people start on this track they never seem to come back from it 

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2 hours ago, Wullie said:


Absolutely off his rocker.

Hopefully those goals against us will get quietly removed from featuring in any retro footage. Bloke has absolutely gone, doubt he’s coming back either. 

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4 hours ago, Wullie said:


Absolutely off his rocker.


At face value absolutely hilarious. 


I'm left pretty sad and a tad worried if I give it more than a seconds thought though.


I think we're really coming to a high water mark in terms of cognitive dissonance that should be seen as an epidemic, these people are NOT WELL. I'll make no bones about it.


Globalisation, advances in technology and the never ending march of neo-liberalism has combined with 50 years of 0 political education and critical thinking on a nation wide level. God knows where its gonna end up but it'll probably be violent.


I remember coming back to work in a restaurant in Central London after the very first lockdown, and 2 middle aged women from either Kent or Essex (one of the backwaters) stopped for drinks, and immediately told me they didn't believe in all "that stuff" completely unprompted like and said they had been doing lateral flow tests on frogs in the back garden the night before ?


Lost a little bit of hope that shift.




Edited by Comegetasample

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42 minutes ago, The Prophet said:

The whole Ronaldo-Messi tribalism business is outright weird. Similar vibes to Depp's culty following on display at the moment.


Depp/Messi vs Ronaldo/Herd?

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5 hours ago, Holloway said:

How did the owner of CSKA get it into his napper that Alan Pardew was the answer to their problems ?

Are they trying to outdo WBA ??

‘Listen Bogdan (licks lips), I got us to 5th that year. We wuz playing some great stuff, trust me. And that wuz despite the Notting Hill Carnival and science against me’ 

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Le Tissier has always been a bit out of his mind. You have just got to look at his views on Soccer Saturday to know that he doesn’t see things the way most people do.

He could always have been this way and likely has been. It’s just in recent years people have been given a global even on which to express their conspiracy views, and that’s magnified with social media.


There is no reason to suggest that this is down to cognitive/mental degeneration, instead of just an outstanding case of general paranoia and the mistaken belief that Doctor Dr Man on Reddit spouting shit to fit his agenda is legitimate research.

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