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Lad on a team I played for did something like that, no curl but straight into the top corner from about 20 yards out. About as little pressure as that bloke had as well, even the lad who scored was trying to work out just what the fuck he had done :lol:

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You'll get people missing 10-15 minutes of games on a regular basis for absolutely nothing.


I mean, the rule doesn't exist yet. The complexities would need to be fleshed out so that wouldn't happen. Most likely having different classifications, cynical & dangerous being sin-bin, persistent fouling just being a yeller. That kind of thing. No need whatsoever so sensationalise this proposal imo. There have been far shittier suggestions out of that twat's mouth.

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I suppose video replays and reviews etc would have to come into play too like. It wouldn't be feasible otherwise imo.


Anyway I'd rather it was just left as it is, purely out of tradition more than anything else. And I'm not really that bothered about a player being allowed 1 dirty foul a game.

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Until referees across the continent are capable of being far more accurate in their decisions I would steer clear of this. It would have far too much impact on the game for my liking. A license to cheat. I don't mean more competent refs necessarily, I just think we're at a stage where the ref's job is harder than it's ever been. Unless they have support from extensive use of replays I just think this idea is a recipe for disaster.

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