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Other clubs' transfers

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They should just put a poll out on Twitter to ask them who to sign next and then do a vote for which player they’re going to sell next. They could be a whole new media product, A Reality Football Club

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1 hour ago, Ben said:

Do Man U not need a central midfielders ? they keep getting linked with wingers and number 10s but probably have the worst two center mids in the top 10, its almost as though they are just winging it.


Tbf they did try to get Frenkie De Jong. Seems they didn't have any viable back-up targets identified though.

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24 minutes ago, Unbelievable said:

CL tbh

Yeh probably.


I feel as if the likes of Roma are able to attract a higher calibre of player than us. The have more recent and bigger history of European football but I think if we cold at least match them for Europa football, we could compete for the same level of player.

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14 minutes ago, pubteam said:

Man U are now a total basket case of a club, Chelsea now in for de jong. How the mighty have fallen.


They have to be the most underperforming club in the world, nobody puts themselves out but all take massive coin, a season in the Championship would sort them out.

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