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Steve Brute


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said the same thing in a interview on nufc tv and didnt seem to be joking


I watched that too. He was definitely fucking joking man. Smiling the whole time he says it. It’s just a bit of shit banter with the interviewer. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Overreactions are one of the foundations of this forum though.

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it all boils down to his willingness to come and work for ashley at this current time. especially in the manner it came about.  people cant be surprised that hes going to be hounded about it. he isnt helping himself at all though and those in the give him a chance camp will be fed up soon enough too. the bloke is a fat gobshite just like his boss

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If it was isolated it wouldn’t be but it’s like many of the messages the club put out - cynical and repeated. The bloke has talked about being a Geordie as if it means a damn the moment he arrived and hadn’t stopped.


Because like it or not, it does mean something to a lot of fans (especially older generations). It’s literally the only card he’s got to play coming into the job after Rafa. Of course he’s going to play that card. And there’s nothing really wrong with playing that card if it helps unite some of the fan base.


But hey, as you know, I’m very much in the give him a chance camp. I know he shouldn’t be here, I know he’s never shown anything to suggest he is capable of managing us... but he’s here now and what’s the fucking point in whinging at everything he says...it’s not going to change anything. Just give him 10-15 games...see how he gets on. You never know...we might actually do well. Stranger things have happened in football.


I’m still angry about the whole Rafa situation and the lack of takeover. But I’m trying to remain positive... because ultimately life’s too short to be so negative all the time. It really is.

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I can respect that just as you’ll have to respect people can’t just turn anger off either. Does it cloud their judgement? Sometimes. I for one will never just accept the situation because it’s easier. Life’s also too important to fund exploitative wankers. Lots of fans go for the right reasons and I for one won’t knock people who go or dictate how they spend their time or money. But to be objective. Bruce plays that card without qualification - he’s open to be scrutinised. He has his chance whether I like it or not. He wouldn’t get carte Blanche in any other walk of life and these people get handsomely for it. Even if he’s lowest paid.

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I’ve also no problem with your opinion btw. The situation as is  however - they’ve got justification to whinge. Say Bruce does well as Pardew did? Does he push like Rafa? Or does he toe the line? You can enjoy the moment and switch it off and good for you - plenty can’t. I will find it very bizarre if the likely happens after people pay their money and expect their gripes to be taken seriously. Sad as that is, we all know who’s fault it is.

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Are you sure you guys aren’t massively overreacting to those comments? If you watch him saying them in his press conference it’s clearly a joke and the press are laughing along with it.


Course they are. They're pandering to him in the hope he'll give them stories.


Come on man. Cynical for the sake of being cynical.

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My Dad was born in Durham but as I've never lived in the area I don't get as passionate as many of you. I like to think that makes me slightly more objective but even I think he needs to shut up about it ..... Just makes him seem really small time  :lol:


Just say you're now a manager 1st and fan 2nd or something.

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It’s an absolute shitshow this. I’m gutted how this has all turned out.


Ashley has done an absolute number on us and loads are still buying season tickets and singing Bruce’s name. Steve. Bruce.


It's just depressing.


There is literally nothing Ashley could do that will lead to the majority of fans trying to get their club back. Nothing.


No matter how spiteful/awful/incompetent/antagonistic huge numbers of fans will not only continue to give him money, but will perform mental gymnastics and actually pretty much approve of his actions.


"I wanna see what Bruce is about so will give him time..."


Fucking punchbags.

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Think I hate him more than Pardew.


Nah, it'll never get that bad imo.



IIRC you’re not from up here but my reasons are entirely based him on being a local bloke just like he appropriates himself being my equivalent.


I hated Pardew, as much as anyone, absolutely fucking despised him but he had no investment in the club or city, he was getting paid to do a job way above his station and was forever grateful. There was no alleged emotional attachment. That makes it way easier for what he did and whilst I don’t agree with anything he did it’s somewhat understandable he was happy to go along with it, particularly given his narcissism.


Bruce is doing the same role but he proclaims to be a fan, a man of the city, a man of the region. He’s working for a bloke and praising him for running all three into the ground, it’s absolutely shameless. He knows this and he knows what he’s doing, we’ve seen all his quotes about this kind of thing before. He has as much respect for himself as I have for him. He is a patsy hungry for money and adoration. An embarrassment. But more importantly an embarrassment to my club, my city, my region that’s he claims to be part of. That hurts more than someone outside for me.


(And yes I know he’s a symptom not the main problem)


God, I hate what a shit show this club has become and what it stands for (yes, there are sparks of good occasionally). It kills me. It’s tiresome. It’s not what being a supporter is about. I want to be proud of my club, my city. One affects the other and one has little to be proud of at the moment. 

Tremendous, this.

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Guest neesy111

Think I hate him more than Pardew.


Nah, it'll never get that bad imo.



IIRC you’re not from up here but my reasons are entirely based him on being a local bloke just like he appropriates himself being my equivalent.


I hated Pardew, as much as anyone, absolutely fucking despised him but he had no investment in the club or city, he was getting paid to do a job way above his station and was forever grateful. There was no alleged emotional attachment. That makes it way easier for what he did and whilst I don’t agree with anything he did it’s somewhat understandable he was happy to go along with it, particularly given his narcissism.


Bruce is doing the same role but he proclaims to be a fan, a man of the city, a man of the region. He’s working for a bloke and praising him for running all three into the ground, it’s absolutely shameless. He knows this and he knows what he’s doing, we’ve seen all his quotes about this kind of thing before. He has as much respect for himself as I have for him. He is a patsy hungry for money and adoration. An embarrassment. But more importantly an embarrassment to my club, my city, my region that’s he claims to be part of. That hurts more than someone outside for me.


(And yes I know he’s a symptom not the main problem)


God, I hate what a shit show this club has become and what it stands for (yes, there are sparks of good occasionally). It kills me. It’s tiresome. It’s not what being a supporter is about. I want to be proud of my club, my city. One affects the other and one has little to be proud of at the moment. 


Spot on.

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Guest neesy111

Bruce has walked out of clubs 3 times before the season starts now, the way he's treated Sheffield Wednesday after they give him a month off before joining is nothing short of disgusting..  The bloke is a patsy, a charlatan and is no newcastle fan in my eyes and is only bothered about the bank of Steve Bruce.


Never mind he's a shite football manager to boot, as the mackems will testify.

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Guest Krafthwerk

If Steve Bruce is a geordie, then people from Peterlee are smoggies. The blokes nowt but a fuckin' cabbage headed snake.



(There...... thats better)

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said the same thing in a interview on nufc tv and didnt seem to be joking


I watched that too. He was definitely fucking joking man. Smiling the whole time he says it. It’s just a bit of shit banter with the interviewer. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Overreactions are one of the foundations of this forum though.



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Think I hate him more than Pardew.


Nah, it'll never get that bad imo.



IIRC you’re not from up here but my reasons are entirely based him on being a local bloke just like he appropriates himself being my equivalent.


I hated Pardew, as much as anyone, absolutely f***ing despised him but he had no investment in the club or city, he was getting paid to do a job way above his station and was forever grateful. There was no alleged emotional attachment. That makes it way easier for what he did and whilst I don’t agree with anything he did it’s somewhat understandable he was happy to go along with it, particularly given his narcissism.


Bruce is doing the same role but he proclaims to be a fan, a man of the city, a man of the region. He’s working for a bloke and praising him for running all three into the ground, it’s absolutely shameless. He knows this and he knows what he’s doing, we’ve seen all his quotes about this kind of thing before. He has as much respect for himself as I have for him. He is a patsy hungry for money and adoration. An embarrassment. But more importantly an embarrassment to my club, my city, my region that’s he claims to be part of. That hurts more than someone outside for me.


(And yes I know he’s a symptom not the main problem)


God, I hate what a s*** show this club has become and what it stands for (yes, there are sparks of good occasionally). It kills me. It’s tiresome. It’s not what being a supporter is about. I want to be proud of my club, my city. One affects the other and one has little to be proud of at the moment. 

Tremendous, this.


Class that! Exactly why he's worse than Pardew by a mile! That's before you add in him being a snake, a mackem and a shit manager

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said the same thing in a interview on nufc tv and didnt seem to be joking


I watched that too. He was definitely fucking joking man. Smiling the whole time he says it. It’s just a bit of shit banter with the interviewer. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Overreactions are one of the foundations of this forum though.




Perfect example.

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said the same thing in a interview on nufc tv and didnt seem to be joking


I watched that too. He was definitely fucking joking man. Smiling the whole time he says it. It’s just a bit of shit banter with the interviewer. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Overreactions are one of the foundations of this forum though.




Perfect example.


Get tae fuck is it.  I hope you die.

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said the same thing in a interview on nufc tv and didnt seem to be joking


I watched that too. He was definitely fucking joking man. Smiling the whole time he says it. It’s just a bit of shit banter with the interviewer. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Overreactions are one of the foundations of this forum though.




Perfect example.

All Puppets love each other


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said the same thing in a interview on nufc tv and didnt seem to be joking


I watched that too. He was definitely fucking joking man. Smiling the whole time he says it. It’s just a bit of shit banter with the interviewer. Nothing more. Nothing less.


Overreactions are one of the foundations of this forum though.




Perfect example.


Get tae fuck is it.  I hope you die.



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