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Important point but I'm seeing something quite disgusting in this and other threads relating to the takeover.


Can people PLEASE stop putting an apostrophe in "Saudis" when talking about multiple Saudi people?


"Saudi's", with an apostrophe, indicates something belongs to a single person or entity called Saudi, for example "This is Saudi's pen", where the pen belongs to Saudi. Writing "We're being taken over by Saudi's" is nonsensical and offensive to my eyes.




Yup, this is the biggest issue we’ve got going on right now.



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I tend to agree, the highly charged emotions about the morality of this take over will always simmer under the surface, both sides of the fence have strong opinions and neither are wrong except in the eye of the other. We all love NUFC, that at least we can agree on, I just want to love my team again, look forward to Saturdays again and hopefully European nights midweek too in the not to distant future. I'm tired of fighting this club, Ashley is gone, it's been a long and arduous fight and it's taken a lot out of us all, I either accept it for what it is or I walk away for good because it's not healthy.


I won't be coming back in this thread because it's been done to death, no one comes out of here a winner. Am I a hypocrite? Maybe, am I an enabler? Probably, am I an NUFC fan that just wants to see a successful team and region? Definitely.


I love this forum, I respect a lot of posters opinions on here, I don't think I've ever seen it as split as it is on this subject. I hope we can all find joy in an Ashley-less NUFC together, it would be a shame to lose anyone else.


Brilliant post, sums up my feelings perfectly. :thup:


I am arguing with good posters here, at the end of the day I know my own mind, and I'm sure they know theirs. I can respect that.

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I might be able to go to the odd game again, but I doubt I'll ever feel the same. It's not this situation specifically really, it's just the PL becoming a competition for who has the best billionaire, rather than a sport. 




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