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So they have told the club that they are taking 200 concealable banners into SJP. They do realise that everyone is going to be searched now don't they?

Even if it were logistically possible, on what basis would they search everyone? In case there's a rogue banner out there with swearing on it? Howay man.

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So they have told the club that they are taking 200 concealable banners into SJP. They do realise that everyone is going to be searched now don't they?

Even if it were logistically possible, on what basis would they search everyone? In case there's a rogue banner out there with swearing on it? Howay man.

And surely as long the banners are of the same type as on display at Southampton, they can't surely confiscate them, Britain is a democratic country, we are allowed to protest in a peaceful manner.

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So they have told the club that they are taking 200 concealable banners into SJP. They do realise that everyone is going to be searched now don't they?


They don't have the manpower to stop and search 50000 people


You also couldn't stop 50,000 mobbing and injuring/mortally wounding/killing anyone in an enclosed space (stadium). Couldn't put them all in prison, couldn't even get them through the court system as it's not designed to cope with it.


That's to the extreme, but well-organized large groups of people are what bring down governments, just imagine if everyone was like-minded and well lead what they could achieve with a football club. It doesn't need to be violent, but the most important thing is to stand together and to unite the uneducated and the educated (re: Ashley/Pardew) - that's what the next stage needs to be, one voice.

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Well done to Slim and co like, helping the cause.


Seconded. :)

..and thirded, BG - these guys appear to be doing a great job and this sort of thing will be just what Ashley DOESN'T want. He wants everything to die down after a few days so he can go back to doing the only thing he cares about which is making money via S----s D----t, preferably using NUFC as a tool to do so.

The spotlight starting to focus on the circus that is NUFC under his control is going to show up all his failings big time and that's the last thing he wants.

The MSM from London are quite happy to let things die down again, especially SKY and Murdoch's rags for obvious reasons so these type of un-ignorable protests are going to keep the pot boiling.

As for the theory that people want to support the team so we don't get 'cut adrift' at the foot of the table, well, that is going to happen anyway under Pardew.

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Where would the club stand if:


They acknowledge the banners being brought in (and therefore acknoweldge the protests that will go on)

Pardew gets dogs abuse (worse than Cardiff)

Pardew walks claiming position is untenable and he can't work in these conditions

Pardew sues club for constructive dismissal citing that they were aware of the potential atmosphere and did nothing to prevent it?


Personally I can see this happening, and the case being thrown out based on Pardew contributing to the atmosphere through previous actions. Win win for us all

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Where would the club stand if:


They acknowledge the banners being brought in (and therefore acknoweldge the protests that will go on)

Pardew gets dogs abuse (worse than Cardiff)

Pardew walks claiming position is untenable and he can't work in these conditions

Pardew sues club for constructive dismissal citing that they were aware of the potential atmosphere and did nothing to prevent it?

Personally I can see this happening, and the case being thrown out based on Pardew contributing to the atmosphere through previous actions. Win win for us all


Divvnt care about Pardew and I divvnt care about Ashley.  Let it happen.  :lol: :lol:

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Just catching up with this "Hope" banner being donated to them.

Didn't Santoon say "you'll never know how we got it up there" and was it hanging from a VIP area?

I am clinging to the hope that some big names are behind all this. I had a dream last night that whoever it was bought the club and made Keegan Chairman.

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Where would the club stand if:


They acknowledge the banners being brought in (and therefore acknoweldge the protests that will go on)

Pardew gets dogs abuse (worse than Cardiff)

Pardew walks claiming position is untenable and he can't work in these conditions

Pardew sues club for constructive dismissal citing that they were aware of the potential atmosphere and did nothing to prevent it?

Personally I can see this happening, and the case being thrown out based on Pardew contributing to the atmosphere through previous actions. Win win for us all


Divvnt care about Pardew and I divvnt care about Ashley.  Let it happen.  :lol: :lol:


So he would be claiming constructive dismissal because of fan reaction? That's an entirely normal part of a managers job. Guess he could claim he should have been fired earlier to prevent him going through it, but I can't see that being a strong case in court.

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I'm not able to get online often enough before the weekend to follow what's going on with this, but I'll be at the game in the leazes corner (L2C)


Could someone possibly private message me with the protest details, or details of where to get those banners or whatever - when the info becomes available?  I'll get an email with a PM so I'll be able to see it easily. 




Hate to quote myself, but I doubt I'll be online again so I'd love someone to help me out with this :thup:

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Loving Kasper's gif posted on SackPardew.com's FB page :thup:


Couldn't help but note the watermark in the bottom right corner. Is the mask of anonymity slipping? :lol:


It will if you keep trying to pull the mask off. :lol: Let them stay anonymous until you get Pardew sacked at least. Anonymity is always best in these situations.

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This will all end badly. Same as when the press and the supporters turned against Sir Bob.


I know the protests are on a different scale here. But the result will be the same.




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For those who oppose protesting during the match; if now isn't the time then when is? We are rock bottom after 4 abject games (again) under our shambolic manager. He has forced our best player out of the club also.


The reality is that if he stays on we will get relegated, so a loss this weekend- protest or no protest- won't make a difference. Certainly not for now.


If he is kept on, we might as go down standing up for the true Newcastle United. That's what being a proper fan is about, protecting your clubs identity and future against corrupt, poisonous mercenaries like the current regime- none of this utter bile about 'yeah, but I just want to enjoy the match and back the lads'. The players hate him as well, an excuse for another disjointed, hapless display will suit them down to the ground. Pardew is running this team into the dirt.


Absolutely fantastic idea by sackpardew.com, btw! :thup: This club has been crying out for something like this for absolutely years (back to Shepherd's time), and there is no better scumbag to unleash this backlog of action and seething fury. Let's chase this wanker out of our club, our city. Fuck him. Fuck Ashley. This weekend is all about Newcastle United and the people that this club belongs to.

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For those who oppose protesting during the match; if now isn't the time then when is? We are rock bottom after 4 abject games (again) under our shambolic manager. He has forced our best player out of the club also.


The reality is that if he stays on we will get relegated, so a loss this weekend- protest or no protest- won't make a difference. Certainly not for now.


If he is kept on, we might as go down standing up for the true Newcastle United. That's what being a proper fan is about, protecting your clubs identity and future against corrupt, poisonous mercenaries like the current regime- none of this utter bile about 'yeah, but I just want to enjoy the match and back the lads'. The players hate him as well, an excuse for another disjointed, hapless display will suit them down to the ground. Pardew is running this team into the dirt.


Absolutely fantastic idea by sackpardew.com, btw! :thup: This club has been crying out for something like this for absolutely years (back to Shepherd's time), and there is no better scumbag to unleash this backlog of action and seething fury. Let's chase this wanker out of our club, our city. Fuck him. Fuck Ashley. This weekend is all about Newcastle United and the people that this club belongs to.


Wish people would quit trotting out this line like it's fact. Where is it coming from? Playing like crap does not automatically equate to them hating their manager.



/otherwise, top post. O0

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