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Steve Brute


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Those fucking quotes man. So many things pissed me off readin that.


"We went to Wolves who have been seventh twice and we got a respectable draw.


"We have played well against Burnley and West Ham too - so let's not all dive into the negativity.


:lol: how fucking small time is that


A respectable draw? Respectable? :lol:


Got absolutely twatted all over the park and spawned a point late on - respectable. Fuck me, he's trying to re-write history. There was nothing respectable about the Wolves game whatsover, he's bullshitting like an Olympian.

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My stepdad used to work with his brother, still keeps in contact with him.


Apparently he knows his time is limited, and he’s a beaten man. He’s basically hoping for a good run of form from nowhere to save him long term.

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My stepdad used to work with his brother, still keeps in contact with him.

Apparently he knows his time is limited, and he’s a beaten man. He’s basically hoping for a good run of form from nowhere to save him long term.

If he had any intelligence, he'd realise that he's safe, as there will easily be three worse teams this season.

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My stepdad used to work with his brother, still keeps in contact with him.


Apparently he knows his time is limited, and he’s a beaten man. He’s basically hoping for a good run of form from nowhere to save him long term.


His time isn't limited though. He's simply following Ashley's remit of keeping us out of the bottom 3. As long as we are 17th or above he's in no real danger.

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‘Against Bournemouth (last season) away we played a 4-2-3-1 - that is my preferred way of playing but I do believe if I played that way against the big teams we'd get turned over’



Ah the teachings and beliefs of Steven Bruce - If we play the way I want to play then we’d get beaten.


Good job he plays a different way against the ‘big teams’ so we dont get turned over [emoji23]


Have we even played 4-2-3-1 this season? I mean he shit the bed after the Man Utd game and went 5 at the back but can’t remember that definitive shape at all.



Why the fuck has he highlighted a game from last season as his preferred way of playing??  [emoji38]

Presumably because that was literally the only bearable performance the entire season [emoji38]
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My stepdad used to work with his brother, still keeps in contact with him.


Apparently he knows his time is limited, and he’s a beaten man. He’s basically hoping for a good run of form from nowhere to save him long term.


Is this real contact or the type of contact you were in with Staveley though?  :lol:

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At this point it's virtually impossible to want the team to win while he's in there.


Would love to see the pressure get cranked further and see what nonsense he comes out with if Palace manage to wallop us tomorrow.

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Man remember the blissful times of actually wanting to see press conferences when Rafa spoke. Those were the days.

Actually might start to enjoy the press conferences again now if the journos keep asking him difficult questions and watch him squirm.

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Man remember the blissful times of actually wanting to see press conferences when Rafa spoke. Those were the days.


Absolutely this. I use to wait through all the usual sky sports waffle bollocks just for when they cut to "we can speak to Rafa now"


He was so good to listen to. Always talked sense.

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Remember his expert coaching team, working constantly to solve problems and get us playing better?


Man...miss those days


Imagine being a Brewcie ‘yes man’ on a coaching team. The two twats currently next to him look like they don’t have a fucking clue.

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He couldn’t give a bollocks about turning it around, he’ll get paid anywhere between 3 and 6 million to get sacked, all he has to do is turn up and give the turgid sound bites each week to keep the charade going that he’s actually trying. Ashley won’t want to pay that so it’s a game of chicken right now.. who blinks first.


He’ll get another job eventually, perhaps not as high profile but most certainly it will be at a club above his level.

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he'll never get another premier league job after this.


No but he can adequately top up his pension with a few jobs in the champo. Whine the myth remains that he’s a good manager, some sucker will have him on a shortlist

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