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We had 3 cats and they would always be wandering around the pub we lived in. One night one of the regulars who lived right next to the pub car park picked up my cat who was having a walk along the bar and threw him forcibly against the door frame.


He was permanently barred out and I then spent the next 10 years using his car as a goal. Used to take absolutely immense pleasure whenever he'd get a new motor, I'd have it dented to fuck within 10 minutes. Makes me fucking rage even just thinking about him now.

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14 hours ago, number37 said:

Yeah, perhaps I'm a wee bit strong in my comparison - I am from Ashington, after all! I think it's the expanse of the county where there's miles and miles of fields and hills and then all of a sudden a town/village that maybe doesn't quite fit the scenery. 





Used to get the bus to Durham that would go through Sedgefield then through all the back-of-beyond villages on the way. I was always very amused for some reason by Town Kelloe and the fact that it's distinct from Kelloe, which it's right next to, and it's like two houses and a bus stop.

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13 hours ago, BlueStar said:


Fucking disgusting behaviour. What is the punishment for animal abuse in the UK? 

Hope he gets done, gets a ban from the FA and West Ham sack him. Disgusting piece of shit. 

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19 hours ago, Ben said:




No great shock. This is the same man who 'jokingly' threatened to slap a female reporter and made out like vaccine rights were the same as LGBTQ. 



3 hours ago, OoOGazOoO said:

Just been going through some old stuff and came across this! Some proper memories this brings back!!



Love this kit. Keep trying to find one with VIana 45 on the back to celebrate the 'what might have been king'. 

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52 minutes ago, Big Geordie said:

Champions League nights. :thup:


Tuesday night reminded me a bit of the good old days. a proper game under the lights, there's nothing better!


and it was fucking brilliant to see all of the pubs and restaurants absolutely packed, people smiling and just generally having a great time. it really is magical what this club can do.

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3 minutes ago, HUGZ said:


Tuesday night reminded me a bit of the good old days. a proper game under the lights, there's nothing better!


and it was fucking brilliant to see all of the pubs and restaurants absolutely packed, people smiling and just generally having a great time. it really is magical what this club can do.


Agreed. My match going days are over for the time being (cost) but I can still remember the past and look forward to what may come in the future. :thup:

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