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Allan Saint-Maximin (now playing for Al-Ahli)


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5 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

In terms of squad building I'm not sure it makes sense, if anything Maxi becomes a better squad member the less we need to rely on him. 


That's the biggest shame for me, I can see him becoming a really useful weapon next season. Optimism bias maybe. 


I totally get you; we were saying this time last year that if we bought a class RW, Maxi would really come into his own. Likewise this summer, with even more talent being added, surely now we'll truly unlock Maxi...


... then you remind yourself he's always injured anyway. And that's the kicker. 

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Guest reefatoon
4 minutes ago, The Butcher said:

Who will take the #10? Gordon if Tonali gets 8? Barnes #11?

We won’t be taking the 11 off Ritchie 

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2 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

In terms of squad building I'm not sure it makes sense

Getting a forward who is fit and scores, plus we get the FFP under controll to get a player or two in on top of that. 

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Just now, AyeDubbleYoo said:


I mean, fair enough his fitness hasn't been great. 


On the other hand, he could easily have had 10 assists last season if anyone in our team could finish. 


One thing I will look forward to is this debate being over :lol: Don't think it will stop until he's gone. 

Yeah, fair enough.  If him going means we can bring in 2-3 players to start/challenge for a starting place i think it is good business


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52 minutes ago, gdm said:

Just my opinion if our wingers are Barnes and Gordon it’s by far the weakest front 3 in top 5 of 6.

A fit scoring assisting Barnes is better over the season than a not so fit/ off form Maxi. I think in a Howe team Barnes will do even better. I get what you’re saying about top 5 teams but the sum total of our parts under Howe tend to over perform as he’s proven to eventually get better out of them. I would be excited to see under Howe what Barnes brings to the squad. If Maxi does go, I don’t think Barnes will be the only signing. Thus strengthening us further.

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Just now, simonsays said:

Yeah, fair enough.  If him going means we can bring in 2-3 players to start/challenge for a starting place i think it is good business



If that's a requirement then of course, I just assume most of our FFP chatter is bluff. We spent over £50m on our first signing.


But, I obviously don't actually know. 

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Word from a senior member of the non-playing staff was that Maxi isn't a great trainer compared to the rest of the squad.

He grafts less and can't wait to play 5 a side, cos he's amazing at it and no-one can get the ball off him.


From what we saw last season he's working harder in games and there's definitely been less pissing and moaning amateur dramatics when something doesn't go his way, but for me he still stands out as a player who doesn't click with the system.


He's flamboyant and a bit of an enigma, which seems at odds with what Howe wants from his players, so I can see why he'd be peddled.



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21 minutes ago, AyeDubbleYoo said:

In terms of squad building I'm not sure it makes sense, if anything Maxi becomes a better squad member the less we need to rely on him. 


That's the biggest shame for me, I can see him becoming a really useful weapon next season. Optimism bias maybe. 


Tbf, I'm sure Howe would be reluctant to sell most of our players from last season, ASM and Miggy played vital roles in getting us to the CL, especially Almiron. The only reason we are having to consider it is because we can't buy upgrades without selling due to FFP. Otherwise who wouldn't want a Maxi or a Miggy available on the bench or even starting some games?


But would you want to keep them if it meant we can't buy players who can take us up a level?



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2 minutes ago, astraguy said:

if we don't get over 50m this is awful, Barnes wont have the same impact asm could in huge games 


Based on what?  I can count on one hand the games Maxi had an impact on last season.

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I'm behind this if we get barnes and a right sided attacker.


If it's just Maxi for Barnes that is a huge dissapointment, even if the latter might fit Howes system better. Every team needs a maverick that can create something from nothing.

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Just now, toontownman said:

I'm behind this if we get barnes and a right sided attacker.


If it's just Maxi for Barnes that is a huge dissapointment, even if the latter might fit Howes system better. Every team needs a maverick that can create something from nothing.


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44 minutes ago, Shays Given Tim Flowers said:


Watch ASM v Man City (H) and tell me he's not worth the money. 


Okay, let me drop to your level. Watch his goal scoring numbers for last season and tell me he's worth £50 mill. If you blame injuries, well injuries is part of the reason as to why he's not worth that much.



Edited by Erikse

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If Isak stays fit, which is a risk in itself, then he brings the alternative skillset we lack against certain sides. 


While I think it's the right time to sell him, I feel sad that he's off to Saudi in his prime. He could be doing his thing in Europe for a while yet.

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Aye lets have a maverick with a poor injury record, relatively little G/A output than someone with proven Premier League production but doesn't have a nice step over.

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Just now, Shadow Puppets said:




ASM is an expensive person to keep on the bench too and probably wouldn't be a great person around the squad if he was consistently benched.


Always hard losing a player with enormous potential. Maybe it's too much a gamble not to cash in now. Another season like the last and his price plummets again? 

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If we were selling him to a club in Spain or Italy we wouldn’t be getting much more than £30 million for him if we were lucky, unless there was a player coming the other way and we were over inflating both players fees for short term FFP.


If he is going to Saudi then it will be a question of how much we can realistically sell him for without the complaints flying in.

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ASM is best on the counter imo and we'll be playing that way a fair bit in the champions league, I would imagine. Also think that being too predictable was an issue at points last season and having someone like Maxi offers something that is hard to replace. 


Makes sense from a financial perspective (I'm taking that as read from people wiser than me) but not from a football perspective to me. 



Edited by TheHoob

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